Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** Sneak a Peek!

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I miss Stetler too - after all, he's the guy who wants to see H go down in a big way - he's just so jealous of him for all H is and I know he's got a big job to do to keep the folks on the straight and narrow, but man, is he so transparent.

I disagree with this. I think Rick is a really complicated character who no longer has an attitude of jealousy toward Horatio. In season 6, he showed a great deal of concern for H's safety. He could have gloated about Horatio being extradited to Brazil, but he did just the opposite, and tried to prevent it from happening. In Cyber-lebrity, Chain Reaction, same thing: great concern for Horatio's safety, no sign of any ill will toward Horatio.

I want to see Horatio and Rick get along when Rick comes back.
Have we any word on Stetler coming back? I agree with you, HNStetler fan, Stetler is a great character, who is just doing his job. And he does have his nice moments, and show concern for Horatio. He will no doubt be around at some point.
GNRfan- I think you are right. Ryan with a son , although it might be cool, probably wont happen. We have just had the whole Kyle thing, and it would be way too similar. I like the idea of the nephew and Ryan becoming his guardian. After all this speculation, it will probably turn out to nothing!
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Have we any word on Stetler coming back? I agree with you, HNStetler fan, Stetler is a great character, who is just doing his job. And he does have his nice moments, and show concern for Horatio. He will no doubt be around at some point.
GNRfan- Ryan with a son thing, although it might be cool, probably wont happen. We have just had the whole Kyle thing, and it would be way too similar. I like the idea of the nephew and Ryan becoming his guardian.

Yes, Solitaire, Corey Miller, the supervising producer, said in an interview that he's going to try to have Rick Stetler back on this season. If you look to the right side of the screen here at Talk, you'll see "Interview with Corey Miller." You have to read it! I just love David Lee Smith so I'm crossing my fingers super hard that Stetler's back ASAP. I miss him!!!

About Ryan: I don't want it to be his son in that upcoming episode. I'd like Ryan involved in an action oriented plot or episode instead of something soapy. Too much of characters with kids will bog things down. I don't think it'll be his kid anyway either.
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Ahh, thanks for that. I've read that interview now- but isnt Corey Miller known for stretching the truth with these spoilers?
The Ryan thing- I hope it doesnt become too soapy. It seems less and less about the crimes these days. I did get some positive things from that Corey Miller thing though.
1) Where he said we can expect more interaction between the characters, more humour. Not sure about more conflict. But could this mean we will see more than 2 of them in a scene together. And it definitely needs more humour.
2)Natalia making a mistake- makes a change from Ryan. And gives her a story.
3) Horatio back in the lab more! Im glad they have acknowledged that it was ridiculous that a csi would do no processing whatsoever.
4) A storyline for Ryan-- very overdue
5) The return of Stetler, always good value

Things Im not sure about-
1)More of Julia. I find the whole story with her very tedious. I like Kyle, but I would be quite happy if Julia wasn't in it again
2) Horatio going darker. I think he is dark enough, I think the guy needs a bit of a break!
3) Dragging out the whole Cal and Eric thing. If they are going to put them together I wish they would do it already. Hints at a possible relationship every week are too much. Miller says they are taking 'baby steps' with the relationships. Speed it up, please!

Im confused about 'power trip' epi, he says that we will see Eric. Ryan and Cal being called in. But didn't Eva La Rue say in a n interview that we would see someone from Nats past in that montage. Or did she mean at a later date or something?

