Right. Well. Apparently the apparent sniper threat is more Definite than Apparent :lol:.
Exclusive: 'CSI: NY' books John Larroquette for arc
Mac Taylor, meet the new thorn in your side: John Larroquette.
Sources confirm to me exclusively that the multiple Emmy-winning actor—who has carved out quite the second career for himself as a dramatic thesp (see: The Practice, Law & Order: SVU, Boston Legal)—is headed to CSI: NY for a multi-episode arc.
The former Night Court horndog will play Deputy Chief of Manhattan Borough Detectives Ted Carver. Hard-nosed and savvy, Carver rose through the ranks and carefully navigated the political waters of the NYPD to obtain the rank of Deputy Chief. Look for him to butt heads with Mac when it appears the Big Apple is being terrorized by a sniper.
Larroquette is slated to first appear in the Nov. 5 episode.
Now this is awesome news. The guests they're bringing in so far this year sound really, really solid. I am impressed. Holy crap, but I'm impressed

This definitely has me relaxing slightly about the multi-ep sniper/in-house nemesis arc. And an actor who can play edge, authority, smarm, dark, serious, and humor, however under-stated, should fit in well to NY, if the writing gives such opportunity to play. I think Larroquette will make for a great thorn.
(So does this mean that Sinclair is still the Chief, then? Or was he sort of an overall NYPD Chief of Detectives, as opposed to a borough specific one as Carver is? Basically just hoping this leaves open the chance that Sinclair could still have future appearances).
Another surprise in casting, and another bit of news that continues to increase my interest for the season.
Damn them. The bastards :lol:

Either John would've been good! :lol: I'm loving the casting they're doing so far this season. I'm now excited about the story line that seemed like it would be the "same old, same old" at first glance. Gary and John facing off should be a lot of fun to watch!!! :thumbsup:
A.Gree. Completely.
About to chat with @AjohnBuckley about Adam's big Season 7 episode of #CSINY in the @TVGuide video studio! @CSINY_CBS
Yay for Adam getting one!
‘CSI: NY’s Mac Finds A Worthy Adversary In John Larroquette
by Matt Webb Mitovich
Sep 15th, 2010
In previewing the CBS drama’s new season premiering Friday, September 24, ‘CSI: NY’ showrunner Pam Veasey told Fancast, “Mac’s going through the worthy adversary phase of his career, where he goes toe-to-toe with higher-ups, formidable criminals, or people who test his judgment.”
...while PV's choice of commentary in promo & spin always tweaks a bemused eyebrow

, I can't say I'm unhappy about this. At all. Mac being challenged, pushed, tested, and not being written Teh Usual is one of the items on my recurrent wish list. Hopefully gives GS a few more pithy moments too. Hopefully they all get to feed off of the complications to a case that a difficult superior brings at some point in the 3 eps.
perlnoir for the poster pic.
Hope the season has as much energy, color, & crackle.
I am so tired of all the Mac-goes-against-worthy-adversary stories. He must be the ONLY cop AND CSI in the entire city of New York to put away bad guys and/or attract the crazies. Why do they bother to have other characters on the show? Oh right...they're the ones who stand by worshipfully adoring the Mighty Mac.... I think this is the year I don't come back to CSI:NY because it's becoming too much like CSI:Miami, which I hate!
To each their own, of course. I'm willing to check out elements that don't excite me, so for sure I'll do so for stuff that catches my intrigue more, and this does. A show is only as good as the cases they solve and complications they encounter along the way. If the show is renewing their overall efforts in that regard, then so much the bloody better.
Besides, a paroled gang boss and a deputy chief are not exactly Red John or Reaper type stuff in terms of uber-personally directed psychobattles :lol: Yes, there was Gravedigger, who's ep I found difficult to take seriously on a few different levels, and 333, which shared the stalkering benefits with Stella. But. So far as I know, Mac hasn't, for example, shot an ex-lover in his living room, nor laterally enabled the escape of a psycho who What-About-Bobbed a personal vacation, or shot one who'd then staged a home invasion after jumping off a lighthouse, and further got a medal pinned on for it, etc. Even the Compass Killer addressed his envelope to the NYPD, and not Mac in particular. Sheldon's former best bud and benefactor's son targeted him for a beat down. Stella got ratmail, tossed down a set of stairs and then herself targeted various Greek civil staff. Rather extensively :lol:. Flack, Stella, Sheldon, Danny, and Mac have all had persecution storylines too. And Adam's apparently gonna suffer violently when he's targeted by the chatroulette killer.
I take the point about focus of material, but at the same time, no, Mac's not the only one who's had drama. If it turns out here scenes along the lines of those we had in Craig T. Nelson, Carmen Agenziano, & Mykelti Williamson's appearances, then I'm all for it.
I also don't think the others worship Mac :lol:, godfather though he might be. In fact they're all often more interesting when they have differences of opinion. Makes for a nice antidote on occasion to scenes of stripey scarves and whutnot. Another item on my wishlist. Mebbe a friendly rivalry with Jo will help there.
Besides. If this is the last season, I'd all the more hope they each get to go out having navigated a season more challenging than previous. If it's not the last season, then mebbe it's a step in the right direction and a reason why.
i DESPISE it when NY has a new adversary for Mac. i totally agree... why have other characters on the show if it's just going to focus on Mac. yes Danny got an adversary but that was bull and so boring and Stella's season long issue a few seasons ago was so annoying.
i really hate when CSI and Miami do the adversary thing. it's old and tried it should not be done. i understand the need for a story but when it's done year after year it's so ridiculous.
besides this bit of crap news the new season looks sooo good! i cannot wait for the premier next week.
So the show shouldn't undertake to have interesting and strong villains and counterpoint characters. That sounds like it would make for an exceptionally interesting show with fascinating cases...

