Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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desertwind said:
evidence_never_lies said:
Sara making an appearance would be a huge surprise for episode 12! I can't see it happening myself seeing as she didn't leave too long ago!

She left 98 days ago, courtesy of idahomom and it's part of the heart of CSI is splintered with her gone..the show is drab and in a blue mode :( can't wait to see her again we luv ya' Sara ;)

Nah, I agree with Purejoylove on this one. Despite the number of days viewers have lived through without Sara, that doesn't necessarily mean that the show has gone through the same number, if even close. And as much as I want Sara back -- which is a lot --, being realistic, it is much too soon for her to come back. I don't expect her back until the end of next season, or next next season. Otherwise, the drama over her leaving will mean barely anything, and a longer time frame allows for a more surprised, stronger reaction to occur from both the cast and viewers.
That's just what I think.

But can't wait for April to roll around! :D
I think episode 12 is a little early for Sara to be back, but I agree with desertwind.

It seems so long to me since she's been on CSI, even though it's only been three episodes. Those three episodes have been the hardest for me to get through since I miss her. :(
Found this on
Head writers for 'CSI,' 'Two and a Half Men' to swap jobs

Feb 20, 2008, 01:59 PM | by Lynette Rice

Categories: TV Biz

Though they're busy making up for lost time because of the writers' strike, CSI exec producer Carol Mendelsohn and Two And A Half Men creator/EP Chuck Lorre will swap duties and write episodes of each other's shows to air on CBS in May. "God help us all!" says Lorre, who expects to shoot his episode of CSI in late March while Mendelsohn's Men will likely tape in April (however, the actors won't be crossing over with them). "Obviously, they'll have an element to them that is out of the ordinary," says Lorre. "It's a little unnerving stepping out into uncharted territory, but that's what is fun about it." Lorre won't say what he has in store for Gil Grissom and Co., but he does reveal that Mendelsohn is planning a murder on Men (don't even think about touching a hair on Holland Taylor's head!) Just be safe, both showrunners will review each other's work before the installments air. Cracks Lorre, "The script pages will be printed in special ink and you'll need special glasses to read them."
Link to article
omg spoilers!!! *squee* no, i am kidding...i am not that girly...

I hope that eppy is a comical one, i love the comical ones...

I agree with Sara not returning so soon...most of the season has been about her, we need a break from the OMGDRAMA!!11!!!
I'm so happy we are getting more episodes and spoilers are starting to come out again :)

Ep 13 looks to be interesting, and I agree that it's a bit early for Sara to come back, as much as I wish she did..
Hmmmm tres interesant! this swapping intrigues me so *crosses fingers for a funny ep* Sometimes I like a break from the seriousness. Is there any reasons why these two shows in particular tho?
thankyou :) apparently Sara is coming back, Jorja has been given some time off atm which is why her character has been written out for the mean time.
How cool would it be if when she came back, her & grissom got married? :D
On the OMG DRAMA, of Sara's character they've all had drama on the show :confused:and probably this will continue in the next new episodes!

Nick got buried alive!
Cath got drugged and mugged, and woke up in a seedy motel, her daughter got kidnapped, and her dad got shot!
Brass got shot!
Greg got beat up!
Warrick got caught up in the world of drugs!
Sara got kidnapped!
Grissom got a broken heart!

They've all had their share of drama.. and yes, all Sara fans are waiting for her return! ;)
CSIGloryGirl said: Jorja has been given some time off atm which is why her character has been written out for the mean time.
Actually Jorja didn't take time off, she decided not to return except apparent for a guest shot, she wanted to do other things. As stated in the article here on CSI Files.
desertwind said: Greg got beat up!
You forgot to add "blown up" as well or however you would like to phrase it.

Now all this GSR talk hmm been a while but I seem to remember this on page/post one of this thread. Shipper/ships discussions:
The only time any ship discussion is allowed in here is when it pertains to said ep, ship or scene, should the ep not contain a ship moment then it does not belong in this thread or forum, but rather in the "Shipper Central" forum.

Now while its a good bet that when Jorja/Sara returns it will involve GSR I haven't heard anything on an episode that mentions this, only the happy fans speculating on it. So until there is a spoiler with regard to an ep about GSR [or any ship] lets stay on track. Thank you. ;)
I got the impression that there were more moles than just in the lab. And probably a few of them, too. But I agree. I hope that Lou Gedda comes back for an ep or two. I like re-occuring characters.
I'm wondering if Nick is going to get to lead an episode. Gees, this damn writers' strike screw everything up.

Oh back to spoilers, so hopefully they will have enough time to add that in.
He did get blown up Destiny, your right, and Nick got stalked, & Cath with the Eddie incident, where Grissom threw him out of the lab, many drama's, I was just naming a few.. I'm sure they'll come up with more drama as the season gets back to square one, April 3rd..right?
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