Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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Mel23 said:
beaujolais said:
Brass getting a tattoo is hawt! And it'll be his second one--unless they're trying to pass off the one that was visible in "Way to Go" as new.

What scene was that? I must've missed it :(

It's when they are wheeling him through the corridor on the way to the ER. In the CBS episode, you can only see it for a second but in the iTunes download, you can see it much more clearly. It's a snowflake and it's on the back of his right arm. If you look at the Brass gets a tattoo pic, you can see it.

It looks like this new ink is over the place where he got shot.
It looks like this new ink is over the place where he got shot.
Dude, if I ever got shot I think I would get a tattoo around my scar. Like one of those cool-lookin bullet hole things you put on cars, except I'd get it where I got shot. That would be awesome. Lol.
beaujolais said:
Brass getting a tattoo is hawt! And it'll be his second one--unless they're trying to pass off the one that was visible in "Way to Go" as new.

Rrrr. I've been excited to see the episode ever since I saw that promo (a while back, yay for spoiling).

Is it me, or is Jim's "old" tattoo much darker than in Way To Go? Could it be the lighting, or has it been refreshed?
This is a pic of Brass' tattoo in Way To Go. (I hate seeing him like this. gyeeeghh! :( )
So, as you can see, the tattoo is blue ink in WtG, but it looks black in the new promo...
I captured a few pics of Greg from the CSI promo CBS showed last night.


Pic 2
pic 3
AWWWWW Greg- he look's so cute and younger than ever ;) here's one of the "man" wow he look's so different- his hair is really short and NO beard, will take some getting used to :eek:

Wow! thanks for the picture he do look different in this picture. He look younger without the beard.
A little late saying this but...

Thanks for the caps, CSIMarg. Btw, love your banner

Thanks, like your's too.

where are my manners? thanks CSImarg for posting the pictures
No problem

Wow! thanks for the picture he do look different in this picture. He look younger without the beard.
And I agree he looks way younger, I like it.
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