Sorry, this post was longer than I intended

Question: I know I have no one to blame but myself for even watching this mess of a TV show, but CSI: Miami is like a freak car accident. You know you shouldn't watch, but you can't help but look, even though every bone in your body is telling you not to. But it has gotten so ludicrous I felt compelled to ask if the show had a budget cut which only allows for one wardrobe per show and requires that the show only be shot during daylight hours. Last Monday night's debacle of a show was absolutely ridiculous. The original crime took place in the morning in a retail store which we all know does not open till at least 10 am. That same day before 7 pm (because it was still light outside when the show ended), they interviewed four different suspects, ran fingerprints, ran DNA, investigated and solved another murder, processed an entire vehicle and had two flashbacks of fights between other characters that also happened that same day. All of the characters were still in the same clothes (all variations on pink and purple and completely wrinkle/dirt free even after processing crime scenes all day). Any person with a hint of knowledge of the judicial system knows it takes at least days if not weeks for DNA to come back and fingerprints don't automatically come up within the first five people they compare it to. How they can track down all these suspects (who just happen to be home when they come knocking), interview them, release them, get them back a second or even a third time all within the same day is preposterous. I guess there is no traffic in Miami, and it is only five miles in its radius. Another gripe is that if these people are all such gifted analysts, then why do they have to explain every single procedure they do to the next person who walks in the door? Is it forensics for dummies around there? I think after this farce of an episode I can finally say I am totally and overly done with this show. Now if only the rest of the 14 million plus others that watch would say the same thing, we may finally get some quality television to pair with the brilliant How I Met Your Mother on Monday nights. — Nanci W.

Matt Roush:
If memory serves, last week's episode was a repeat, and I sure hope that wasn't the second time you put yourself through that torture. A little unreality check here: Even the best procedurals (well, maybe not Homicide: Life on the Street from back in the day) are basically crime-solving fantasies, compressing time and weeding out the more boring aspects of police/forensics work to give viewers an escapist experience with (usually) a tidy ending as each hour wraps. That's why the genre is such sure-fire comfort food for so many. With its mannered acting and hyper-stylized look, CSI: Miami is just more heightened than most, and is certainly fair game for ridicule, so thanks for entertaining me with your rant. This is the point where people tend to write in to say, "If you don't like it, then stop watching." Nanci seems to have finally reached that point. To which I say: Congratulations. May I suggest getting hooked on Chuck instead (which you can play back after recording earlier, if that works for you).
Well that person obviously doesn't watch the show that much anyway, so why cry and complain about it? And like the other person said, It would be really boring if they showed how long everything took in reality. Long rants like that irritate me.

And they explain all the procedures so WE know what they're doing! DUH!

Question: I know I have no one to blame but myself for even watching this mess of a TV show, but CSI: Miami is like a freak car accident. You know you shouldn't watch, but you can't help but look, even though every bone in your body is telling you not to. But it has gotten so ludicrous I felt compelled to ask if the show had a budget cut which only allows for one wardrobe per show and requires that the show only be shot during daylight hours. Last Monday night's debacle of a show was absolutely ridiculous. The original crime took place in the morning in a retail store which we all know does not open till at least 10 am. That same day before 7 pm (because it was still light outside when the show ended), they interviewed four different suspects, ran fingerprints, ran DNA, investigated and solved another murder, processed an entire vehicle and had two flashbacks of fights between other characters that also happened that same day. All of the characters were still in the same clothes (all variations on pink and purple and completely wrinkle/dirt free even after processing crime scenes all day). Any person with a hint of knowledge of the judicial system knows it takes at least days if not weeks for DNA to come back and fingerprints don't automatically come up within the first five people they compare it to. How they can track down all these suspects (who just happen to be home when they come knocking), interview them, release them, get them back a second or even a third time all within the same day is preposterous. I guess there is no traffic in Miami, and it is only five miles in its radius. Another gripe is that if these people are all such gifted analysts, then why do they have to explain every single procedure they do to the next person who walks in the door? Is it forensics for dummies around there? I think after this farce of an episode I can finally say I am totally and overly done with this show. Now if only the rest of the 14 million plus others that watch would say the same thing, we may finally get some quality television to pair with the brilliant How I Met Your Mother on Monday nights. — Nanci W.

