Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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It the end guys, it doesn't last. Like Grisslybear said, it only 40 seconds. It could be less.

Me, I can't wait to see this episode because I'm been waiting for Grissom and Nick to work together, this is the first times they be working together.
I know I'm not going to be thrilled by the scene if it really makes it to the screen, but what can I do? *shrugs*

Watch it or not, it's OUR choice. ;)
vegaslights said:
I posted this @BTA and I'll also post this here.

Here is what the ending GSR scene is for 717 "Fallen Idols"

Some excerpts I have from the final scene say that Sara has moved to a new apartment since the last time we have seen her room. She has an apartment of someone who wants it to be seen. Grissom is actually sitting on a closed toilet, as well. This is when Sara comes over and applies shaving cream to his face. Grissom is wearing a T-shirt, jeans and a towel around thy shoulder. As Rissa has pointed out, the beard has been clipped. Sara "delicately" applies shaving cream to his face, then takes a finger full to his upper lip. *Shane gags* She turns to the streaming sink full of soapy water. She dips a razor
in, wiggles it around. Then, pulls it out, and brings it toward his face. Sara says "Do you trust me?" He closes his eyes.

Independent of my own feelings on Grissom/Sara, is it healthy that, upon reading this, my brain immediately started humming a medley of songs from Sweeney Todd? Yeah, I didn't think so.
I'm waiting yepp..I know I used my name. But, seriously I'm waiting for a freakin break up scene for GSR. They make my stomach hurt. Hehehehe, but in order to do that we would have to sit through more dreaded scenes of them together. SOrry...not trying to dog...or come across negative, but this relationship isn't doing anything for the show. Or me...I rather have Cath drama. :lol:
OMG! this next episode looks so awsome, i just got back from calli and i missed last thursday's ep. where can i find it on the internet? or could someone please tell what happened? because the looks of this ep. makes it seem like i missed alot.
Independent of my own feelings on Grissom/Sara, is it healthy that, upon reading this, my brain immediately started humming a medley of songs from Sweeney Todd? Yeah, I didn't think so.

"Swing your razor high, Sara..." Sorry, just kidding. Not sure what the context of that scene is going to be--I heard there were going to be some GSR "flashback" scenes. It seems odd that she's shaving the beard if it's already gone (or am I misinterpreting the description of what's happening). Why that would happen at the end of the episode I don't know.
I'm a GSR shipper, and the first time I read that scene, I thought "Fanfic." I thought it was a joke. So, it might be tempered down. It might stay as is. I have no freakin' clue. But, it reminds me of Riker/Troi, which reminds me of an awful TNG movie... But, that, in turn, reminds me of a GREAT TNG movie. So, there ya go.

I operate off the 60 second rule in that most GSR scenes since WTG (including WTG, actually) are 60 seconds or less. And, that's not a lot of time, objectively.
vegaslights said:
I posted this @BTA and I'll also post this here.

Here is what the ending GSR scene is for 717 "Fallen Idols"

Some excerpts I have from the final scene say that Sara has moved to a new apartment since the last time we have seen her room. She has an apartment of someone who wants it to be seen. Grissom is actually sitting on a closed toilet, as well. This is when Sara comes over and applies shaving cream to his face. Grissom is wearing a T-shirt, jeans and a towel around thy shoulder. As Rissa has pointed out, the beard has been clipped. Sara "delicately" applies shaving cream to his face, then takes a finger full to his upper lip. *Shane gags* She turns to the streaming sink full of soapy water. She dips a razor
in, wiggles it around. Then, pulls it out, and brings it toward his face. Sara says "Do you trust me?" He closes his eyes.

seriously, if this is in the show, i am never watching csi again.... :rolleyes:
^On a humourous note, maybe Grissom will show up in Episode 18 with a dozen tissues stuck to his face where Sara cut him and then Warrick would say, "Yo man, you got a crime scene all over your face?!

If you want 'force-fed' ships, look at Without a Trace or ER. CSI is being more subtle than any show I've seen. Actually, based on the GSR interaction this season, I'm actually starting to like the idea of it.
Thanks vegaslights. That is a seriously bizarre sounding scene.

GSR is of no consequence to me, it's not real life and tptb have handled it well in my opinion. But I hope this scene (if it gets into the episode) shows better than it reads...Although I will say, shaving him isn't that weird a thing for a girlfriend to do. :p
labgeekluvr said:
I know, but it just doesn't sound like something Sara and Grissom would do.

That was my problem with the scene. I mean, we've always had such subtle GSR.. to have something like this is really a contradiction, in some ways. I don't mind that it's a sexy scene. See, I'd hate shaving my fiance's beard off because I just *love* his beard, but my mom used to love shaving my stepdad's face... so I get the attraction. And, we don't know what Gil and Sara are like out of work because we've never really SEEN it.

So, my gut reaction is to think this scene doesn't FEEL like them... but I don't know. I think it's one of those things that it'll play out differently on screen. I mean, there are a thousand different directions the director and actors can take that scene... So, we'll see, I guess.

I'm one of those people who is a stickler for all characters to be in character... So, I'm still trying to decide if I can legitimately say this is out of character, simply because I don't know what they're like at home...

Ok, I don't want GSR to hijack this thread. So, we get "Redrum" tonight, and next week we get "Meet Market," then "Law of Gravity." What does everyone think about getting a Keppler-heavy episode. I know, at first, I was wary of it, but I like the character, so I guess I'm more intrigued than I thought I would be.

Also, did you guys call the phone number for Frank to listen to the voicemail? He sounds like a regular, nice guy... which makes me very afraid of him.
Alyssa said:
Also, did you guys call the phone number for Frank to listen to the voicemail? He sounds like a regular, nice guy... which makes me very afraid of him.

Ahahahahah, how true is that. I didn't call it, unfortunately. As much as I'd love to know what's going on, I fear the possible long-distance charges more.

What's he say, more or less?
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