Head of the Day Shift
Have I missed something lately? I clearly remember Sara & Greg working exclusively with Brass in the last episode. And it's mainly been Nick/Ray teaming up this season as well.Beings that Sara works now with Ray exclusively they would have this common bond and could share their sorrow and pain and possibly be there for each other and listen and help each other out, if need be
They've worked on many cases together, [not in order] "Shock Waves", "Worlds End", "Take My Life", "Family Affair" "Working Stiffs", "Better Off Dead", "Bump & Grind", "All In", "Blood Moon", "Unshockable", "Lovers Lane", just to name a few. I've got caps of all these with them. He has worked with Nick mega tmes too, but with Sara many times too, They have a great camraderie, if one has watched how well they work together, much respect for each other as does he with all his team mates, and is in tune w/and a good listener to Sara on the cases they workHe gets along with all the team, that's why he's such a great addition to the show!
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