Sara/Grissom Season 13 **SPOILERS**


I think the departure of Peterson, Helgenburger and Dourdan seriously hurt the series. The current cast just doesn’t have the chemistry as the original and some of the writing has not been up to snuff either. The seasons with Fishburne center stage was a joke. Why did a CSI-1 become the boss? Danson is just as bad and should be tending bar in Boston somewhere. Finlay is anemic compared to Willows.

The GSR has been one of the best subplots throughout the history of the entire series and that seems to be in jeopardy now. Let’s see, Sara leaves because she can no longer handle the job. Gil quits his job and travels to the jungle to rejoin Sara and marry her. Now Sara is back at her old job leaving Gil who knows where. If anyone should feel lonesome and ill-used should it not be Gil? Well, enter some twit who used to work with Sara in SF and he turns her head. She won’t even answer the phone when Gil calls. Don’t misunderstand, I love Sara but I don’t like what I’m hearing so far about this new character development on the horizon for her. If she dumps Gil, or cheats on him with the hunk from Frisco, I will no longer watch the series.

Bring Grissom back permanently to reunite with Sara and run things in LV. It would be just as easy to kill off DB Russell as it was Warrick Brown. Seems like his wife is always ticked off at him. Poison maybe?
Just my two cents.
Re: 2nd half season 13

Danson does a great job... and Petersen will never come back permanently (maybe a guest appearence before the end of the series if we are lucky)
Marg : I really think we'll see her again in season 13 final or next year (maybe in 300th episode ?)
But I have the feeling season 13 will be the last one for one of the regular cast member
Re: 2nd half season 13

I pretty much agree with you about GSR. If the writers break up Sara and Grissom, it would totally disregard their 10+ year history on the show, especially Grissom's whole exit arc. And it would definitely hurt Sara's character, as well. It boggles my mind that tptb would consider this route. I love Jorja/Sara, but doubt I would continue watching.

As for Danson, I like him. He developed chemistry with the cast right from the beginning, and his character blends well into the show. Not crazy about Finn, but she's tolerable.
Re: 2nd half season 13

Danson does a great job... and Petersen will never come back permanently (maybe a guest appearence before the end of the series if we are lucky)
Marg : I really think we'll see her again in season 13 final or next year (maybe in 300th episode ?)
But I have the feeling season 13 will be the last one for one of the regular cast member

I agree that Peterson won't be back permanently although it would be great if he did. Sorry, Danson stinks. I can't even stand the sound of his voice. Do you think Marg will return permanently? Maybe Willows will replace Finn?
Looking forward to the new episode next week to see how Sara and Gill are doing.
Re: 2nd half season 13

Danson does a great job... and Petersen will never come back permanently (maybe a guest appearence before the end of the series if we are lucky)
Marg : I really think we'll see her again in season 13 final or next year (maybe in 300th episode ?)
But I have the feeling season 13 will be the last one for one of the regular cast member

I agree that Peterson won't be back permanently although it would be great if he did. Sorry, Danson stinks. I can't even stand the sound of his voice. Do you think Marg will return permanently? Maybe Willows will replace Finn?
Looking forward to the new episode next week to see how Sara and Gill are doing.

A lot of people like Ted Danson in CSI (and I am amongst them ;) )
Concerning Marg : No, I don't think she'll come back permanently, if she returns it must be for one episode (or a two parts episode) as a guest star, Marg made a fresh start but she always said that she would be glad to come back for one or two episodes :)
Re: 2nd half season 13

CSI can never be what it once was and I understand Gr8gunz. In a way we're lucky this show is still on after so many years, but on the other hand it doesn't have the same quality. The cases have been weak and it's very hard to 'attach' to all this new cast. They've brought in more people than necessary when they could have done a great job with what they already had. I agree with those who find Langston a disaster and harm to the series, but of course there are people who liked him a lot and they deserve to be respected.

As for Sara's new ex, after watching the episode for a second time (nearly a month later, as I've been avoiding it a lot) I don't see any tension between them, other than the writers using this ex to enhance how Sara feels, even if they could have done it differently. They wouldn't commit artistic-suicide by ruining GSR, they'd lose too many viewers and fans, plus I don't think they even want this to happen one bit.
No serious writer would destroy such a 10-year+ plot within a few months on purpose.
Re: 2nd half season 13

No serious writer would destroy such a 10-year+ plot within a few months on purpose.
I hope you're right. But I would feel better if the writers that cared about these characters and their storyline were still there. Some of what these new writers have said make me very nervous.
Re: 2nd half season 13

No serious writer would destroy such a 10-year+ plot within a few months on purpose.
I hope you're right. But I would feel better if the writers that cared about these characters and their storyline were still there. Some of what these new writers have said make me very nervous.

ME TOO!! The new writers don't have the same bond to the original cast or the plot. You know how producers and writers (especially newbies) love to change things just for the sake of change. GSR is tired old news to them and as long as Grissom is in the picture there is little they can do with Sara. For an oldie like me though, Grissom will always be a part of CSI and if they dump him they dump me. I have been tolerating Russel just so I can watch Sara and Nickie and good ole Greggo. Is there anyone here who actually liked Fishburne??
Re: 2nd half season 13

I thought Fish was okay, it gave me more Nick which is never bad. :-D The problem as I see it was they had their lead but the character was the low man on the totem pole, he shouldn't have done half of the things he did as the newbie and the Nate Haskell dance lasted waaaaaaay too long! By the end I was hoping they'd take each other out finally!
Re: 2nd half season 13

No serious writer would destroy such a 10-year+ plot within a few months on purpose.
I hope you're right. But I would feel better if the writers that cared about these characters and their storyline were still there. Some of what these new writers have said make me very nervous.

