I tend to agree with this too.
Please tell me again how no one on this board hates LF, just the way the TPTB brought him in and the way the writers wrote the Ray Langston character? Seems to me that only someone who hates LF would want his departure to have gone down this way. Especially when every indication has been that he left of his own accord. We all believe what we want to believe, I guess.
Again, I don't hate LF. I simply agreed with Wojo, regardless of the flack it brings.
I think LF tried to do his best for the show. It appears that he/they thought that his presence as a film star would re-invigorate the ratings, whereas it instead seemed to bring the ratings down after 2 1/2 years. After his time on the show it was obviously not working. I'm sorry, but from other accounts I've read (NOT rag sheets, I don't read those) it was not HIS choice to leave. He continued to make movies while doing CSI, so it's not like he needed to leave in order to continue his film career. He himself stated that he was not looking to leave (I do have that interview), so it doesn't seem logical that he would change his mind in less than 30 days. I simply think that TPTB decided to not renew his contract in order to try and appease long time viewers and change the direction of the show. Nobody was ready to throw in the towel yet, which I for one, am extremely glad they didn't! That doesn't mean I hate Laurence Fishburne.