Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

First, congrats on being the ship of the week.

Secondly - can't wait for Fannysmackin'. I do hope that we get to see some quality affection between the two, because lord knows Greg will need it.

Any exposure to Kevin Federline requires days of medica - oh. Right. The ass-beating.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

YouandMe1105 said:
:D That's one of the reason I love Sandle, he can always make her smile and laugh. We don't get to see her do that often, except of course when she's with Greg. Can't wait to see what happens in next weeks episode.

100% agreed. I love seeing how Greg could knock Sara off her feet and make her happy unexpectedly.

That right there is another reason why I am in this ship.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

You all make me feel warm and happy inside! :) Sandle is warm, fuzzy, adorable, puppy love. But I still want I want Sara to keep my hopes alive! She has to comfort him in the next episode - even as a friend!

Oh and, GSRSupahFan join us... the little sandle ship is growing! We are the Coffee Shift of No Return!® (Let's see if I can hypnotize some of the recent GSR shippers that have popped in! :cool:)

We have lots of squee-moments and love

We are really friendly

And most of all... We have cookies!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yaay, we are totally featured :D!
That's a very nice surprise.

I am looking forward a lot to Fannysmackin'. It's about time to see some Sara and Greg scenes anyway, we only had like two of them this season.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:lol: Hestia, you should make a Sandle commercial!!! :p OMG Fannysmakin. three. days. :eek: *dying inside because I cant wait any longer* :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

We got COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dig me some cookies... And I'm gonna need the sugar rush to get me through the next few days until Fannysmackin' *giggle* fanny...smackin' Hee hee hee :lol:
There better be some Sandle-licious lovin' cuz I've been buggin my friend who's not a Sandle wearer, if you catch my drift,("Greg's gonna be with me...") about the Sandle promise, soooo...I'll look afool if there's no Happy-Sandle-licious Lovin' here abouts...Thursday. Oh and I can sum up why Sara sould like Greg in two words now: He's Norwega-licious! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Okay, now you REALLY have a sugar rush, araSgerG. (I have a cappucino high.)

Damn, your screenname is hard to type backwards!! :lol: I had to look at it about four or five times!!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I agree, can't wait for Fannysmackin' to air. From the promo looks like it's gonna be centered around Greg, who is my second favorite character. :D Also, obviously Sandle moments possibility. *runs off to set DVR*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ok guys, I know I was just in here Saturday but here's a link to the Shipper Central Rules again. Please read the section titled SPAM.

Some of the posts are completely off topic and have nothing to do with Sara/Greg. Remember, posts must be a minimum of 3 lines of on topic posting. So, let's get back on topic.

Shipper Central Rules
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

She has to comfort him in the next episode - even as a friend!

:lol: That's why Sandle is so fuzzy and irresistable!

From the promo looks like it's gonna be centered around Greg, who is my second favorite character.

Well, then the ep better be promising. And of course, We can't lose the Sandle lovin'. :D.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Omg... We're the Featured Ship, YAY!!! :D :D I can't believe I missed it... I was looking through the list and wondering, why I couldn't find the Sandle thread anywhere? I go up and down the list, and actually thought, 'Omg maybe no one has posted recently and it got to page #2!!', then I looked to page #2. Still no sign...
Took me a while until I looked up and noticed it on top of the page, in bold, as featured ship. I actually gasped :lol: It's kinda late, but whatever. FEATURED SHIP!! SQUEEEEE!!!!! :D :D

Can't believe I missed the whole thing. Well yeah I was kinda MIA, but I'm back, for a while. :) Don't worry, haven't jumped off the ship yet :D

So Fannysmackin' is tomorrow in US, right? Omg I can't wait to read your comments on it, since I can't watch it myself. I hope it's gonna be a great episode with lots of Sandle lovin'...

Hestia said:
Oh and, GSRSupahFan join us... the little sandle ship is growing! We are the Coffee Shift of No Return!®
Love how you put the 'R' at the end of it, Hestia. Maybe should put 'TM' or (C) too :lol:

Ooh gotta go again. Enjoy Fannysmackin' guys... Please inform the rest of us (who can't watch) every Sandlelicious details :D

*back into hiding*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hey guys! I wrote some more! YAY. It's up in the fanfiction section and here Dear Diary

I can't wait for tomorrow night. I have a feeling that it's gonna be really good. :D Let's get ready to smack some fannies! :lol:

And, even though we're not the featured ship anymore .. let's keep the Sandle love goin'. :cool:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

lol. You guys will always be the ship with the best cookies, though.

As far as tomorrow night, I really can't wait. I'm SO glad that they've finally given Greg a storyline.

Even if it means having his ass beat. But then Sara's there for him! If they cut that, I'll be mad. Sara has been the one CSI who's kind of let him really foster in the new environment. Sort of encouraging his questions rather than shutting them down. Plus he offered to help her during her time off in Nesting Dolls, so I like that she's there for him during this.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I haven't seen all of Nesting Dolls. But he offered to help her?
I'm thinking we all need to make ourselves Sandle shirt.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah - when he finds out that Sara's been put on leave, he asks Catherine if they can appeal to Ecklie about it, or something along those lines. Catherine, who doesn't want to tell Greg the particulars of Sara's dismissal, because it involves her, just says no.

Greg follows up by saying that Sara's always there for everyone else.

It was a sweet scene.
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