Season 4 of CSI: Miami on DVD



:confused:Can some one email me with details if anyone knows when I can buy season 4 ( :confused:
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

You can buy season four of CSI: Miami on iTunes right now. But normally the box sets don't come out until late October or early November.

Hope that helps.
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

Welcome to Talk CSI, nala_cc. :D We hope you enjoy your stay here.

I'm just going to send this thread on over to our Merchanside forum.
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

I am wondering how the box in the US and boxes in Europe will look like. But that will probably by known later on!
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

If S6 of CSI & S2 of CSI:NY are being released Sep/Oct, more than likely S4 of CSIM will be released around that time also.
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

katpin31791 & CSI007WW , thank you so much! no one i asked had any idea, now i have something to look forward to =]
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

i'm really anxious to find out what the special features on the season 4 box set will be i know doesn't have anything yet but i was wondering if anyone heard anything about the features?
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

Does anyone know when it is coming out on DVD in the UK?
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

FeelingAwesome said:
Does anyone know when it is coming out on DVD in the UK?
No word yet unfortunately. :( I'm hoping that it will be towards the end of the year, I really hope we don't have to wait until next year. :eek:
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

The release dates for the spinoffs have been pushed back, Miami is being released October 31.
Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI???

It wont be coming out in the uk until next year the second half of seasont three doesnt come out until october ..... and i really cant wait that long :p.