Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

Again, I'd love it to be either way. But I think if it were to happen, there would be a larger chance of Greg calling.

... except for the fact that he doesn't have her new number, unless she kept her phone.

And yeah! Twas fun debating. I like thinking things over. :3
Can't believe I missed that debate... lol.

But yeah, to add in my two cents, (that's such a weird phrase... where does it come from?) Where was I? Oh, yeah. I'm more inclined to think that they would have Greg call Sara rather than the other way round. They've shown throughout the course of the series that he respects her, her judgement, her advice. If he had a problem I think she would be his first port of call. Sara, on the other hand, obviously is having trouble letting people in at the moment so if she was struggling... she wouldn't be phoning anyone.

Of course, the main reason I think they wouldn't show Sara calling Greg on the show is because if she was just lonely and wanted to talk to someone, she'd be unlikely to do it while he was at work.
Giving your "two cents" comes from when people would submit editorials to newspapers and such. They'd have to pay two cents to do it, but their opinion would still be heard. :3 Hope I helped clear that up, Salean.

I totally agree with Sara being unable to let people in. She kind of did in Chick Chop Flick Shop [is that the name of the episode? I always get it wrong]. When she spoke to Greg. Remember? That was such a great moment...

And yeah, she would be unable to reach Greg at work. Grissom plays into it a bit, too. But enough on that. ;D
greg_sara_love said:
We have a new member and I dont know about it?? I need to drop by here often :D
As for NZGirly, im sorry for the late welcome but..*Squash some spoiled cakes on NZGirly's face* :lol: :devil: that's how i say welcome...dont believe me? ask the others :lol: :lol: BTW you can call me Naz

I have an idea for a dialogue.. :D

Sara: *Sits on a couch, munching some popcorn and watching tv*
Tv: Were interrupting this program for this really, really important commercial
Sara: What now??!! I hate commercials!!
TV: New bugger on the block!! New bugger on the block!! Waddya want? Meat, Chicken or Salad bugger It has some fancy decorations...look at the Chilli sauce, what doen it says??
Sara: *Reads the Sentence made by the chilli sauce* Sara Sidle, I miss you so much....*Drop the popcorn* OMG!!!:eek:
TV: You sir, why do you want to make this Special and unusual bugger?
Guy in the Tv: Because I miss Sara Sidle So much!!
Sara: OMG!!! Greg?! *Chuckles*
Tv: Any messages?
Greg: Yeah...Sara, wherever you are..please come back, i miss you alot. Please....come back to me....
Tv: Wow! He really love her-
Greg: No, we're just good friends..
Tv: Ok...Back to the previous show you people are watching.. :D
Sara: OMG Greg, how can he do such things to have me back to LV?? *Sobs* I miss you too Greg...

Thank you Hes for the awesome idea.. :D
First of of all, yeah, you do need to come here more often, hun! :D Second of all, you're most welcome for the mini "plot bunny"! Greg actually paying for airtime to tell the whole TV viewing world that he misses Sara? Cuteness!

shazza_018 said:
Wow How active is the thread lol love it!

Welcome back Hestia!!!!!

Yeah I've become a regular poster but I can't help it lol!

I'm addicted to Sandle lol!!!
Thanks! And your addiction shows, shazza! Have some of Greg's famous Blue Hawaiian coffee.
And I must say, Greg and Nick look very handsome together. ;)

(I can't believe I missed the mini debtate! I like debates. But I'd probably end up agreeing with Skell alot! Oh well... maybe next time.)

Salean said:
Yeah, I'm not sure I was really expecting you to know who he was actually, Hestia , he's fairly local I think. But anyway, he writes these... random thoughts... for the front of notebooks, purses, cards, picture frames, magnets... you name it. They're absoloutly hilarious.
I wikipedia'd (I know it's not a word. :p) him and he seems great! He's an interesting artist and I like many of the things in his gallery including 'The Beautiful Frock' and 'The Penguin of Death'. :lol: But he's also got some lovely life messages in there. Thanks for telling me about him! :)

BTW Salean, according to this site the whole "put my two cents in" (which means to state one's opinion) has it's origins in the older phrase to "put my two bits in" which comes from the game of poker. When playing poker you have to make a small bet before the cards are dealt called an "ante" to begin play in that hand. This phrase draws an analogy to the poker ante (two bits) and gains your entry into the conversation.

The More You Know
(I can't believe I missed the mini debtate! I like debates. But I'd probably end up agreeing with Skell alot! Oh well... maybe next time.)

Haha, you'd agree with me a lot? I can see that! We have very similar interests. Taiora fans are hard to come by. :D

How are you Hes?? :D
Hestia said:
Thanks! And your addiction shows, shazza! Have some of Greg's famous Blue Hawaiian coffee.
And I must say, Greg and Nick look very handsome together. ;)

(I can't believe I missed the mini debtate! I like debates. But I'd probably end up agreeing with Skell alot! Oh well... maybe next time.)

Thanks for the coffee that what I really need right now. and glad you like the Greg and Nick Avatar - thanks to the Twins1729 for that lol....Maybe I'll put one up for Sandle........maybe.

Yeah the debate was interesting even though it was only me and skell......I think I got won over and had to in the end give up arguing cause everything skell made more sense lol so I gave up and had to agree.
Heh. Thanks Hestia and Skell for clearing that up. It was just a kinda random wondering. I have them a lot.

And yeah, Hestia , Edward Monkton is awesome. My favourite is probably... 'The Madness Hamsters', that come and steal your sanity. :p

This morning I was lying in bed, debating whether I should get up or not (I'm on study leave at the moment so I didn't have to go to school) and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking of that scene in 'Chasing the Bus'... "You're really good at what you do." And then I got this idea for a dialoguey thing that wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. So here you go:

It's set the day after 'Chasing the Bus'.

(Greg's lab - Greg is working, but without his usual enthusiasim)
(Sara enters)
Sara: Hey Greg.
Greg: (half-heartedly) Hey.
Sara: (concerned) You ok?
Greg: I'm... (sighs) I'm fine.
Sara: (disbelievingly) Right.
(Awkward pause, Greg is watching Sara expectantly)
Greg: Don't you have DNA evidence for me?
Sara: (looking a little uncomfortable) Actually... I just came to see how you were.
Greg: (goes back to his work) Right. So you're checking up on me.
Sara: No, no. I'm not checking up on you. It's just... yesterday you were really down and... I guess I wanted to make sure you were ok.
Greg: (looks up at Sara, obviously flattered) Well... thanks.
Sara: And I meant what I said yesterday. You are really good at what you do.
Greg: (looking a bit annoyed) Oh. Thanks.
Sara: (puzzled) What's wrong? You don't like being told you're a good DNA tech?
Greg: What? No. I just... (sighs) (quietly) I don't want to be good at what I do, you know? I want... I want to be good at what you do.
Sara: (a little shocked) Oh. Well... (smiles slowly) You know what? I think you will be.
Greg: Really?
Sara: Sure. Just give it a little bit of time and practice.
Greg: (grins) Thanks Sara.
Sara: (walks out of the lab) No problem.

A little random but there you go. :)
helo my sandle-ly friends :D nice to see you all here are all active posters...i miss those days with Pau, Dani and all my buddies...well, maybe they're busy or something... :)

And as usual, i have a dialogue for you all here :D

Greg: *Exhausted after came back from work* Whew! What a night!
Cellphone: *Plays marilyn manson's song*
Greg: *Pick it up without seeing who is it from* Helooooo
Sara: Hey, Greg...
Greg: :eek: :eek: Sara?! Is that you??
Sara: has it been in Vegas?
Greg: Well, im bored..
Sara: Why?
Greg: No one to talk to...and no one to tell jokes to..
Sara: Nick?
Greg: Naah, he wont listen to me... I miss you so much Sara.
Sara: *Chuckles* Greg, I miss you too...
Greg: I hope you're here right now with me, talking and laughing...
Sara: Well, I can make that happen..
Greg: *Frown his eyebrows* What do you mean?
Sara: I can make that happen, cuzz im infront of your door
Greg: :eek: What?! *Run and open the door with his phone on his hand* (Gasp) Sara!
Sara: Hey Greg...

End Credits... :D
Skell said:
(I can't believe I missed the mini debtate! I like debates. But I'd probably end up agreeing with Skell alot! Oh well... maybe next time.)

Haha, you'd agree with me a lot? I can see that! We have very similar interests. Taiora fans are hard to come by. :D

How are you Hes?? :D
I'm doing great! Wooo! Taiora! One of my first anime ships... (Then the stupid writers/animators killed that dream.
I mean, it makes no sense! The friendship was there, the blushes and moments and similar interests? All there. Sure he was a bit of a goof ball and she seemed a tad more serious sometimes but she understood him better than anyone of the group and he admitted he had feelings for her in season 2 but she decided she had feelings for another guy? The troubled, blue eyed guy who was always distant around her?! Around everyone?!)


