Season 4 of CSI: Miami on DVD

Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

Lucy said:
I would watch Felony Flight and Nailed again. ;) They were good episodes, as was NY's Manhattan Manhunt. H and Mac together on screen? Irresistible. :D

Amen Sister!!!!!!!!!! I loved them together first in Mia/Ny/Non-Stop then in FF/MM. Oh those two hooked me big time. :lol:
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

^^^ Me too, I loved both crossovers, it was great viewing pleasure. ;)

I'm still waiting for my one in the post. :eek: It's taking ages to get to me from the US. :rolleyes: The only joy I've had so far, is seeing H in Manhattan Manhunt. :lol:
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

I just wish they'd do another crossover. H/M combo oh boy what it would do to me. LOL
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

:( :( :mad: :mad:I don't even know if and when they 'll be able in my coutntry..I want to watch 4th season.. :)
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

Hmm, here in Holland season 3 part 2 was just released last month, so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to wait for season 4 (which just ended 2 weeks ago) Not that I don't have the episodes, I'm just interested in seeing what extras there are. The extras on season 3 were mostly comments and that was it. I want interviews! Behind the scenes! And don't forget bloopers! :lol:
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

grissom4ever said:
Is there any news on when the uk release will be, i am having withdrawal symptoms lol.
I've checked the usual sites, but no news as yet. At a guess, it will probably be Spring/Summer 2007. :)
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

Is it worth buying the season 4 dvd just to get the crossover episode with NY? Because I wasn't thrilled with last season of Miami, and don't know whether purchase it or not?
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

I think so mainly cause FF/MM hooked me. Also liked the earlier shows before FF when they were repeated so yes, I think it's worth it. To me youcan't watch FF without MM or vice versa. lol
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

catey1234 said:
Is it worth buying the season 4 dvd just to get the crossover episode with NY? Because I wasn't thrilled with last season of Miami, and don't know whether to purchase it or not?
From a personal point of view, no, I wouldn't buy Season 4 of Miami simply because I thought it was a very poor season. I enjoyed two episodes; 'Felony Flight' and 'Nailed', and that's not enough of an incentive for me to purchase it. That is just my own take on it though. ;)

You could always look into renting Season 4, so you can watch 'Felony Flight'. Just an idea. :)
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

A & E has the complete four seasons in a box set. That's my Christmas present to myself. :)
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

New information for the Germans and I guess for Austria, too:
the release for the first part of season 4 has been shunted to the 29th of january...
I'm a bit sad now, I ordered it when the release date was december the 4th, and because it didn't arrives I took a second look, and now no new dvds before christmas *snief* :(
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

oh no! I knew it!
I also checked it out today and BAM! they changed the date. :rolleyes:
I also wanted them for Christmas or for my Birthday, which is not so far away from Christmas. :(
I knew, it can't be true.