Season 12 Spoiler Pic Thread

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I think they're being jerks, not showing us individual photos. I mean, even these shots are from separate photos! It's not a real group shot, it's a photoshop shot :confused:
I agree. Hopefully later in the year they will release individual photos. Also, you can't tell me they didn't do a normal group photo with all of them in it and not photoshopped in it.
I can tell you they photoshopped in individual shots (you can tell from the angles and shadows). So if they took a group photo, they didn't use it here.
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A thought occurred to me about the photo of Ecklie, Brass, and Nick and the spoiler about somebody being benched or whatever

Maybe after the debacle that was Langston investigating Haskell when he really shouldn't, Ecklie and company are going to be a little less tolerant about those sort of things.

I don't know...or maybe it's something else.
Looks like Nick won't be the only plaid wearing man on the show now :lol:
I love me some Nick wearing plaid :devil:
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