714-"Smoke Gets in Your CSI's"
Well ladies and gentlemen for those who have missed our beloved Alexx....it looks like she is BACK! At least for this episode!!She is working as a doctor at Miami Dade memorial where the murder victim was a surgeon.
From what I can see a Dr. Graham Boyd is performing black market organ surgery. He gets people who need organs for a price. He needed to money to fund his drug habit...one of the reasons he lost a patient on the table and then lost his legitimate job; turns out he was trading antipsychotic drugs on the street for heroine. The team finds his body in a house that is in foreclosure....apparently used as a drug house.
So who killed the good doctor? his drug dealer? a patient? or a disgruntled lover?
When Ryan and Calleigh are in the attic someone shoots several bullets into the house breaking open the isnulation in the floor boards. Safely ducking for cover the two realize the house is on fire!! They barely make out with their lives but it seems Calleigh has inhaled too much of the insulation and is rushed to the hospital.
I've missed her so much.
But why does Calleigh inhale the insulation and not Ryan? I know that sounds awful, but since season 6 only bad things happen to Calleigh, Eric, and Horatio. They get all these story lines and it sounds like Ryan will get one. For one episode. UGH!
This will probably be a good episode for the carwashers though! :lol: Unless Eric pops out of nowhere and saves the day.![]()
HOLY CRAP!!!! I am so excited.
No poor Calleigh, so does that mean that Eric will do mouth to mouth....oh sorry, wishful thinking.:guffaw: