Season 12 Spoiler Pic Thread

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Greggo!! :drool: His hair looks lighter too and I like what he's wearing :thumbsup:

I'm not sure about that one with Nick either :wtf:
LOVE the one with George and Ted laughing!! :adore:
The one with Nick and the 'thing' = :wtf:
Greg looks quite dishy, but he and Morgan look like they're sitting in the principal's office :guffaw:

Can't wait to see how all the pics 'play out' :D
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Well, it's certainly a big-ass haunch of beef :lol:
Good thing Sara doesn't appear to be around for this experiment :devil:

Thanks for posting it Blackflag!! :D
Thanks, Speedy. :)

Greg looks worried in the pic where he's running.

Aww the hug between Conrad and Morgan. :)

Not too crazy about the clothes DB is wearing. That shirt is the wrong color to wear with the rest of the outfit. Light blue would have looked better lol.
Photos from Episode 5 'CSI Down'

Looks like CSI Down means they're in a helicopter crash.

Looks like there's also a cop down in the background of one of the photo's. Is this the same set that that weird Lady Heather episode was filmed at?

It sure looks like it could be the same set! :)

I really like what Greg is wearing, he's looking really good :devil:
Between Nick and Greg, they've got the slacks look down pat :p

As for D.B. and Morgan's attire, they've certainly got the hippie thing going :guffaw:

ETA: Since Morgan is now wearing her gun, she must get it in the next episode or two. Greg is also still packing I see. :cool:

Thanks for posting them Speedy!
Can't wait to see them larger! :thumbsup:

No Nick yet, he must be on the other case? Does this epi have an A & B?
Love the hug between Conrad and Morgan!
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Wow, two episode spoiler pics in a row, that might be a record for Greg in spoiler pics. :lol:

Yep, definitely looks like the helicopter crashed and I am guessing Morgan was in it when it did. I just wonder why all the cops are down. Should be interesting to see what exactly happened.
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