Okay, my Top Ten... eh, TWENTY Sandle Moments:
1. "I could really, really kiss you right now"
2. Shower scene
3. Explodapotty!!! :lol:
4. "This is like a dream I had..."
5. "Really? I saw everything" :devil:
6. "What he's got that I don't get?" (just because it's my first Sandle scene ever
7. "A real man wouldn't mind..."
8. Greg asking her out
9. Sara asking him out
(damn... the last one is hard... oh screw Top Ten, make this TWENTY!)
10. Teh hug from Dead Ringer
11. Teh HUG from Who Shot Sherlock
12. "I'm a good listener..." "Thanks for asking" from Unbearable (awwwwww!
13. Greg gesturing 'call me' to Sara (in that episode when she was working with Nick and Greg informed them about make-out spots) and Sara cute smile afterwards
14. She remembers his birthday
15. She laughed OUT LOUD at his not so funny joke (it's love!
16. He defended her when she got suspended
17. "I heard that you just lost your virginity... First autopsy, how did it go?"
18. Mia said she heard from Sara, of all people, that Greg hadn't lose his virginity till college... (HA!! Greg told Sara everything!)
19. The glances, the smiles, teh look
Last one on my list... This isn't Sandle moment on screen, but Eric's comment... Got to put that in cuz it makes me happy!
20. "Because he hasn't given up on her"
*squeeeee *
There you go... I'm sure there's more I forgot