Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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Guys, it may not what you think. TPTB could fool you, make it look like Greg and Sara get in a fight. I don't think it got nothing to do about Sara marry Grissom. Next week, Sara and Grissom are marry now. Greg love her like a sister, Sara love him like a brother to her. Jorja said that in her interview 2 or 3 years ago.

I think Greg is hurt that Sara didn't trust him enough to tell him that she is marry to Grissom. I still can't picture Greg or Nick get in a fight with Sara. Catherine, yes, I do see between her and Sara get in a fight.
Well the writer's are officially on strike. I certainly hope that this doesn't last very long. I think it would be ooc for Sara and Greg to fight too, but you never know stranger things have happened.
ATTENTION, The discussion thread is up for the crossover CSI Lv / Without A trace episode Who and What, please read the notice at the top of that thread about the discussion. All discussion on this episode should go in there, as this is for future episodes.

Thank you. ;)
The video was nicely put together. The song had the perfect touch.

But I'll keep the rest of the comments to myself.
hahaha i thought it was another fanvid!
it would certainly be the first one without any CTV or watermarks all over it
That video, to me, feels like it's designed to pull an emotion out of people rather than as an extension of a personal feeling towards a character.

Also, it's very clear that they're pandering towards the GSR audience with this one. I'm a GSR fan, but I'm a Sara fan first, and would loved to have seen more of her with other people and in her other roles around the lab...

I know a lot of people were emotionally moved by it, but it felt cold to me... like a quickly thrown together fanvid void of actual emotion... I guess I'm weird. LOL.

But thanks for bringing it over here!
I disagree-I was surprised that CBS put this out...and it does draw a feeling of sadness out..but not just for no more Grissom and Sara (or does it?) No more of the humaness of Sara. Thanks for sharing the link-GSRF! SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Her remarks last night in CSCK just hurt...burn out anyone? Great revelations there!
Well anyway new spoiler, this ep airs after Sara's exit.
Hodges fans will like this one!!!

Episode 808 - You Kill Me

Hodges stages hypothetical murders in the lab so his colleagues can play CSI; Grissom's team members reach out to him after Sara's departure.

Airs: 22nd November 2007

Now we have the complete order, spoilers for 808 were not released until now.
So that is our MIA episode huh?
Oh our Thanksgiving eppy! Cool! Figures they would have a lighthearted one for that day. Hodges sure is getting the screen time now, isn't he.

That video did feel like a fan video to me completely. I only saw what looked like 2-3 actual new looking scenes in it.
Thanks for the spoiler Wojo.

Although I wonder how things will turn out, I'am happy they give Hodges the attention he deserves. I really enjoy his character and I hope they will keep his funny side !
Thanks for that Wojo. It could be an interesting episode, I like the sound of it. :)

And it means that Cockroaches and Life's a Bitch will air consecutively, as it appeared.
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