Omg, hi everyone! I haven't been in here forever and I'm so sorry about that. I've missed you all! *hugs* How is everything going in the Sandle thread? Still strongly supporting the best ship of all CSI?
I miss the Sandleness lately. I should really watch some old episodes again and enjoy the many flirting scenes.
Haha just read your disccussion on Greg and Sara going out for dinner. That would be so cool, since they never got to that in Organ Grinder and in Who Shot Sherlock? So it would be awesome if Greg came up to Sara, saying: "Wanna go out for dinner? It's long overdue." And Sara'd be like:
Oh by the way, I've started a new fic. I dunno when I'll have it up, but I'll let you guys know.
Aaah feels good to be back! *hugs again*
Haha just read your disccussion on Greg and Sara going out for dinner. That would be so cool, since they never got to that in Organ Grinder and in Who Shot Sherlock? So it would be awesome if Greg came up to Sara, saying: "Wanna go out for dinner? It's long overdue." And Sara'd be like:
Oh by the way, I've started a new fic. I dunno when I'll have it up, but I'll let you guys know.
Aaah feels good to be back! *hugs again*