ME TOO!! The new writers don't have the same bond to the original cast or the plot. You know how producers and writers (especially newbies) love to change things just for the sake of change. GSR is tired old news to them and as long as Grissom is in the picture there is little they can do with Sara. For an oldie like me though, Grissom will always be a part of CSI and if they dump him they dump me. I have been tolerating Russel just so I can watch Sara and Nickie and good ole Greggo. Is there anyone here who actually liked Fishburne??
I didn't dislike LF, or even Ray, but I hated what the writers did with his character and how that changed the show. The original CSI was never suppose to be about the characters as heroes, but rather the work that they did being 'heroic' in an everyday sense. With LF that changed.

As far as writing for Sara, there is a lot they can do without Grissom being present on screen. Jorja has great chemistry with the whole cast, IMO. But a lot of Sara's characterization is tied to GSR, if you truly look at the history of the series. And I don't think that is a bad thing. It's okay to keep it in the background, just don't ignore it, or deny it; or even worse, try to change it. Part of the intrigue, and challenge, will be allowing it to continue for both the characters' sakes, and keeping Grissom's legacy alive. Breaking Sara and Grissom up would be wrong, wrong, every sense of the word; and would certainly crush any faith I had in the show, and its writers.
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Re: 2nd half season 13

As far as writing for Sara, there is a lot they can do without Grissom being present on screen. Jorja has great chemistry with the whole cast, IMO. But a lot of Sara's characterization is tied to GSR, if you truly look at the history of the series. And I don't think that is a bad thing. It's okay to keep it in the background, just don't ignore it, or deny it; or even worse, try to change it. Part of the intrigue, and challenge, will be allowing it to continue for both the characters' sakes, and keeping Grissom's legacy alive. Breaking Sara and Grissom up would be wrong, wrong, every sense of the word; and would certainly crush any faith I had in the show, and its writers.

I meant in a romantic sense. Sure Sara can do what she's always done as a CSI. Catch bad guys, get pissed off, kick Ecklies butt, etc. etc. but, as you point out, she's hogtied to Grissom as far as the writers are concerned and they are probably not too thrilled with that. Do you think this guy from muscle beach could have been a trial balloon? Jorja is a fantastic actor and she could pull off anything EXCEPT dumping Grissom. Hey, maybe the writers read this thread!!
Re: 2nd half season 13

I know what you meant, but my point is why does Sara need another romantic storyline? She has had one of the most epic romances in TV procedural history, spanning most of the 12 years of the show. Anything else would most certainly pale in comparison. And CSI is a crime procedural and not Grey's Anatomy. I'd love to see Grissom again, but I don't need to; and I don't need to see DB's wife again, either. Put family pictures on their desks, and reference them on occasion. Wouldn't that be more like real life? Sara and DB are the only married CSI's on the show; let's keep them that way, please.
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Re: 2nd half season 13

This thread has kind of been a mixed bag and taken on a life of its own. :) Just a reminder, there are several GSR threads in Shipper Central. If that's the road this thread is heading down, the discussion might be better suited for that location. Thanks! :)
Re: 2nd half season 13

As far as writing for Sara, there is a lot they can do without Grissom being present on screen. Jorja has great chemistry with the whole cast, IMO. But a lot of Sara's characterization is tied to GSR, if you truly look at the history of the series. And I don't think that is a bad thing. It's okay to keep it in the background, just don't ignore it, or deny it; or even worse, try to change it. Part of the intrigue, and challenge, will be allowing it to continue for both the characters' sakes, and keeping Grissom's legacy alive. Breaking Sara and Grissom up would be wrong, wrong, every sense of the word; and would certainly crush any faith I had in the show, and its writers.
Jafox, I agree with you on pretty much everything you’ve posted in this thread but I am going to respond specifically to your point about Grissom’s legacy.
This is what bothers me so much if this is the direction in which they're heading. We Grissom fans were given this wonderful exit storyline and now we may be cheated out of our perfect happy ending for Grissom. All of the effort and care that WP took with portraying Grissom over the years, the selfless act of involving JF in his exit (compare that to MH saying she was kind of glad that WP didn't feature in her exit so that the focus would't be on him), all that and we could be left with nothing. It would be a real slap in the face.

This thread has kind of been a mixed bag and taken on a life of its own. :) Just a reminder, there are several GSR threads in Shipper Central. If that's the road this thread is heading down, the discussion might be better suited for that location. Thanks! :)
Smokey, I believe there is a common misconception that if you’re a Grissom or Sara fan that you’re automatically a GSR fan. That is just not the case. I am a Grissom fan and while never a big fan of Sara I did always like them as a couple. But I most definitely do not consider myself a GSR fan. To me a GSR fan is someone who likes both Griss and Sara equally. IMO there are in fact very few genuine GSR fans and that you're either a Grissom fan or a Sara fan I just wouldn’t feel comfortable posting in the GSR thread.

Is there a reason why we can’t have a ‘mixed bag’ thread? It’s rather difficult sometimes to decide which thread to post in because one thought may belong in one thread while another in a completely different one. Plus, moving a discussion to another thread half way through totally kills any momentum. I know this isn't a topic that interests everyone but eventually it'll die a natural death all by itself.
Re: 2nd half season 13

I know what you meant, but my point is why does Sara need another romantic storyline? She has had one of the most epic romances in TV procedural history, spanning most of the 12 years of the show. Anything else would most certainly pale in comparison.

AAAARGH!!! NO, that's MY point. I was speculating how new writers might want to unravel GSR so they can start another romantic storyline. I fully agree that it should be and is certainly preferable that they leave it alone. I thought I was really clear on this. Hope I am now.