**Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

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Can't wait for the stormchasers episode. Very interesting angle, one I wouldn't have thought of. And I always love more Frank :)
I'm curious to see the stormchasers episode-seems to be a funny one and surely most promising than the season premiere after the "rebirth" of the show's most boring and worst written story.
Wow... so Marisol is really coming back.

I have to admit I wasn't the biggest fan of her storyline, but this news has actually made me look forward to the premiere more. It's a great opportunity to let David do what he does best - intense emotion and internal struggle. I'm sure he won't disappoint.

And the part about him finally being able to heal and move on is very encouraging :)
I'm curious to see the stormchasers episode-seems to be a funny one and surely most promising than the season premiere after the "rebirth" of the show's most boring and worst written story.

When did they say the whole storyline is coming back? My guess is Horatio will see Marisol in some flashbacks of something while he's injured. The whole episode won't be about Marisol.

It's not that big of a deal, in fact I'm interested.
I'm really looking forward to the premiere, even if there are some things that are pushing the envelop of reality. I'm glad that there will be a real Horatio presence in it because I could not get into an episode where his team is going after the bad guys without him. That's just me.:)

While the Marisol character was boring and to simple for him, I much prefer to have Marisol reappear than Julia, which we were threatened with late last season. Also, if they do it well (big question there), it could be very good. It could be a trauma induced hallucination with Horatio fighting the desire he spoke of in the premiere of season 8 (Eric bedside scene) of wanting to be with Marisol and his duty and responsibility(conscience) being represented by Marisol who reminds him that staying with her means that he is condemning Natalia to death. This leaving Horatio to choose between the living and the dead and in effect allowing him to move on.:thumbsup:
Now that the initial shock has worn off & I'm not stuck with the image of Marisol glowing with wings.....

Also, if they do it well (big question there), it could be very good. It could be a trauma induced hallucination with Horatio fighting the desire he spoke of in the premiere of season 8 (Eric bedside scene) of wanting to be with Marisol and his duty and responsibility(conscience) being represented by Marisol who reminds him that staying with her means that he is condemning Natalia to death. This leaving Horatio to choose between the living and the dead and in effect allowing him to move on.:thumbsup:
I agree it could be ok if done well. The important thing to me is TPTB moving Horatio away from the constant mourning & if this is what it takes, then I will cringe & shut one eye through it.

I'm still looking forward to the premiere, but I'd like to get a little more info on how everything will effect Natalia. She, IMO, is just as much a part of this as Horatio & I'll be highly disappointed if the whole thing was just to give Horatio the chance to have a chat with his dead wife.
I also would like to see how it affects Natalia. Will she have fear in her job? Will she come back stronger and more dedicated? Will she possibly have a guilt complex for endangering Horatio?

Also, what will she be doing in the premiere. Obviously, she is rescued and in the hospital, but will she be involved, in any way, in catching Randy?
After reading the TV Guide article I bet Horatio does see Marisol as he's going towards the light. :lol: Especially since the article says it's a "very, very personal encounter". In my opinion that can only go one way - stupid. But whatever. Season premieres usually suck anyway, I'm just looking forward to Miami coming back, not the season premiere itself.
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Wow! If I am to understand all of the spoilers, Horatio will sluff off his clearly visible bleeding wound (through and through, fragment, richochet, whatever), help save Natalia from the water, have a close encounter with his deceased wife, ignore doctor's orders to stay in the hospital for 24 hours observation, hook up with his new girlfriend to solve the case at hand, and fall head over heels in love in one episode. He will be one busy boy! This will certainly add to his "super-hero" personna. He is larger than life itself and beyond the human experience. While this appeals to many, it is a turn-off to others who had hoped for a more "human" Horatio like the one in Seasons 1 - 3 and a return to the team concept of forensics, interesting cases, intelligent police work, and unity.

I am wondering where the team concept comes in with all of this. While I like Horatio as well as the next person, I had sort of hoped that a sense of team unity might be developed more in Season 10 and the core team would be the focus of the show, not individual romances and personal drama. I have watched this show since Season 1 and it seems that each time a romance is written in, the team fragments. All of the members of the core team have fans and I believe that if there isn't balance in the writing then fans of other team members will stop tuning in. Let's face it, with sports overruns a certainty now that the NFL lockout is over, this show will need all of the viewers to rally and stay with it to avoid the ratings dropping more than they already have. In the first three seasons of the show, it garnered as many as 23 million viewers with some episodes. Last May's finale rated about 9.8 million and it was highly anticipated and publicized. If there aren't balanced episodes that the viewers can relate to, understand, and find some credibility in, many casual viewers will tune out and that will definitely hurt this show. Die-Hard viewers will watch regardless, but this show needs a balance of the die-hard and the casual to stay afloat in the ratings. Just my opinion, don't hurt me!!!
I'd like to point out that we don't even know if they're still going to go through with the Horatio/Renee storyline yet. Yeah, she's gonna be in the premiere, but we don't know anything other than that. Personally, I hope they don't go through with it. It'll end up being just as corny as the Horatio/Marisol storyline...ugh.

All of the spoilers are saying one thing to me: the masters (TPTB) are in their own little dimension where everything that we're complaining about (Super H, action overload, crappy romances, etc) actually makes sense to them and they are blind to the truth...and any feedback we give them falls on deaf ears. Heh, not surprising. Corporate conglomerates never listen to anyone. :rolleyes:

As for the sports overruns, the fans rallying will more than likely not stop the ratings from falling again. which means it'll be a miracle if the show reaches Season 11. I doubt that even some of the die-hard fans will continue to watch with all of the overruns and crappy writing, either. I know I certainly won't.

I know I'm sounding like a pessimist, but I think it's time we realized that the show is on its last limbs and there's nothing we can do to save it.

Okay, I'm done repeating myself/being a pessimist. Carry on, nothing to see here...
gsugirl: We don't know if he's going to fall in love with Renee immediately, or if that's even still a go. I certainly hope it is. But what I do know is it will be one hell of a premiere, hopefully leading into another amazing season! :D

Some info on 10.03

CSI: Miami
Episde 10.03

The episode synopsis states that in the aftermath of a deadly tornado, the CSI crew investigates a deat that is definitely not storm related...

I am wondering where the team concept comes in with all of this. While I like Horatio as well as the next person, I had sort of hoped that a sense of team unity might be developed more in Season 10 and the core team would be the focus of the show, not individual romances and personal drama.
Ditto for me.I am much more interested in the team as a whole.Not saying there could never be romance ,but with the romances being so badly written,I would rather the focus be on team unity and some characters that are a little neglected.I still hope we see more of the team approach for the premiere but it's sounding more and more unlikely.
I'm sure we'll see the team approach. They are going to be very concerned for Horatio and Natalia's wellbeing and then with apprehending the people responsible for their near-death situation. In that time of hardship I have no doubt they will be looking to one another for comfort and reassurance. Hopefully the events of the premiere will bring them closer, as with the season 9 premiere.
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