Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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Then thanks for transferring them, Destiny :D ANd of course thanks to CSIMarg for putting them up.

I have to confess - that "Brass is getting a tattoo" pic somehow disturbs me.....
SilverBlood666, um how did you get that icon that is in your profile? I made it a long time ago took it off my account because of the size restrictions, and I only uploaded it to my personal photobucket account(not in my profile).....?

eta: where are my manners? thanks CSImarg for posting the pictures :)
Woahh I never noticed that was Brass getting the tattoo! I thought it was some guy they were interviewing! :eek: That is disurbing :|
Brass getting a tattoo is hawt! And it'll be his second one--unless they're trying to pass off the one that was visible in "Way to Go" as new.
I'm likin' all the pictures, guys. Correct me if I'm wrong, but will this be the first time we see Lindsey at 14 or 15?? The last time I can recall seeing her was when she was around 8 or 9...Again, correct me if I'm wrong. I was just thinking when I saw the picture of her in the crash.
We did see her in S5 when she was 12,but she aged 2 yrs by S6! Boy that girl grew up fast!!why is she so much older all of a sudden? Diferent actress playing her too I think. :confused:
beaujolais said:
Brass getting a tattoo is hawt! And it'll be his second one--unless they're trying to pass off the one that was visible in "Way to Go" as new.

What scene was that? I must've missed it :(
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