Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

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I had understood that a romance ruined the show. No problem now? Maybe she will be for Greg.

Yes, because the show focused on this relationship. A romance for Greg or Nick or Catherine would not be the focus. The way they use to show Catherine's romances were just short and sweet a snippet here and there, barely saw it.

And it's not a romance between two cannon characters. Too mention that Nick is dating her or Greg or whoever is not a romance.

Just like a lot of people don't like the romance that is blossoming between Hodges and Wendy. It takes away from the show because it's two canon characters involved. Showing snippets of characters personal life is fine, but with Grissom and Sara it wasn't just snippets.

There is a difference and in the end all romance probably shouldn't be on this show, but a girlfriend for Greg or Nick or boyfriend for Catherine is not a romantic storyline. Am I explaining this right?

I respect your opinion,but a girlfriend for Greg or Nick or a boyfriend for Cath is a romance too. The story are based on a romance. Here has been criticized the romances in CSI. I have read said that its not a soap opera,and now is not problem? I dont understand it!!!

Its not the same thing. Grissom and Sara were two canon characters whose romance was a focus on the show. Having a girfriend for Nick or Greg or boyfriend for Catherine would not be two canon characters whose romance will be the focus on the show. It is different. It's a romance, but not the same thing. This girlfriend/boyfriend would be a recurring character, hence, we will not see or hear about the relationship in every episode and only on rare occasions. Kind of like it was with Warrick and his wife or Catherine and her previous boyfriends. That doesn't turn the show into a soap opera, but having two canon characters whose relationship becomes the focus and is mentioned and/or shown in every episode does make it soap operaish.

I'm not saying they should have a girlfriend for the boys or a boyfriend for the ladies, we just don't the romance or a romance become the focus of the show and for the storylines to revolve around that relationship and the other characters suffer because of it. This wouldn't happen with just a girlfriend or boyfriend.

In any case, there has been no confirmation that this 'social worker' will be the love interest they originally planned for Nick. For all we know she's a recurring character for an ongoing storyline. Maybe she has something to with the Millander case.

Personally as a fan of Nick, I don't want to see him with anyone, because, well, he's mine. :lol:, however, I do like to see snippets of their personal lives. If you didn't we wouldn't become some passionate about the characters.
Oh no, not another Yoko! I'd rather they focused more on Nick and Greg's friendship. I feel like they've drifted apart a little.

I'm thinking the FBI guys are there to steal the body back from the morgue, because they don't want anyone to see who it is/what he died from. Maybe they want to keep the Millander case for their own. Wouldn't be the first time the FBI played fast and loose with the rules.
Oh no, not another Yoko! I'd rather they focused more on Nick and Greg's friendship. I feel like they've drifted apart a little.

:lol: at Yoko. I agree about Nick and Greg's friendship. I figured after Warrick's death that they would focus more on the friendships between Nick and the other members of the team. Sadly, that did not happen. I really hope they focus on that a little more this season.

I don't mind Nick having a girlfriend for a little bit (depending on who she is) if it isn't heavily focused on. Just him mentioning something small ... like if something comes up in a case and Nick says "I know what that is, it's such and such" and Catherine or someone else asks how he knows about that item and he comes back with something like "My girlfriend has one". That's fine with me, I have no problem with something like that.
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I respect your opinion,but a girlfriend for Greg or Nick or a boyfriend for Cath is a romance too. The story are based on a romance. Here has been criticized the romances in CSI. I have read said that its not a soap opera,and now is not problem? I dont understand it!!!

For example, remember in an very early episode when Greg was on the phone supposedly to a girlfriend and said "bye, baby" and hung up the phone just as Nick was coming into the room? Well, that's not really a romantic storyline, it just implies that Greg may be dating someone.

Oh man, speaking of that, I can't believe Greg actually acts like that with a girlfriend! So lame...I hope he's learned a thing or two, lol. I don't want my favourite character acting all mushy and teenager-y like that.
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like the "person" with Catherine is a dummy...

First i thought it could be Henry or Hodges but yeah it really seems like a dummy to me too.

Nick and Sara are worried but Ray looks so calm, maybe too calm. Interesting.
No Greg . No Brass. No Doc... Usual :shifty:
I saw this other preview which was longer (21 seconds instead of 10) well, there's not much that's different but Doc and David are in it. David's in the autopsy room when someone comes in..(he looks freaked out) and Doc is pointing his cane at someone furiously..(More like "Get out of here!")
here's the link:
Thanks for the link. :)

I saw this other preview which was longer (21 seconds instead of 10) well, there's not much that's different but Doc and David are in it. David's in the autopsy room when someone comes in..(he looks freaked out) and Doc is pointing his cane at someone furiously..(More like "Get out of here!")
here's the link:

Now I heard Sara in that one, but I thought I'd seen that version before and didn't hear her say anything. :lol:

I love Doc trying to hit that guy with his cane. :lol: Go, Doc! I'm looking forward to seeing that scene. I love Doc! He's awesome!
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HMMM, Greg in love it's about time, but is this a "ruse" maybe it's his kitty or doggie, he's always throwing a wrench in the mix, or was he fooling us, for Nick's sake & talking to no one? I'd love to see what type of girl he likes, but is this real? strange to say the least:shifty:
I think they need to steer away from this whole idea that police/detective work is for men only... the fact that they've only had one female cop working with the team throughout it's 9 seasons seems to imply that they feel this way. In addition to the great many male detectives on the show that recurr: Vartann, Vega, Cavalier, etc... they need a few more female ones (in addition to Sofia) as well. And though they might have worked with female detectives in one ep, those female detective characters were never in another episode. I'm talking about having some recurring characters who are female detectives and work cases with the team as Vartann and the others do.