Holy eureka moment, Batman! :eek:
I see some parallels here and know now why I'm attracted to the ships I'm attracted to! My Taiora sistah, come here!

(And you've answered some earlier questions before I do, so far, a post above mine! :lol: First the origins of Sandle on page 1, and now the "two cents" query; I gotta start paying more attention!)

^I'm still here Naz! That's something. :) And while I miss the other posters, these newbies bring something new to the table (though I distictly remember one old sandle shipper who liked Digimon. Don't know her shipper status... ;)) As usual, your dialogue is splendid, Naz.
Lol, I'm helping my little sis with her homework: writing a short crime story. (They're studying Sherlock Holmes at school) Well, she's just plotting ideas, but she came to me for ideas because I watch so much CSI. I never thought I'd find a time when helping my sister with her homework is fun :D

She's taking a break to watch me as I write this... and is currently laughing at me. She thinks I'm crazy for being so obsessed with a pairing from a TV show. I've been trying to explain to her how amazing Sandle is but she won't listen. Actually, she doesn't really like CSI because she finds it too gruesome.

Wow... I just realised this post is very rambly, and had very little point :p Fun times.
I watch CSI with my brother all the and my sister watches it sometimes.........she's into Sandle tooo and she thinks Greg proper fit bless her lol.

Yeah its cool discussing pairings with my brother even though his ships are GSR, Yo!Bling and "The Love"(Nick/Greg) lol........We could talk about the show forever but I think he's more into CSI: New York so sometimes its boring talking to him.

I don't think your post was rambly I think Its great that you brought that up and gave us something to discuss.

My sister had exactly the same homework so she goes to me help me give it the CSI twist and so I did and it was fun.......She actually wanted to include something about Sandle but I told her it has to be original so we made up to character that matched Sara and Greg's description and personality and had them fall in love lol it was quiet exciting and fun.

I mean she's only 10 but she's supper crazy about sandle....
That's what my sister wanted to do too! Except, without the Sandle part. She doesn't really get this whole 'shipping' business, apart from Jate in Lost. But yeah, she wanted to have the CSIs investigating it. I told her that her teacher would probably notice, and anyway, it was good for her to come up with her own ideas. She's a really good writer once she's got an idea, but she struggles to think of them.

I would love for one of my sisters to be crazy about Sandle. My other sister is beginning to lean towards Snickers, but she doesn't really ship them, just thinks they could possibly make a nice couple. They think I'm insane. :rolleyes:

Edit: Just because I realised that my last sentence was kinda ambiguous and, with the luck I'm having today, somebody was going to misintepret it. I mean that my family think I'm insane for being crazy about Sandle... or generally any of my ships.
Hestia said:
I'm doing great! Wooo! Taiora! One of my first anime ships... (Then the stupid writers/animators killed that dream.
I mean, it makes no sense! The friendship was there, the blushes and moments and similar interests? All there. Sure he was a bit of a goof ball and she seemed a tad more serious sometimes but she understood him better than anyone of the group and he admitted he had feelings for her in season 2 but she decided she had feelings for another guy? The troubled, blue eyed guy who was always distant around her?! Around everyone?!)


Holy eureka moment, Batman! :eek:
I see some parallels here and know now why I'm attracted to the ships I'm attracted to! My Taiora sistah, come here!

(And you've answered some earlier questions before I do, so far, a post above mine! :lol: First the origins of Sandle on page 1, and now the "two cents" query; I gotta start paying more attention!)

I KNOW!! Aaaaaagh!
You said everything I could have said, and more. :3 I'm still sore about what they did. I'll write a Taiora fanfic one day soon... after this Sandle one.

And great dialogues, guys!! They really are awesome. :D Nice to see after a long day -- which will only get longer! I just got back from an audition and I have two tests to study for this week. Ah!

GO AND VOTE EVERYBODY! :D Banner competition is up for voting!
I could not believe how many Sandle banners there were in that competition! It was so cool! I mean, I was expecting there to be quite a few... but still!

I feel your pain Skell , I have an exam I have to study for as well for this week. Good luck in your tests!
Me neither!!!!!! and all the Sandle ones were brillant but I tried not to just vote for the Samdle ones cause that won't be fair on the others so I think I picked out my favourite 2 from Sandle.....I really liked the one for Nick/Greg - "The Love".......I don't know why but the line "Just one kiss G" it seemed kinda sweet and cute lol.......just shows I'm opened to other ships as well as Sandle.

Awwwwwwww,Sorry guys I got an exam Tommorow aswell So Goodluck Salean and Skell - Hope all goes well!!!!!!!!