Well this this article was posted just yesterday, it would be after the incident with George. And if you've watched the special features for season 13 they said they plan to fix GSR, seeing how it's CSI's most loved couple pairing. And George will be coming back, they've said he'll hopefully be back by episode 9 or 10 but they don't know anything definitely. I seriously doubt that George is ready to leave the show, otherwise he would've just straight up quit and left rather than standing up for his character.
He did stand up for his character and he did quit. However, he just can't up and leave because he is under contract.
He wants out of the show and I'm sure his people were trying to get him out of his contract. Quitting shows he wants out.
The writing is bad and they're destroying our beloved characters.
As for the Grissom thing. Sorry if I don't agree that GSR is the most beloved pairing on CSI.

It never should have happened, but I digress, as it shows how the writers destroy everything.
Grissom was a huge part of this shows success and his final scene with Sara was so wrong. They could have shown that scene at the beginning of the episode. His final scene should have been him walking out of the lab and fading to black. They defined his character as being with GSR when it shouldn't have been.
I also don't think that they're making Grissom the bad guy in this or they shouldn't. Sara is. If she loves Grissom so much she wouldn't have left him. She basically gave him an ultimatum and he left his career and life in Vegas to be with her, but she can't make that same sacrifice?

(Yes, I know the actress wanted to come back)
The writers could have just kept the relationship in the background and Grissom in Vegas.

The 'then we'd have to mention Grissom was in the lab and someone just missed him, etc.' :wtf::wtf::wtf: Ah, no you wouldn't.

He could be teaching at the university, travelling for consults, etc. Sorry, but that's just stupid.
And though Petersen is done with the show, he was willing to come back for Marg's goodbye episode. I would think he would come back for the final episode, as well. He should do that for the fans, whether he wants to or not.
As for George, I'm glad he stood up to them. I'm not happy he was suspended, but I guess the truth hurts and tptb can't handle the truth.
I'm assuming they're shooting episode 9 and no mention of him on set so I'm sure he isn't on that episode. I'm not holding my breath for episode 10.
And if they know when he is coming back, for crying out loud, just say when.

Why does everything have to be so damn secretive? tptb we all know YOU'RE the BAD GUYS in this, so stop protecting yourselves.