Matt Roush: If memory serves, last week's episode was a repeat, and I sure hope that wasn't the second time you put yourself through that torture. A little unreality check here: Even the best procedurals (well, maybe not Homicide: Life on the Street from back in the day) are basically crime-solving fantasies, compressing time and weeding out the more boring aspects of police/forensics work to give viewers an escapist experience with (usually) a tidy ending as each hour wraps. That's why the genre is such sure-fire comfort food for so many. With its mannered acting and hyper-stylized look, CSI: Miami is just more heightened than most, and is certainly fair game for ridicule, so thanks for entertaining me with your rant. This is the point where people tend to write in to say, "If you don't like it, then stop watching." Nanci seems to have finally reached that point. To which I say: Congratulations. May I suggest getting hooked on Chuck instead (which you can play back after recording earlier, if that works for you).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you think it is that bad.....don't frickin watch and go get into another show. There are those of us, who while we think the show has changed and might not be as good as it once was, still watch b/c we LOVE the show. If you don't like it and never have, watching it every week and punishing yourself is not going to change your opinion so keep it to yourself, move on and let it go.

Man, I absolutely hate rants like that. Only b/c the person giving the rant already hates the show so if course the rant is going to be negative....if a huge fan of the show were to give a negative rant then I would understand b/c the rant would make sense and be on things that we all see all the time.

Question: I know I have no one to blame but myself for even watching this mess of a TV show, but CSI: Miami is like a freak car accident. You know you shouldn't watch, but you can't help but look, even though every bone in your body is telling you not to. But it has gotten so ludicrous I felt compelled to ask if the show had a budget cut which only allows for one wardrobe per show and requires that the show only be shot during daylight hours. Last Monday night's debacle of a show was absolutely ridiculous. The original crime took place in the morning in a retail store which we all know does not open till at least 10 am. That same day before 7 pm (because it was still light outside when the show ended), they interviewed four different suspects, ran fingerprints, ran DNA, investigated and solved another murder, processed an entire vehicle and had two flashbacks of fights between other characters that also happened that same day. All of the characters were still in the same clothes (all variations on pink and purple and completely wrinkle/dirt free even after processing crime scenes all day). Any person with a hint of knowledge of the judicial system knows it takes at least days if not weeks for DNA to come back and fingerprints don't automatically come up within the first five people they compare it to. How they can track down all these suspects (who just happen to be home when they come knocking), interview them, release them, get them back a second or even a third time all within the same day is preposterous. I guess there is no traffic in Miami, and it is only five miles in its radius. Another gripe is that if these people are all such gifted analysts, then why do they have to explain every single procedure they do to the next person who walks in the door? Is it forensics for dummies around there? I think after this farce of an episode I can finally say I am totally and overly done with this show. Now if only the rest of the 14 million plus others that watch would say the same thing, we may finally get some quality television to pair with the brilliant How I Met Your Mother on Monday nights. — Nanci W.

Matt Roush: If memory serves, last week's episode was a repeat, and I sure hope that wasn't the second time you put yourself through that torture. A little unreality check here: Even the best procedurals (well, maybe not Homicide: Life on the Street from back in the day) are basically crime-solving fantasies, compressing time and weeding out the more boring aspects of police/forensics work to give viewers an escapist experience with (usually) a tidy ending as each hour wraps. That's why the genre is such sure-fire comfort food for so many. With its mannered acting and hyper-stylized look, CSI: Miami is just more heightened than most, and is certainly fair game for ridicule, so thanks for entertaining me with your rant. This is the point where people tend to write in to say, "If you don't like it, then stop watching." Nanci seems to have finally reached that point. To which I say: Congratulations. May I suggest getting hooked on Chuck instead (which you can play back after recording earlier, if that works for you).

:guffaw:That person really doesn't sound like the brightest bulb in the box, huh? :lol: How can a one hour show actually show you the exact amount of time it takes to do all of those things IRL? That would be impossible. And the thing about having to explain the procedures. Duh! They aren't explaining it to other characters they are explaining it for the audience so that the audience knows what they are doing. For crying out loud! :lol: Has this person been living under a rock or something? Yeesh! And by the way, all tv shows have what they call DRAMATIC LICENSE which essentially means that they stretch the truth in the name of entertainment. And I disagree about HIMYM. It's okay, but it never really held my interest. I find most sitcoms these days to be lacking when compared to older sitcoms. They don't make 'em like they used to.
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First off, no Ryan/son thing - that would be a repeat of H/Kyle and steal the thunder from Horatio fans wanting to see the development of the father/son relationship. Ryan maybe with a relative thrown into having to care for the child giving him something more to talk to H about? Possible...

