Season 10 Wish List

1. A mature, lasting romance between Horatio and Renee!
2. Kyle to return, if not in the season premiere,than sometime in the season.
3. More Frank!
4. More Walter!
5. A drama-free season finale that gives the fans some closure if this does turn out to be CSI Mi's last season.

I totally agree! Specially with number one. It's time Horatio gets a successful relationship and not end up hvn his girlfriend killed for once!

So true. He's had enough loss and heartbreak for all the CSI's combined!

Though we haven't heard anything about the romance in a while, I really hope they get him and Renee together and keep them that way.
While it is still possible for the Renee/Horatio romance. I personally think it is unlikely or at best a very brief thing. First they need a reason for her to be in or coming to Miami and if they finish with Toller and the money plates, that becomes a problem.

Second, I read somewhere, probably the interview with the character that her other show is being filmed in Canada (BC I think) that means that they have to know in advance, fly her down and put her up somewhere, etc... each time she comes and it means that she has to take more time from the other show than otherwise.

For you romance fans, I'll keep my fingers crossed, but it will be hard to do so it will depend on whether CBS is prepared to make the effort.
True, and with a smaller budget and the writers' questionable judgment when it comes to romance, I have to admit their chances aren't very good. But I'll keep hoping :) A solid, lasting romance for H is definitely on my wish list!
I want Natalia/Calleigh scenes, too. I LOVE when these two work together, which does not happen nearly enough!
Very true. More action for the ladies!!!

I've probably put this on the wish list before, but I'd like to see Kyle home!
Season one dynamic between characters, and for the show to not be all about Horatio. I will go back to watching it if these two things happen.
I don't think the show is all about Horatio; however, he is the star and as such we should expect him taking up more screentime.

I call season 4 the Horatio Show because it seemed all that the episodes focused on was Horatio & Marisol, Horatio & Eric, and Horatio & The Mala Noche. It seems, at least to me, that screentime has leveled out among all members of the team in the last two seasons.
I call season 4 the Horatio Show because it seemed all that the episodes focused on was Horatio & Marisol, Horatio & Eric, and Horatio & The Mala Noche.
Season 10 already seems to have a lot in common with season 4.
I'm going to have to wish a lot harder than I have repeat of season 4,no repeat of season 4.Maybe a little chanting will help.
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LOL, true. I know I was pretty disappointed when I found out they were bringing back the Noches for yet another season.
1. More H-screentime! (more, more and more :drool: I don't want episodes (like Reality kills) where he appears for a couple of moments saying a couple of one-liners.

I call season 4 the Horatio Show because it seemed all that the episodes focused on was Horatio & Marisol, Horatio & Eric, and Horatio & The Mala Noche. It seems, at least to me, that screentime has leveled out among all members of the team in the last two seasons.

I can't agree ;) personally I think 1,2 and maybe 3 seasons are "the Horatio Show" cuz he has there lot of screen time much more then now. In addition, in the seasons 1-4 there are only 4 CSIs, in 5 season - 5 (they should have stopped on 5, IMHO) and since season 8 - 6! but episode still lasts 41 minutes. So...

2. Horatio/Renee (or whoever else) romance but, please, no drama, no more dying girls! I'd like it similar to Horatio/Rebecca Nevins - sketchy but clear.

3. More Calleigh
4. A story for Dr. Loman
5. More teamwork (for example, like in "Fallen")
6. Noche and Memmo - Yes!!! (maybe I'm wicked but Memmo is my favorite H-nemesis)

6) Finally, if this is the last season, then they will do what they want, but for me --- I don' want Horatio to die.:( I would not watch that episode no matter how great a concept was involved, but that is just me.
You're not alone, I'm with you!
Yep, I'd definitely like to see more of Dr. Loman. With Alexx and Tara, the medical examiner played a significant role in the series. It seems now the coroner has pretty much been reduced to an afterthought. This needs to change as autopsies have always been a pivotal part of CSI.

Hear! Hear! More teamwork! :D I'm really liking the promo pictures for the first 3 episodes. They seem to show good variety as far as who's working with who, and the team all helping each other out of sticky situations.