Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

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I honestly think they made Ray work with Sara so that people who like her character get warmed up to him. Obviously, he is not popular at all. They also made him bond with Nick a lot and at the moment Nick and Sara seem to have the biggest fanbases (or at least the most vocal) out of all the characters left on CSI.

:lol:Alot of fans don't like Sara.. and he's extremely popular, if he weren't they would have let hm go, like they did with so many other "stars" who've been on the show. So, maybe not with you, but check out how many fan-sites he has:rolleyes: and he's now going into his 3rd season. A bit odd, for someone who's "not popular". How does one explain that? Once again he's got the life experiences that she needs right now, for her situation when this airs. I do want to see how she handles this, maybe she won't let it get to her, and maybe she will. I do remember one episode where her "boyfriend" said back then "I haven't seen you lately" she goes "What, you see me everyday" I thought how cold and mean. Ray would never say that to her. she craves respect and needs to feel important, which happens with them.;)

I can agree that not every one likes Sara...but she has a way bigger fanbase than Ray. And he is not extremely popular. The only person on here that has been really tooting his horn is you. Spread across the popular csi boards, (not talking about the few that are dedicated to him) he does not come across as a character that people like. If he is so popular than why didn't CSI rating rise, or viewership increase since his arrival? As a well known actor I think that is why he is still on the show, his contract is probably different, and the TPTB are still thinking that they can milk his star power. The other actors that TPTB had kicked off because of not being well like were actors who were not well known, and their contracts could be set up differently.

So far have we seen any conversation between them that one can actually call "personal". :confused:

Your interpretation of the quote is kinda of backwards. Think about what you just said. Grissom said "I haven't seen you lately" and SARA replied "What you see me everyday". How in the hell is making a comment "I haven't seen you lately" cold or mean, her response was a little more mean if you ask me. And if you remember, at the time he was not her boyfriend.

I think that your love for a particular character is overshadowing your interpretation of other characters relationship. I do have to agree that Ray and Sara seem to have respect for eachother. But they have not bonded and shown a blosiming friendship like she had with the other characters, and I doubt that she would confide in him in the way she did with Grissom. I honestly think that she is just being nice to him, because she has sympathy because he is the newbie, and he came in at an akward stage for the team. Remember the tension that was present when she walked in on 10x01 Family Affair, and Greg wasn't pleased that Ray was being put over himself because he was a couple of levels above him, tension between nick and cath. And Ray being the newest one, had to try to find his way, Sara had been there before... when she came in Holly had just died, catherine nor wawrick liked her, nick felt threatened by her, so she could feel sympathy for the awkard situation her is in.

I think for this episode sake, it is possible that she "might" confide in him, for the main reason of him having the smallest relationship with Grissom. He'd be less judgemental because he doesn't know Grissom all that well, doesn't know that much about their relationship. Where as the rest of the team might be judgemental towards the situation because of their relationship with Grissom.

I just think that your are an undercover Ray Sara Shipper :lol:...and that is okay. I love that you have that opinion, not matter how unpopular it may be. Have you thoght of any names for them...oooh you could call is Ridle, or Say, or TSWRIBOTDOOF (The Ship Where Romance Is Base On The Death of Our Fathers...sometimes we swing with others who lost their daddies as well) :guffaw:

Just messing with you because at the momment you are out numbered, and as a short person I can't help being big and mean sometimes.
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First and foremost I'm not "shipping" Ray and Sara, he's married anyway..Geez give it a rest.. And funny that this post comes right now as I just recieved a e-mail from CBS. I'm honored, and thrilled and it stated that in part "we get thousands of letters weekly praising Laurence Fishburne, and his incredible popularity on CSI. We are glad we have him on the show and glad your glad. Thank's for touching base with us". name witheld for privacy purposes. He's got over 6,000 fans on FACBOOK. and remember this show is worldwide, not just based on here. So many fans write in from overseas, praising him. And why on earth fans are able to rave about their favorite character whoever, but I get belittled for a character who I find appealing:confused:and why on earth does anyone else care who someone else likes? It's my business who I like like and whoever you like is your business. Now on topic when will they announce who the mom will be? and the ex?
And why on earth fans are able to rave about their favorite character whoever, but I get belittled for a character who I find appealing:confused:and why on earth does anyone else care who someone else likes? It's my business who I like like and whoever you like is your business. Now on topic when will they announce who the mom will be? and the ex?

First & foremost ... because fans usually rave about their favorite character in the individual character threads - where they're supposed to, not in every other thread on the forum.
Also, there's a huge difference between Ray Langston AND Laurence Fishburne. Laurence is the actor who *plays* Ray. So while people may like Laurence (which 6,681 people on Facebook do ;)), that doesn't necessarily mean they like all the characters he plays.
Also, there's a huge difference between Ray Langston AND Laurence Fishburne. Laurence is the actor who *plays* Ray. So while people may like Laurence (which 6,681 people on Facebook do ;)), that doesn't necessarily mean they like all the characters he plays.

