Oh boy, here we go again w/this E/C thing. To be honest, though I certainly can't speak for everyone, I think the main problem w/the whole E/C thing is that it was written and played out soo freakin' poorly - I believe even E/C fans have said they're not happy w/all the "drama".
It's amazing that the show has milked this "relationship" for nearly five years - I mean, seriously, they either love each other enough to commit or they don't. Personally, after all the crap they've been through, if they're still questioning things, it's time to move on already and be friends (as I believe they're trying to do).
To create more "drama" w/Cal kissing another guy and Eric getting jealous and falling for an ex-prostitute...umm...no thanks. It's like the Jake thing all over again
I never liked the E/C pairing partly b/c of Eric's past - he would screw anything that moved and always had to be a "protector" rather than respecter of women. He was very macho IMHO, and honestly seeing him go backward by starting to have a relationship w/a prostitute is pretty stupid. Personally, if I was Cal, I wouldn't want to have any intimacy w/Eric if I knew he was sleepin' with a prostitute - never know what you might catch, dude!
I understand the sentiments of people like
mjszud - it gets frustrating when one storyline that you happen to severely dislike keeps popping up and your favorites are always pushed to the backburner. I'm trying not to be too volatile b/c I want to respect people's opinions, but seriously, I think we know bad writing when we see it, right? This whole E/C thing has played out like a bad fanfic and I'm tired of it being the only main question people ask in Miami interviews.
Here are some better ways to focus this very unfocused season:
Bring back KYLE!!!
Have the team interact more as a team (like in "By the Book")
Show the team's FRIENDSHIPS/FAMILY-LIKE RELATIONSHIPS(like in the tornado episode w/Ryan & Walter)
Have Horatio be there for his team and vice versa in times of adversity (we've seen a little of this lately but much more needs to be done before I feel H is a "part" of the his team again. He just feels very aloof).
Instead of this stuff, we seem to be getting more E/C drama and I believe it is NOT flattering for Eric or Calleigh. Calleigh is her own woman and making her look like she just can't keep her hands off Eric (like they did in Seasons 7-8 ie: "It keeps happening") is just...IDK, very distasteful. And it's always like Eric is the "victim" in this relationship - like Cal isn't allowed to move on b/c Eric is THE MAN and no one else tops him and oh poor Eric is facing more competition
And their relationship definitely isolates them from the team - mostly b/c they keep secrets from others in order to protect each other. I just rewatched the Season 7 finale, and that scene between Ryan and Cal, where Ryan is askin what's going on w/Eric and Cal is just like "I don't know" - Cal should know Ryan isn't stupid, and it was very clear he felt left out and like an outcast, just by the look on his face and by his attempt to lighten the mood by telling a joke. Watching it again, it made me mad b/c of what happened later - Ryan was in a shoot-out w/Cal and there goes Eric driving away w/his dad - and Cal acts all mad, and Ryan is just like :wtf: It would've been good for Ryan to know that SOMETHING was up w/Eric - it's like Cal didn't trust Ryan, even though H trusted Ryan to cover up his "fake" death earlier in the year. And back then, both Eric and Cal ganged up on Ryan. They did it again in "wolfe in sheep's clothing" and it's really pissed me off. Ugh. Just really bad memories of how E/C f$cked up the team spirit. And don't even get me started w/how distant H has been in all this - esp. since this concerns his BROTHER-IN-LAW/CSI and his second-in-command and former protege. Come on already!
How about having ONE freakin' scene that either cements or puts an end to this terribly-written storyline?? While I dislike Eric's cocky, smarmy "I'm so hot" attitude when he's bangin' Calleigh, I'd rather have that than constant drama and triangles. Newsflash: after five years, this storyline is running out of steam fast! Just get it over with, one way or the other! I'm almost tempted to say that I'd prefer a wedding and kids at this point to this BS.