Karu! Welcome to the Sandle thread. Heh, yet another shipper of both Sandle and CaRWash.

We're just so awesome.
The interview with Jorja was put up on the csifiles front page, which was how I found it. It might still be there if you have a look. I don't really remember what the rest of the interview was about... once I'd read that quote the rest of it pretty much went from my mind.
By the way, guys, it made me so happy to see this thread alive again.

Long live Sandle!
That picture is such a short but sweet Sandle moment,
LostInEvidence! I love how protective of each other they are. Sara putting her hands up to protect him really spoke to me of their closeness, and how much they both rely on each other.
I really hope that will end up with greg and stay with him FOREVER!!
Seconded! It's the way that the world should be.
And yay for Sara coming back for the premiere! One of my imaginary scenarios is that Sara turns up at Greg's apartment before the funeral, because she can't face going alone. The problem with that scenario is that I can't see the rest of the team's reactions when Greg turns up with Sara. It's like some kind of imagtination-block...
I don't know, maybe they just stand at the back.
But of course, that's just the wanderings of my strange mind... I've been ill the last few days and haven't really had much to do except think. And lose myself in the worlds of my fandoms.