All of the CSI shows are so male-dominated. :lol: And while I love my eye candy, I'd also like to see some more girl power on the show. :lol:
I wholeheartedly agree with this. I wasn't a big fan of Sofia's, but I did like some of the one-shot female detectives they had in the earlier seasons. But, alas, according to spoilers, they are adding another recurring male detective.
Tptb seem to think that because CSI viewers are predominantly female, they naturally would like to see more men. While I know this is true, there are also those of us who like shows with strong female characters, with a little eye candy in the mix.

My observation over the seasons is that they don't know how to write a female working relationship that doesn't involve some cattiness. They always seemed to want to add some jealousy/envy/distrust to those relationships. I know a lot of women who work well together in RL; and on tv, 'Cagney and Lacy' was one of my favorite shows. I could see Catherine and Sara in that kind of relationship. How about a Willows/Sidle spin-off? :lol:
Doc and Super Dave are married, but they've never show the better half. And Greggie is girl crazy and has been smitten with every girl that's crossed his path, his silly grin;) he's acts like a 12-yr. old around girls, he's still quirky and so cute, I love him those soulful brown eyes. I think it would be so cute to show him in a relationship and Nick too:alienblush: Maybe this is the season and they'll all find mates~and on Sofia I at least prefer her to Riley, and I guess she was OK, I did feel her pain in 'ABRTI' She was so lost, maybe she'll add something we have no idea about~
Wow, it feels like I haven't posted in here in forever. I need to spend less time on farmville.:lol:

Anyway, I'm very excited to here this news about Louise Lombard coming back, I always liked Sofia. I hope they explain why she disappeared into the vortex. The rest of the season doesn't sound too interesting to me, but I'll definitely watch her episode(s?).

Also, GNRFan, I agree. I think its odd that none of them are married... I assume Langston is, because of the ring, but other than him it's seems a bit odd.
My thing about the romance is not them showing it, because honestly, people do get involved, and it does get messy, but it's the seeming overemphasis on romance, and the aspect of it potentially taking over the show.

My hope for this next season is an emphasis on the characters as people, including, but not limited to romance. Honestly, in the past, they've done a good job of showing all aspects of the characters lives, before the whole GSR thing seemed to overtake the show. In the Sixth Season, I was really intrigued by Warrick's relationship with Tina, but for whatever reason, they didn't really touch that too much, which is a shame.

I also liked both Catherine's relationships with Chris Bezich and Adam Novak, and Grissom's things with Terri Miller and Lady Heather, because they really emphasized how hard it is to date and do the job of a CSI/Detective/Labrat at the same time.

However, I think they need to be careful, and strike a balance between the cases and the personal stuff. It's a fine line, one I don't think they did the greatest with with the GSR.
I didn't consider Cath as in any 'relationship' per-se, more like fly by night flings. And it did show more with here and those guys than it ever showed with GSR, their's were like 15 seconds at most, and usually at the end of the show. And with Terri Miller, she walked out, and there was never a relationship with her, he worked well her, and they had the link of being in the lab working on cases. and Lady Heather it was a infautation with the exotic and a different kind of lady, but no relationship there. He was always in a relationship with Sara. I think with the other CSI's, they aren't robots and it adds spice to see them with someone and happy. If this is the last season, maybe the writers will bring them all together and with a significant other half. I wonder if we will see Dr. Langston married and see who she is:confused:
I didn't consider Cath as in any 'relationship' per-se, more like fly by night flings. And it did show more with here and those guys than it ever showed with GSR, their's were like 15 seconds at most, and usually at the end of the show. And with Terri Miller, she walked out, and there was never a relationship with her, he worked well her, and they had the link of being in the lab working on cases. and Lady Heather it was a infautation with the exotic and a different kind of lady, but no relationship there. He was always in a relationship with Sara. I think with the other CSI's, they aren't robots and it adds spice to see them with someone and happy. If this is the last season, maybe the writers will bring them all together and with a significant other half. I wonder if we will see Dr. Langston married and see who she is:confused:

Well, Catherine saw Chris Bezich for quite awhile over the course of Season 4 into Season 5, when she dropped him for screwing around with a club girl. I call that more than a fly by night fling.

It was obvious that Grissom liked Terri Miller. I think she liked him as well, but they couldn't make it work because she could tell Grissom was so into the job, and she wanted to be the one married to the job.

With Lady Heather, I think there was mutual Attraction. Like Catherine, I think they slept together that night. Even if he didn't, there was potential there for a relationship. However, Grissom screwed that up with the warrant for her Insulin Pen. I think part of it was that Lady Heather GOT him in a way no one else did, and that scared him.

Even if he was pining for Sara secretly, he didn't actually go there until sometime in Season 5 or 6. That leaves plenty of room for him to have a fling with someone, even if it doesn't work out. No matter how tightly bolted together you are, the heart is the heart, and hormones are hormones, and you will get with someone if things work out that way.

I actually am curious to find out what Langston's deal is as far as a relationship/marriage is. Sort of like Doc and Super Dave. You can tell that they both have solid relationships with their S.O's
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