Rick Stetler - don't get me wrong, folks - I LOVE Stetler. My love of him is to hate him... he has to be the way he is in many aspects - even recently in "Stand Your Ground", he did his job in not taking Calleigh's word on her off duty behaviors. To me, there still is an underlying jealousy and desire to 'get ahead' by any means possible. If H and Rick have to get along, you take away the entire set of dynamics between the crime lab people and AIB (who are not liked as has been seen in real life and on plenty of other cop shows - that's just the nature of their job). There has been attempts to show respect and 'letting go' but something tells me it's not going to just disappear. I like seeing the lack of trust between H and Stetler. Keeps them on their toes!

People who post their dislike of CSI Miami - yes, folks are entitled to their opinions and yes, I giggle a bit with the speed with which crimes are solved because I have worked with DNA before - and it's not something you get a profile on within a few short moments. But, these folks post their opinions for one reason - to get fans riled up. I agree - if you don't like it, don't watch it. Don't post your foul opinions trying to make others feel you are some sort of martyr for watching. It's as bad as reading all the negative nonsense about Horatio Caine. Sorry - I GET David Caruso's acting style as far as H is concerned. Horatio's a deep character and I have posted at length on why and how I 'get it'. The show is for entertainment - even if it stretches reality a bit. Do you want to wait 3 weeks to find out if so in so is actually the killer because that's how long it takes to process fingerprints and maybe get a DNA profile? I think not!! One great thing with the show - you generally start with a new crime and it's solved by the end credits. I like that...

I'm SO HAPPY to see Horatio back in the lab - even if it's just short stints here and there - that's what I liked best about him - his smarts in the lab - how he can pick apart the details others might otherwise overlook and there's nothing more intriguing than seeing a CSI doing CSI work. I love him doing the cop thing wielding his Berretta or Sig Sauer, but there's something much more interesting when he's wielding pipets, glass beakers, and using all the fun toys in the lab.

The Julia/H thing - this definitely needs to be resolved - I'm not at all keen on Julia and H hooking up - one big reason - does he need another broken woman in his life? When does H get to be swept off his feet by a strong woman who most of all 'gets him through a complete understanding of his most inner workings - what makes him tick? He's a wounded soul who's suffered enough and he needs just the right lady by his side to be there when he's feeling weak - not another one with major issues. However, giving him a permanent relationship could steal his thunder in being the obsessive crime solver that he is. He's relied on his hurts to keep him focused on bringing justice to those who have been wronged, even if he bends the rules a little bit. I'd like to see Julia remain in the picture solely for Kyle's sake - I'd like to see Horatio be there for her but not romantically. She still nees to answer for her criminal activities!

CHEERS to the folks bringing us CSI Miami!!! Keep up the good work and forget the snarkers... there are those of us who love the show despite the periodic shortcomings we all might mention - we know it's a big story compressed into an hour show.
The Julia/H thing - this definitely needs to be resolved - I'm not at all keen on Julia and H hooking up - one big reason - does he need another broken woman in his life? When does H get to be swept off his feet by a strong woman who most of all 'gets him through a complete understanding of his most inner workings - what makes him tick?
This is exactly how I feel. Yelina has been the only woman who has challenged him and been strong around him. Marisol was nice, but she was a flake. I remember that scene where she tells H that she was interrogated and then says "It scared me." TPTB might have been trying to make her endearing, but to me it just came off pathetic.

