Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Yeah, some screen time is always good screen time. It's just nice to know he's still around. He's so hot! How Sara hasn't jumped him is beyond me.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Yeah, some screen time is always good screen time. It's just nice to know he's still around. He's so hot! How Sara hasn't jumped him is beyond me.

Hehe well, at least- you would- midnight, correct? And YES, he`s a hot guy, very masculine! :devil:
Plus: I love men in suits....rrrrrr!! :D

I think the name Tony fits....... he definitely lookes like one...... :lol:
Leannethemouse said:
woo, I havent been here for a while, how are we all.. It's nice to see that Vartann may be back :D

hey!! :D nice to see you back :D well vartann is finally back!! but i hope it will be for more than one least , tptb didn't forget that they used to have a detective named Vartann.....but where is SARA???? s****

well Tony.....i don't know.... lol anyway sounds italian? no? :p
I guess I could see him as an Anthony. Tony is probably a nickname. But yeah, when you think of Tony you think big, greasy Italian guy, definitely not teh hawtness that is Vartann.
yeah Anthony sounds better for me.....well we will see how he introduces himself on the episode, since his "name" was mentionned, maybe he will say it...if he says "Tony" will be Tony :rolleyes:
midnight_tiptoes said:
Vartann: Call me Tony.
Sara: Call me Hot Stuff.

LOL, yeah, picture that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

But Anthony is much sexier than Tony, so I hope it`s just the short version.
Why is your mind always in the gutter , Siss? :lol:

Of course what else would they do! Hot love in the car or better ON the car.
There'll be so much bang bang the neighbors will call 911.

Why is your mind always in the gutter , Siss?

Of course what else would they do! Hot love in the car or better ON the car

cause my mind can't be anywhere else :lol: :devil:
There'll be so much bang bang the neighbors will call 911.

lovely :devil: you are definetely the godess of that thread you know

yeah eyesex yummi best pic ever
I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking that call.
Det. Vartan: Yeah I'm at the scene. And I've got it until control
Sara: Well I might have control over you. Or maybe part of you.