Yep. It's so much better when they focus on miracle recoveries from serious injuries, various co-workers sleeping with each other, stunt casting and suchlike, with a rotation of anonymous, expendable victims and villains vaguely in the background.
Doesn't sound like the other characters are being ignored. Adam's getting a big ep, Lindsay's featuring in the premiere and getting an arc, Sheldon's getting a life :lol:, Jo has one in a family. I
hope we get to see Sid. About the only one that's getting screwed over so far, it would seem, is Danny.
Danny and Stella have attracted their share of "crazies" too, but Mac is the main character and the head of the lab so it makes sense he'd have to go up against more adversaries than the supporting cast.
Agree. Also. Among our lovely roster of folk, he's really likeliest to have pissed off more people than any of the others... :lol:
When has Mac not been in the "worthy adversary" phase of his career? :wtf: It seems like there's a new one every other season. It's fine and to be expected perhaps, but painting it like it's something new isn't really accurate.
Love the new promo pic with Gary and Sela!
I didn't know adversaries could be dealt with in phases. I'll hafta send out a few memos to mine to take a f*cking number then :lol:

See above. Anyways. If the implication is that there's a more overt attempt this season to challenge his Mighty Mac status more on a few different levels, I welcome it. I also find it interesting that his nemesis will not be a perp, but someone within the department, with politik coming into play, and stakes externally weighted in a high profile case. IE. it's apparently not about someone persecuting Mac. I also like that it's not an Internal Affairs type character, which is often an avenue shows take.
I have liked what Gerrard, Sinclair, Quinn, Dunbrook etc. have done for NY and in pushing Mac in different ways and also having leverage to do it. I'm far more interested in something like this than a killer sending Mac notes in the mail. I just want things to be more complicated and less cut and dry for Mac, and if there are counterpoints to his character this season thru Jo as a new peer, Carver as a superior with an agenda, convicts who aren't intimidated as Olmos will play, to make him navigate waters he previously has just surfed over with his soap box, count me in. I'm there.
Originally Posted by CSI_Cupcake:
I may be the only one, but I like it when they bring in someone on or above Mac's level to bring some tension to his character on a professional level instead of "you're a bad guy and I'm gonna get you"....
I think John Larroquette will be a great thorn in his side because he does arrogant just as well as Gary Sinise can. It will also give Mac a storyline as head of the lab instead of head of the team.
Originally Posted by Maya316:
This is exactly why they shouldn`t have gotten rid of Sinclair, or even Jordan when she was getting on his case over the Cabbie Killer. But I completely agree, the professional rivalries are way more fun than the criminal ones....
I also think it`s important for a character like Mac to have rivals that aren`t just causing him trouble because they`re evil or wrong. IMO, he needs an Ecklie; but I have no clue if this new rival will turn out to be that good at what he does :lol:
Holy crap! I agree! Again! :lol:

I wasn't a fan of Jordan

, but she did serve a function others weren't in a position to do, and I do hope Sinclair isn't off the map now. I get the feeling they won't make Carver as likeable, as either Sinclair or Ecklie, if that makes sense, but ya never know. Wasn't looking forward to another serial killer arc, but I gotta admit, the casting news has me interested now.