I'd like to see Julia remain in the picture solely for Kyle's sake - I'd like to see Horatio be there for her but not romantically. She still nees to answer for her criminal activities!
I say just get rid of her. Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to be killed off (although only because it's an overused storyline.) Why not just send her to jail? I feel like the writers are afraid to give Horatio custody of Kyle. They probably feel like either:

A) Fans will lose interest in the relationship.
B) They will run out of storylines for him, because logically Horatio doesn't need to go out of his way to talk to Kyle, he just needs to go home.
C)They will feel like they have to have him on all the time.

All these are in my opinion wrong. I think it would strengthen the show to have Horatio actually have custody of a child. And it would solve that pesky Julia problem.
The Julia/H thing - this definitely needs to be resolved - I'm not at all keen on Julia and H hooking up - one big reason - does he need another broken woman in his life? When does H get to be swept off his feet by a strong woman who most of all 'gets him through a complete understanding of his most inner workings - what makes him tick?
This is exactly how I feel. Yelina has been the only woman who has challenged him and been strong around him. Marisol was nice, but she was a flake. I remember that scene where she tells H that she was interrogated and then says "It scared me." TPTB might have been trying to make her endearing, but to me it just came off pathetic.

I'd like to see Julia remain in the picture solely for Kyle's sake - I'd like to see Horatio be there for her but not romantically. She still nees to answer for her criminal activities!
I say just get rid of her. Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to be killed off (although only because it's an overused storyline.) Why not just send her to jail? I feel like the writers are afraid to give Horatio custody of Kyle. They probably feel like either:

A) Fans will lose interest in the relationship.
B) They will run out of storylines for him, because logically Horatio doesn't need to go out of his way to talk to Kyle, he just needs to go home.
C)They will feel like they have to have him on all the time.

All these are in my opinion wrong. I think it would strengthen the show to have Horatio actually have custody of a child. And it would solve that pesky Julia problem.

Well Corey Miller did say that they are trying to find ways to keep Kyle around without having him getting in trouble in order to do so. It would be a nice change b/c the only time we see him is when he is in trouble.

Personally, that whole H/Julia/Kyle storyline does not interest me at all. And Bombshell was the perfect example of how bad it is.
I say just get rid of her.
copy that. ;)

Catherine has Lindsay on Vegas & it isn't brought up every episode. If TPTB would steal a little from them they could figure out a way to still have H gain custody of Kyle. Really it doesn't seem that hard for them to do. Personally I think Julia is useless, even as a Mother - she just doesn't look like a parental figure to me. Even when she does have her moments with Kyle she comes off looking like a hot school teacher seducing her teenage pupil. No likey.
Rick Stetler - don't get me wrong, folks - I LOVE Stetler. My love of him is to hate him... he has to be the way he is in many aspects - even recently in "Stand Your Ground", he did his job in not taking Calleigh's word on her off duty behaviors. To me, there still is an underlying jealousy and desire to 'get ahead' by any means possible.

No. If you watch Ambush, which is the last episode Rick and Horatio had scenes together, you can see that this simply isn't the case. If he still wanted to "get ahead by any means," he wouldn't have rushed over *in person* to warn Horatio that he was going to be extradited to Brazil. He could have simply called. But, no, he rushed over there clearly upset about it. And then, when the Marshal's are preparing to take H away, and H and Calleigh are talking, you can see Rick in the background trying to communicate with the Marshal's and prevent H's departure. It becomes known that this is what he's doing when he rushes back to H and informs him that if he goes quietly he will waive his right to fight the extradition. *Rick does not want him to go.*

In Stand Your Ground, yes, he did his job. He didn't automatically believe Calleigh when she said the drinks weren't hers. He doesn't have that automatic trust that Horatio has for the team. He can't.

But when he was talking to H outside of the building in that episode, he was making an effort to listen to H, and even asked his opinion on the matter. But H just started accusing him of only thinking about the money, which really wasn't fair.

If H and Rick have to get along, you take away the entire set of dynamics between the crime lab people and AIB (who are not liked as has been seen in real life and on plenty of other cop shows - that's just the nature of their job). There has been attempts to show respect and 'letting go' but something tells me it's not going to just disappear. I like seeing the lack of trust between H and Stetler. Keeps them on their toes!

