Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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Waaaaaahh :( My computer is still deep fried and I'm gonna have to miss the CSI fanale tonight! :( :(
P.S. If Nick is needed in the RP then whoever can play him cuz it's gonna be a little while till I get back online.
So our realm is named "The Coffee Shift of No Return" then.

Well, I would say we make ourselves comfortable with a nice cup of coffee, while we wait and see how relationships don't last forever. :)
winks1999, that's a good quote :)
Aside from Sandle, I kinda need it, my life's kinda hectic right now... thanks for sharing it :)

Awww little Sandle shop! :D :D Yes, everytime we need anything Sandley, we could go there. Maybe we could pay with Gold Stars instead of money :D

Anyway, I'm worried. I was over at Snickers forum (hehe first time surfing there... cuz I guess I never know what others ship are discussing), there's a spoiler for the final episode that someone quoted from YTDAW and... I'm not sure what yet, but... just say if it's bad for Snickers, it's bad news for Sandle too :(
Guess we'll find out soon...
Hopefully after I got back (6 hours from now) I won't have to read anything devastating about the finale in this thread :(
I hope relationships don't last because I am in a very pissy mood! That seriously damaged my love for sandles!

The people who don't like it should stop watching CSI because then there will be a huge drop in viewers and then the writers will see that there are more people who hate GSR than they think. :mad:
heh heh, yeah good idea Sandles21 ! But I was soo pissed when I saw it last night. I called my friend and she I were like, "NOOOO! It was supposed to be SARA and GREG!"

But I like the idea of a sandles shop! Paying with gold stars...I like it! That way we are the only ship that can say, "We have a shop and you don't!" lol.
But I need cheering up from last nights ep.
Seriously, all the ships that didn't like the finale (hmm the'scene') should come together and stop watching CSI. I'd rather have no couples get together instead of what did happen. :(
Oops, I didn't refresh the window so I didn't see the new post, gregsandersfan... but, YAY, we finally have a name for our realm! :D :D

while we wait and see how relationships don't last forever.
:eek: :eek: OMG
Are you saying.... ??


... okay I think I need Greg's Blue Hawaian... or a Disney movie and ice cream... :( is the shop open yet?

Well I just hope it's just a way to put closure to GSR. So then Sara could move on *cough withGreg cough* cuz, I don't see Sara being happy with Grissom in the long run... I mean, chemistry doesn't lie. I even agree with Snickers that GSR felt like 'faked', at least Greg&Sara's chemistry is real :mad: oh well, GSR should have a closure sooner or later. We'll just have to wait for the rainbow after the storm! :)
arg! silly tptb! i just knew it was going to be sara, as soon as i saw the legs! i was yelling at the tv and everthing, lol, and then i couldnt get on here last night because the site was being weird, so i had no way to vent my'm so depressed....and, now that grey's anatomy is moving to the same time as CSI, i might have to pick another show over CSI! at least until gsr sinks!
but finding the silver lining, at least we have a name! the coffee shift of no return! haha, love it!
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