Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Haha yeah Hestia you ryhmed! ;) Thats what I was thinking... YaM do you secretly like Greg/Ryan? :eek: If you do I will glady read your fics :devil: :D Sorry, off topic!

Yeah. I love angst like what happens in season 7. And the spoiler :D I just would hate if they got in a fight and everyone expected them to get together and they never did. But that wouldnt happen because as Hestia said, this is a happy ship! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I so loved your fic, YouandMe. Very well-written. I reviewed. :)
Thanks for the nice comments on my fic, everyone!

Yup, I agree, Sandle is absolutely a happy ship. That's also a reason why I became a Greg/Sara shipper; (almost) all of their scenes together just seemed to involve joking or laughing. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:D Of course Sandle is a happy ship, it's so fun! That was attracted me to Greg/Sara too SaraStar. The lighthearted flirting and the hugs of course. :)

Thank ya'll for reading my fic, glad you enjoyed it. No it's not a ploy to secretly get Greg together with whoever Ryan Wolfe is (I've never watched Miami, I'm a bad person!). I only know a few of the character because of the episode Cross Jurisdictions. Anyways, I'm working on a sequel to it, though the plot will remain a closely guarded secret until I post the story.

Yes Hestia, I admit to crying, because there is nothign wrong with a guy crying, in my opinion. Squeeing however, is a girly sound, therefore I shall never make it. :p
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*runs into the room*

Yummy there's nothing wrong with a guy crying, IMO. It's human :D Even Greg has tears in his eyes in Spark Of Life, right? ;) I haven't got time to read your story though, but from the reviews I read here it sounds so good! I'll read it on the weekends. Anyway, I saw your name today... in a chinese food restaurant :lol: It says 'Kwetiau Yam' and 'Tom Yam Soup' ;) :lol:

Hahaha yes Hestia, a certain Silhouette would LOVE that ;) You should start watching Miami, Yummy!

I think I prefer Sara and Greg get together at the end... Because then we could see Greg continues to try to win her :D And of course all the flirting... It's no fun if they get together in the middle of the show cuz in tv world it usually goes all downhill from there. There'd be conflict so we won't get to see happy-Sandle anymore :( If they get together at the end, it's a happy ending, and it'd keep that way forever :)

Whoops gotta go again... *runs out*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh Greg has tears in his eyes in Spark of Life? cant believe i havent seen that :( Never mind will have to wait til if find the DVD :)

Oh yeay a sequel to YaM's story, i still have hope that he'll give up the tan and go back to Sara :)

I agree with evryone that it is a happy ship and that they always seem to laugh and joke in their scenes, i bet Greg will still have the strength to make her laugh even in Fannysmakin':)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I read that someone saw tears in his eyes in SOL but I never did :confused: :( Ohh well. He is still super cute in that epi. Too bad Sara wasnt in the locker room. Instead Sofia comforted him. Greg probably wouldnt have wanted Sara to see him. He wasnt to be tough around her :lol:

(YaM you should watch Mami) ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah, he did have tears in his eyes, see? See? It was while he was talking to the husband of the woman that got burneded. He was so pitiful.

I can't remember who comforted him. Creds for the pics go to's gallery.

*goes back to her CSI episode on her computer*

ETA: wasn't it Sara who comforted him? I could've sworn it was! (It's been awhile since I've seen it.) But the second time I think it was gris. I dunno. (It's been awhile since I've seen it.) But I got homework to do... And I finally finished watching that episode. :lol: Some Sara, no Greg. I'm gonna watch some more tomorrow, though. (And I'm gonna spread it to my friends.)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

szmandatogoholic said:
ETA: wasn't it Sara who comforted him? I could've sworn it was! (It's been awhile since I've seen it.) But the second time I think it was gris. I dunno. (It's been awhile since I've seen it.) But I got homework to do... And I finally finished watching that episode. :lol: Some Sara, no Greg. I'm gonna watch some more tomorrow, though. (And I'm gonna spread it to my friends.)

Do you mean in the locker room? I believe it was Sofia. She told him that she heard he used to be a funny guy & not to lose that. I don't know if that's what you meant, but that's what I remember. And I might be thinking of a different episode all together :lol: Eh, hopefully, I helped :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah... Sofia. *sigh* Greg looked teary-eyed in Spark of Life? I did not know that! Actually, I don't even remember the episode. :rolleyes: Sara, why wasn't it you saying something about missing the old, fun part of Greg!

The only reason I know about Ryan Wolfe is because I got it as a request a while ago in my little ficlets thread (on a side note: BOOOO! Writer's block! :( ). I actually don't watch Miami either. No wait. I saw some of the first episode. I've been meaning to watch it. Also CSY NY.
I look forward to reading YouandMe1105's sequel and I'm patiently waiting for the first episode of CSI. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Whoopee!! New chapter of
Dear Diary

As for the question at hand, would I like to see Sara & Greg get together on the show? Yes. During the last half of the final season (whenever that may be). So we can get a chance to see some aspects of the relationship, plus the show would end on a happy *squee* note.
:D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I've written a Sandle ficcie too. And I love the new New Diary chapter! Great job. Here's my ficcie.

Spark Of Life? My memory's letting down on me. Was that the one where they found a burned body in the 'woods'? And a child in the swimming pool? Me loved Greggo in that episode. I didn't notice the tears in his eyes, though.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yup "Spark of Life" was in season 5 I believe. Greggo got all glassy eyed when talking to the burn victims husband. It should have been Sara who talked to him in the locker room instead of Sofia.

As for the sequel to my recent fic, I've got the plot hammered out and a title, so it's all uphill from here! :D Hopefully will have it done by next week sometime.

Saw a different promo for the new season last night, looked pretty cool in my opinion. Can't wait till the 21st!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

yey there's gonna be a sequel!! go yummy!'s fun to call you that.

i have a picture from spark of life where you can tell greg's crying. it's saved on my computer. am i allowed to post it? oh well, i'll upload it through my myspace and post it. hopefully i won't get in trouble.

ETA: Well not crying, his eyes look watery. yanno what i mean.
i'm pretty sure this is it.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

The promo looked like a promo. :D Sorry had to do it. Now seriously, it was different from the one I saw posted at youtube. Who knows, the one I saw might be posted there now.

I'm sure you can post it here hollie. :devil: I suppose I am a bit yummy right now, just got done showering. My hair looks like Jared Padalecki's in the way it kinda flares out at the ends.

Anywho, could someone PM me a list of characters from CSI:Miami and what they're like so I can use 'em in my fic? I'd appreciate it! :D
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