I don't think the lack of trust is going to just disappear overnight, but I don't think there needs to be extreme dislike on H's part towards Rick, just because that's how it's been in other cop shows. I think they can both respect each other without all the interesting tension completely disappearing. Both of these actors in a scene sure does make the scene come alive. I've never seen anything like it.
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to HnStetlerfan - you have to remember that Rick punched Yelina and Horatio isn't going to forget that. For one, at one time, Horatio was in love with Yelina. Another big reason - dive into Horatio's psyche - he himself is a child of abuse - so to trust Rick is treading on Horatio's damaged soul having had a childhood full of abuse - he hasn't found the ability to trust him and every time Rick shows up - it's always when Rick is called in to do his job, sure, but there's always going to be that underlying lack of trust both personally and professionally. I like the dynamics between them - the lack of trust and Horatio's always being short with Rick. It's tapping a very sensitive part of Horatio's mindset having been abused himself.

For Julia - I don't find her a useless character - I think her appearance is putting the screws to Horatio. Here, she shows up again after he finds out about a son he sired and she's a criminal doing criminal things and not setting a great example for Kyle - and the boy has spent his life in foster care that set him on a bad path - Horatio has had one thing constant on his mind - taking care of family (look at what he did for Susie and Madison - he took them under his wing because family is so important to him). Considering the circumstances, this is putting Horatio in a situation where he's been such a dedicated honorable play by the rules for the most part kind of cop and now he's got a son who's been in trouble and an ex-girlfriend who's made millions by swindling susceptible men. Does Horatio let that slide for sake of 'family' or does he stand firm to his badge? I like the dilemma quite honestly, but I would like to see resolution come about. Tossing in her having Bipolar Disorder - I don't know if I buy it since it was dropped into our laps out of the blue. And now with this added issue, does Horatio come to an understanding that her criminal activities are because she wasn't fully in control of her mind? OR, is she setting Horatio up for a big fall - and she has a lot of tools to utilize now - a son between them, the fact that there obviously is some fire still burning in his heart for her, and she knows how important family is to him. He said it before how the relationship was serious to him. Would he have married her had she not left him? Was she off her meds when she left him? Too many questions at this stage. I don't think Bombshell was a poor epi - in fact, I thought it was one of the best as far as getting Horatio to show some emotion and tap into what might really be a problem for him - staying loyal to his badge and having both a son and his ex as criminals. I thought the scene at the end showed a great deal of tenderness on H's part - something we haven't seen in a long time. Seeing him frustrated with evidence right under his nose - awesome... he's human and subject to the same pains we are. I think the writers and DC did a great job with this episode. My only gripe - why was the guy stealing her meds? Was he taking them to sell them? Was he hoping she'd go nuts?

With Kyle, I'd like to see Julia pay for her crimes and go to jail and Horatio to get custody. Kyle's of age to finish high school and get ready for college - showing Horatio taking up his fatherly banner would give him something to move forward to healing his own wounds. And folks - we need Horatio and Yelina - or a lady just like her - to come in and knock Horatio's socks off!!!
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to HnStetlerfan - you have to remember that Rick punched Yelina and Horatio isn't going to forget that. For one, at one time, Horatio was in love with Yelina. Another big reason - dive into Horatio's psyche - he himself is a child of abuse - so to trust Rick is treading on Horatio's damaged soul having had a childhood full of abuse - he hasn't found the ability to trust him and every time Rick shows up - it's always when Rick is called in to do his job, sure, but there's always going to be that underlying lack of trust both personally and professionally. I like the dynamics between them - the lack of trust and Horatio's always being short with Rick. It's tapping a very sensitive part of Horatio's mindset having been abused himself.

I think it will be a shame if there's always going to be a luck of trust and brusqueness from Horatio toward Rick. And it'll be very redundant, too.

We don't know for certain that Rick definitely hit Yelina. I hope he didn't. I want Horatio to find out that he didn't do it. That could be the start of Horatio and Rick getting along.

I love to LOVE Rick Stetler and David Lee Smith.
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