Hey vegaslights aren't you the fan who posted about Sela Ward, the real life actress, how "I love her, I love her" did anyone insult you for saying that on the files? I just think fans should pay attention to their views and not be so concerned about anothers opinions. And this letter was about the "character he plays on CSI, Raymond Langston", not the actor LF~And across the board is not the little WIKI site or the YTDAW, all negative about everyone, not just on one character:( there's oodles of sites all over the planet, that write in the CBS, and if an actor is not cutting it, they'd know and say "here's your hat your last paycheck, thank's.. and there's the door:eek:
I like Sela, and I like Jo. I like Laurence, but I do not like Ray. I am entitled to that opinion, as you are entitled to your own as well. But I think you need to make the distinction that Ray and Laurence are not the same person.
First and foremost I'm not "shipping" Ray and Sara, he's married anyway..Geez give it a rest.. And funny that this post comes right now as I just recieved a e-mail from CBS. I'm honored, and thrilled and it stated that in part "we get thousands of letters weekly praising Laurence Fishburne, and his incredible popularity on CSI. We are glad we have him on the show and glad your glad. Thank's for touching base with us". name witheld for privacy purposes. He's got over 6,000 fans on FACBOOK. and remember this show is worldwide, not just based on here. So many fans write in from overseas, praising him. And why on earth fans are able to rave about their favorite character whoever, but I get belittled for a character who I find appealing:confused:and why on earth does anyone else care who someone else likes? It's my business who I like like and whoever you like is your business. Now on topic when will they announce who the mom will be? and the ex?

This is the bad part about email, text, and blog post. You can easily miss the intention in peoples coments. I put the laughing emoticon there so that you could see I was joking about the shipping thing. Mea Culpa if you were offended. :):thumbsup:

As far as that email...okay I see that he has fans, I don't knock that. I can't ignore that, but as I said and some others said before, I doubt that the praise is strictly for the character, I feel that people enjoy laurence fishbourne, not so much his character. For example, my mother (i know not the best example) who is not a CSI fan at all wanted Laurence Fishbourne on the show when she heard he was the choice (we happened to be in vegas that day) . The episodes I have watched since Grissom's departure she watched with me, (because she loss a bet a had to) and even she expressed disdain for the character, as many have over several CSI sites...on the main wiki we have had this debate, several blog that are not CSI blogs but just regular TV polls people have shown a distaste for the character, but will admit that they like Laurence Fishbourne. Dude at the Safeway (grocery store), I was talking about Billy, and he just happened to say while ringing up my stuff "Yeah I don't like Fishbourne's character" followed by "Gil was the human index" (I just thought that bit was eloquent)

Look I think you shouldn't be too surprised over people's comments in regard to Ray, as you can see he is not a favorite. People get offended, we all do when people knock the people we love. Just when you said "sara is disliked by many" be prepared for "well no one really likes ray". I think I get offened when people say we should just forget about Grissom, because for me and many others, he was the show for us, and it has not been the same. I get deeply offended. Because to me he was just such an important character, main one for 9 years. And when people say he was a past character let him go, why are we having episodes that deal with rattles me, and the other 4million people who didn't return after 9x10. And the people who left after that because they realized that the show was getting tired nor was it the same after he left.

Now we finally get a spoiler that suggest a possiblity to dwelve into Grissoms past, get the answers we want involving him and another favored character, and people are having this aversion to something that possibly can be a good thing. And then want to say "Well Ray..." who is a character that has shown no benefits to the show, an in all honest I feel that they are paying him more than what he is worth (to the show anyway). They picked LF with the hope that it will drawn in more people, he has not done that, he might have kept a few faces around, but what has he added? If he is so great than why did they feel the need to bring Sara back to fix things, especially since so many csi fans don't like her.

As someone else mentioned...laurence fishbourne has 6,888 fans or something like that while Dr. Ray Langston only has 3. And I couldn't find any fansites dedicated to ray langston, only to LF. Sara has like 4 pages on facebook, one of which has 710 fans. Multiple fansites including GSR ones. Just saying.

Okay back on topic...

I don't think the person play Grissom's mom should be a comedian, like Betty white. This already might by a soapy episode, I don't want it to be silly. I think the idea of having a deaf actress to play her is a brillant idea.

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I have another Dita Twitter post to share.
Dita Von Teese

Another day of filming C.S.I. Las Vegas.....Greg Sanders is a sucker for a dame with raven hair! (Episode airs late January)

I can't wait for this episode!
Have you thoght of any names for them...oooh you could call is Ridle, or Say, or TSWRIBOTDOOF (The Ship Where Romance Is Base On The Death of Our Fathers...sometimes we swing with others who lost their daddies as well)

"we get thousands of letters weekly praising Laurence Fishburne, and his incredible popularity on CSI. We are glad we have him on the show and glad your glad. Thank's for touching base with us"
I have no doubt they said that. Btw, where can you get a glad, and what do you do to glad it? Thank's :p

Oh, just checked it out and Ray has about 5 Pages on Facebook, each having from 3 to 30 fans (together maybe 60 fans). If that is extremely popular, then I must be the master of universe since I have ten times more friends.
I want Betty White to play Mrs. Grissom!!!!
Betty White needs to go home and rest. She's like 95. What if she falls over and breaks a hip in the middle of a scene? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm just bringing up legit concerns for someone her age.
Oh, just checked it out and Ray has about 5 Pages on Facebook, each having from 3 to 30 fans (together maybe 60 fans). If that is extremely popular, then I must be the master of universe since I have ten times more friends.
Hmm, Adzix, last time I checked the amount of FB friends a person has doesn't determine how many people actually like that person. Following your logic I must be the scum of the universe since I don't even have a FB.:lol:
Betty White is not 95 years old, she is 88 1/2 years old. Why should she stop working when she don't have a health problem? If She want to work, let's her. Betty White said, she is not going to retired anytime soon.
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