I'm not thrilled about so many pictures of Finn.
She's been too strongly featured in the last two episodes. I know she's a new character but they're doing what they did with Langston by shoving her down our throats. Also, Finn is (and I can't believe I'm admitting this) far more obnoxious and OTT than he was (Langston was quiet, reflective and not so in your face). I never minded Ray being pushed to the foreground in the earlier episodes (accepting that he was a new character who was being showcased), I even found him kind of intriguing. It was as time wore on and he was still constantly in the foreground to the detriment of the long-term cast (characters that we'd known and loved since season 1) that he started to irk me. The Nate Haskill story line was what pushed me over the edge. I stopped watching somewhere around the middle of season 10.
I was hesitant when this season started and decided to tune back in to see how they integrated the new character and was I glad I did! I LOVED DB from episode 1, finding him interesting, funny, warm and different without taking from any of the other main cast. As the episodes have gone on, DB has only gone up in my estimation to the point that he is now my second favourite (after Greg of course!). He hasn't been rammed down our throat either and that helped (an ensemble show like CSI should never showcase one character to the detriment of the others...especially new characters over old, much-loved ones!). Incidentally, I also loved Liv Schrieber as Keppler so I think that shows that I'm not averse to new charaters, I just think they need to be integrated carefully into a show as well established as CSI.
I personally find Finn too much! She is obnoxious, grating and feels a bit Mary-Sueish. They need to tone her down by several decibles. My heart sank when I saw her dominating the
Trends with Benefits photos because I feel I've had quite enough of her after just two episodes! A character like that needs to be introduced slowly because 1. CSI is a well established show and we don't want to see our favourite characters been pushed to the side in favour of new blood (just look at what happened with Criminal Minds) and 2. Finn is the kind of obnoxious, over-the-top persona that most people couldn't spend ten minutes alone in a room with, never mind an hour of screen time on their favourite show!
I thought CBS had learned from the debacle of Langston because they so perfectly integrated DB (as a lead character no less) and Morgan this season (they feel like part of the furniture and I would hate to see either of them go), but they seem to be doing with Finn what they did with Langston. I may be alone in thinking that, but I hope the dial down her screen time for a few episodes just to give us time to get used to her.