Question: I know I have no one to blame but myself for even watching this mess of a TV show, but CSI: Miami is like a freak car accident. You know you shouldn't watch, but you can't help but look, even though every bone in your body is telling you not to. But it has gotten so ludicrous I felt compelled to ask if the show had a budget cut which only allows for one wardrobe per show and requires that the show only be shot during daylight hours. Last Monday night's debacle of a show was absolutely ridiculous. The original crime took place in the morning in a retail store which we all know does not open till at least 10 am. That same day before 7 pm (because it was still light outside when the show ended), they interviewed four different suspects, ran fingerprints, ran DNA, investigated and solved another murder, processed an entire vehicle and had two flashbacks of fights between other characters that also happened that same day. All of the characters were still in the same clothes (all variations on pink and purple and completely wrinkle/dirt free even after processing crime scenes all day). Any person with a hint of knowledge of the judicial system knows it takes at least days if not weeks for DNA to come back and fingerprints don't automatically come up within the first five people they compare it to. How they can track down all these suspects (who just happen to be home when they come knocking), interview them, release them, get them back a second or even a third time all within the same day is preposterous. I guess there is no traffic in Miami, and it is only five miles in its radius. Another gripe is that if these people are all such gifted analysts, then why do they have to explain every single procedure they do to the next person who walks in the door? Is it forensics for dummies around there? I think after this farce of an episode I can finally say I am totally and overly done with this show. Now if only the rest of the 14 million plus others that watch would say the same thing, we may finally get some quality television to pair with the brilliant How I Met Your Mother on Monday nights. — Nanci W.
Matt Roush: If memory serves, last week's episode was a repeat, and I sure hope that wasn't the second time you put yourself through that torture. A little unreality check here: Even the best procedurals (well, maybe not Homicide: Life on the Street from back in the day) are basically crime-solving fantasies, compressing time and weeding out the more boring aspects of police/forensics work to give viewers an escapist experience with (usually) a tidy ending as each hour wraps. That's why the genre is such sure-fire comfort food for so many. With its mannered acting and hyper-stylized look, CSI: Miami is just more heightened than most, and is certainly fair game for ridicule, so thanks for entertaining me with your rant. This is the point where people tend to write in to say, "If you don't like it, then stop watching." Nanci seems to have finally reached that point. To which I say: Congratulations. May I suggest getting hooked on Chuck instead (which you can play back after recording earlier, if that works for you).