Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

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Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

The only people who worry about not spending every moment together are love struck teenagers with no grasp of reality.

From what I can tell from the spoilers I have is that they seem to be dealing fairly well with their new working arrangements but that doesn't mean it hasn't been hard for them to get used to. Especially when something happens and they are reminded of how things used to be. Nothing I have seen even comes close to implying they are acting like " Love Sick Teenagers" or are worried about not spending every moment together.

Now it appears Danny may not be working in the lab any longer and if the first two episode spoilers are any indication they will now be working every damn case together so they can shoehorn in some DL.

Where did you get your info from? Because that is not what I am seeing. In the info I have for the first two episodes, there is one scene with them working together and one scene where they actually speak to each other. Hardly taking over the show or "working every case together" is it? :rolleyes:

Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

The first two episodes having DL moments included in the spoilers to me indicates it's going to be a long season. Could I be wrong? Of course. That's why it's called speculation.

To me having to indicate how they're coping with not being together every damn day at work (where they also worked very closely in proximity every damn day) is ridiculous. Most normal couples do it without an issue but for DL it has to be addressed. I think it's juvenille, but then I think their whole relationship has been juvenille from the get go.

What I'm really curious about is how they deal with Mac being out of the lab for only one episode. If it defies logic (ie., is not due to a leave of absence or other temporary situation being set up ahead of time) I'll be in the corner with La_Guera and the bourbon.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

Yeah, hopefully it'll be something besides them always being together. Despite liking the ship, I spent a lot of eps last season wondering when they'd actually work with other characters for a change. I don't think, personally, that ships are any good if the characters can't still develop on their own. Both Danny and Lindsay need some solo development.

PS I'm not being judgemental, just curious...why do you think it's been juvenile? Too much flirting in the lab? To keep mostly on topic, that I could do without, just because it's hard to buy it, it's not suitable for a work environment. I know it's TV, but it doesn't have to be totally unrealistic. Hopefully they're better with it this season, but we'll see.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

To me having to indicate how they're coping with not being together every damn day at work (where they also worked very closely in proximity every damn day) is ridiculous. Most normal couples do it without an issue but for DL it has to be addressed. I think it's juvenille, but then I think their whole relationship has been juvenille from the get go.

Danny and Lindsay are a couple that met through work and have worked together in close proximity for the last 5 years. Suddenly circumstances change and they have to learn to adjust. Its a huge change for them as a couple and as individuals as well. Do you think it's going to be easy for Danny to adjust to no longer working at the lab? He mentioned having concerns in the finale about taking the job, because it would take him away from the lab, the team and Lindsay. And didn't Lindsay answer his concerns with " We will cross that bridge when we come to it"? Is it really that much of a surprise that TPTB are possibly going to revisit some of the concerns he had to see how he and Lindsay are dealing with them?
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

To me having to indicate how they're coping with not being together every damn day at work (where they also worked very closely in proximity every damn day) is ridiculous. Most normal couples do it without an issue but for DL it has to be addressed. I think it's juvenille, but then I think their whole relationship has been juvenille from the get go.

Danny and Lindsay are a couple that met through work and have worked together in close proximity for the last 5 years. Suddenly circumstances change and they have to learn to adjust. Its a huge change for them as a couple and as individuals as well. Do you think it's going to be easy for Danny to adjust to no longer working at the lab? He mentioned having concerns in the finale about taking the job, because it would take him away from the lab, the team and Lindsay. And didn't Lindsay answer his concerns with " We will cross that bridge when we come to it"? Is it really that much of a surprise that TPTB are possibly going to revisit some of the concerns he had to see how he and Lindsay are dealing with them?

Is it a surprise? No. Do I think it's stupid that they have to address the fact that he will no longer be working with his wife, with whom he lives and sees every damn day anyway? Yes. If they address how being promoted and having a new job and new responsibilities affects Danny then I have no problem with it. If they take a minute to explain that Danny, Lindsay and Lucy are adjusting to a new schedule and new financial situation because of the promotion, that's OK. If they spend too much time on how it affects DL separation anxiety and happy Messer Family fun times then I have a problem with it. And I especially have a problem with it if they've said the promotion will take them away from each other and they end up working all the same cases together or they have to shoehorn in personal DL scenes all the damn time.

To me, that's part of what's so juvenille about DL. They never handle anything like they're two mature adults in a relationship. But that doesn't surprise me either since TPTB's idea of "maturing" Danny was to have him knock up the chick at work who he screwed from time to time and then give them a shot gun wedding to show how "in love" and "grown up" he's become.

To me having to have two specificly DL moments to show everyone that ZOMG!They aren't together all the time but they're still teh soul mates! in the first two epidoses is an indication the season DL wise is not going to be any better than DL has ever been, which IMO means it will suck big donkey balls. And again, I have no idea how the season will go DL wise, but I'm speculating based on spoilers for the first two episodes.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I'm curious about the scene with Jo and Tyler about his roommate. My guess is something is going to happen to his roommate... be it the roommate being a victim or suspect... but I definitely think something is going to happen there. I don't know why else they'd have a discussion about the roommate.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I agree with Faylinn that it would be interesting to have Tyler's roommate end up being his significant other, but this is CBS we're talking about so the chances of that happening are about eleventy billion to one.

He's either a dead man or a psychopath. :lol:

ETA: Here's a TwitPic from Hill:

Getting a lil' dirt touch-up from my amazing make-up artist @relamartine late last night on set of #CSINY


This makes me even more excited for the premiere!
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Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I was just worried that cause he isn't with the NYPD anymore, that this means he will get less and less screen time. The new episode does sound like a great episode to kick start the new season, i'm looking forward to it:D :thumbsup: and with the dramatic story line, it will give Gary a chance to show his great acting skills at giving Mac some emotion.
Yes, I too fear less screen time for Gary. We all know how busy he is with his other endeavors, so I worry he will make a quiet exit from NY.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

ETA: Here's a TwitPic from Hill:

Getting a lil' dirt touch-up from my amazing make-up artist @relamartine late last night on set of #CSINY

This makes me even more excited for the premiere!
So I'm guessing we'll get to see at least Mac, Sid and Hawkes' flashbacks to 9/11. I'm very interested to see how it all plays out. I have no doubt it'll be done well, but I'm curious to get a glimpse at the characters on that day - I hope we get to see everyone because they would each have a unique perspective of the events.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I agree with Faylinn that it would be interesting to have Tyler's roommate end up being his significant other, but this is CBS we're talking about so the chances of that happening are about eleventy billion to one.
Being that Tyler isn't a main character, they could go there with the storyline. If it was one of the main characters, then I'd say there'd be less of a chance. I agree that it would be interesting.

I wonder if we'll see Reed and Sam this season. From the way Adam talks about his father, it might be interesting to see him too... even if Adam's father sounds like he wasn't very nice to Adam when Adam was a child.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I agree with Faylinn that it would be interesting to have Tyler's roommate end up being his significant other, but this is CBS we're talking about so the chances of that happening are about eleventy billion to one.
Being that Tyler isn't a main character, they could go there with the storyline. If it was one of the main characters, then I'd say there'd be less of a chance. I agree that it would be interesting.
I should add, it would be interesting, but only if Jo is supportive. I don't know if I could handle seeing my queen being unsupportive of her son. :(

I'd like to see Sam and Reed again. It's probably less likely that we'll get to see many guest stars for budget reasons, but since this might be the last season, it would be great to see some of these characters one last time.
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

I agree with Faylinn that it would be interesting to have Tyler's roommate end up being his significant other, but this is CBS we're talking about so the chances of that happening are about eleventy billion to one.
Being that Tyler isn't a main character, they could go there with the storyline. If it was one of the main characters, then I'd say there'd be less of a chance. I agree that it would be interesting.
I should add, it would be interesting, but only if Jo is supportive. I don't know if I could handle seeing my queen being unsupportive of her son. :(

That goes for me too.

I'd like to see Sam and Reed again. It's probably less likely that we'll get to see many guest stars for budget reasons, but since this might be the last season, it would be great to see some of these characters one last time.

Maybe we'll be surprised. It would be very nice to get some continuity with those characters. I thought Flack's story line after Angell's death was a missed opportunity to get Sam back, especially since Flack turned to booze for "comfort."
Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New

Looks like Hawkes wasn't working in the morgue, no? His uniform in the morgue back in season 1 was dark blue. Maybe 2001 was still his ER days.

Sela tweet something about Jo!!! :D
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