Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

Yeah Salean Al la Cart airs on Tuesday.......

I've got an exam on Wednesday but I'm not gonna let that

stop me from watching the show!!!! LOL. :lol:
Aww, I don't think that's why, Salean. :3 Not at all. People have just been really busy is all. ;D You may not see much of me within the next two weeks, that won't be your fault. :3

Oooh A La Cart is such a good episode. Except I'm a little iffy at the ending.
I wanna extend a warm welcome to newbie: NZGirly! Welcome to our hopeful little ship, of course we shall not give up on sandle just because Sara left the show. Think of what happens during the commercial breaks! He might be calling her, chattng with her; he's smart I'm sure he found out where she is and is trying to keep in touch with her.

Looks like shazza is becoming a regular poster over here. I love that this little ship tends to draw in other, often rival, shippers (as evidenced by the GSR shipper who I believe stopped by on the last page) :cool:

Salean said:
Wow... I love how active this thread is :)

*munches on positivity cookies* Thanks Hestia ! Your random thoughts of non-sandle shippers really reminded me of the random musings of Edward Monkton. You ever heard of him?
I have not, but I'm curious to know who he is. Glad you liked the cookies. ;)

You're not watching the show, Kat? Well you're still a shipper and you still do all the important shipper things so it's perfectly fine!
Truth be told, my enthusiasm for CSI and CSI Miami has sort of waned (that's why I don't stop by as often as I used to) but I still try to watch and I still love the ships I ship, in LV and Miami... :)

SaraStar said:
Hi guys! Sorry for not being here for awhile. I see that we have some new members! Welcome! :D Always nice to see new peope coming in. Our Sandle group is growing with the day. <3

Where's my Hestia? I haven't seen her around for awhile. Come back to us hun!
I'm here, my EvaStar!
I may be posting a bit less frequently than I used to but I'm still here! Woo!

(Though I know I'll be busy when I get back to school at the end of the month. :eek:)

Oh, and I'm gonna try and enter that fanart contest! I wanna try out my photoshop skills. Good luck to all of you who submitted a sandle banner for the contest! Show of that hopeful, sandle pride!
Hey Hes! Long time no see! :D How's it been?

I'm really loving this thread. It's gaining posts so quickly, so active... never a dull moment on this ship! :D

That's a very optimistic view, Hestia. Greg calling Sara during the commercial breaks... hmm... what an interesting statement.

Yeah, Shazza and Salean, you guys have been great supporters of this ship. Thanks for helping to keep the hope alive. ;D

I really can't wait until the voting is over and we can actually see who did what. I really want to wear my banner around the site. :D Can't wait to see what we all have posted up!
Hi Skell! Glad you're posting often; you rock! :D And BTW, so everyone here knows, the deadline for that shippy banner challenge is Monday 6 pm CST! So those who are considering making one have the whole weekend! :)

Since we don't have the SSCB anymore because of lack of Sara, I figured there's still some kind of moment we can glean from the episodes, so I decree that off-screen, Greg has managed to find out Sara's new phone number, had some tense angsty moments at first when he spoke to her but because he's a sweetie pie, he forgave her and offers his sympathetic ear which keeps them close. Awww...
OMG!! Sandle really do have alot of hopes....look how fast we're goin.. :D

We have a new member and I dont know about it?? I need to drop by here often :D
As for NZGirly, im sorry for the late welcome but..*Squash some spoiled cakes on NZGirly's face* :lol: :devil: that's how i say welcome...dont believe me? ask the others :lol: :lol: BTW you can call me Naz

I have an idea for a dialogue.. :D

Sara: *Sits on a couch, munching some popcorn and watching tv*
Tv: Were interrupting this program for this really, really important commercial
Sara: What now??!! I hate commercials!!
TV: New bugger on the block!! New bugger on the block!! Waddya want? Meat, Chicken or Salad bugger It has some fancy decorations...look at the Chilli sauce, what doen it says??
Sara: *Reads the Sentence made by the chilli sauce* Sara Sidle, I miss you so much....*Drop the popcorn* OMG!!!:eek:
TV: You sir, why do you want to make this Special and unusual bugger?
Guy in the Tv: Because I miss Sara Sidle So much!!
Sara: OMG!!! Greg?! *Chuckles*
Tv: Any messages?
Greg: Yeah...Sara, wherever you are..please come back, i miss you alot. Please....come back to me....
Tv: Wow! He really love her-
Greg: No, we're just good friends..
Tv: Ok...Back to the previous show you people are watching.. :D
Sara: OMG Greg, how can he do such things to have me back to LV?? *Sobs* I miss you too Greg...

Thank you Hes for the awesome idea.. :D
What can I say? I love to post. :3

xD Hes and Naz, what a team you guys make! Great scenario there. I really liked it! Wish something like that would happen. :3

Two more days until the ship contest is up! So excited!
Wow How active is the thread lol love it!

Welcome back Hestia!!!!!

Yeah I've become a regular poster but I can't help it lol!

I'm addicted to Sandle lol!!!
Oooh, lots of new posts!

Yeah, I'm not sure I was really expecting you to know who he was actually, Hestia , he's fairly local I think. But anyway, he writes these... random thoughts... for the front of notebooks, purses, cards, picture frames, magnets... you name it. They're absoloutly hilarious.

And I'd love for them to show Greg calling Sara, or something. If he had a really tough case and then we just see him in the locker room on the phone saying 'Hey, Sara, it's Greg.' And then the episode could end... and we'd all be grinning our heads off.
*goes off into a little daydream of that*
It would be so sweet.

Anyway, hope you all have great days!
Salean said:

And I'd love for them to show Greg calling Sara, or something. If he had a really tough case and then we just see him in the locker room on the phone saying 'Hey, Sara, it's Greg.' And then the episode could end... and we'd all be grinning our heads off.
*goes off into a little daydream of that*
It would be so sweet.

And you know what? It's so great, that's something that I can see the show actually having, because it's not asking for too much. :3 Awww, what a killer cliffhanger that would be!!
I think that could possiblely happen cause I think the TPTB(The Powers That Be) would take the risk of having Greg phone Sara or Sara phone Greg.

I mean even if they're going with the whole GSR thing I think Sara would phone Greg because they were mentor and I can actually see that happening in an episode. But we'd all be grinning our heads off lol.

Okay out here
TPTB? Is that an official thing?
I don't think it would be between mentor and mentee, but between friends. They were really close! No one can deny that.

And I really think that if anyone would make the call, realistically speaking, it would be Greg.
TPTB - not an offical thing lol just what I call those behind CSI - the producers,the director etc.

Yeah they're are friends too. they are really close and that would be the reason why Sara would phone Greg.....I can't see Greg phoning Sara I mean he's probably really annoyed that she left without saying goodbye properly to him so why would he call her first???
I think Sara would probably call Greg...
My reason behind Greg calling Sara, instead of the other way around, is how it would come off appearing in the show. If Greg called Sara, then it would most likely have a calming tone – he’s looking for someone to confide in. If Sara called Greg, it would be very shocked. I’m not against it, but here’s my next point.

If Greg called Sara, you could fit it in anywhere, easily. If Sara called Greg, it would be very abrupt. He’s at work, he is most likely going to be in the middle of something. By Greg calling Sara, it’s filler for what he can do during his break.

Now, I’m not against Sara calling Greg, no sir. But I think it would be received better by the audience if Greg called. I mean, Sara left with a letter to Grissom. So if she “randomly” calls Greg, and not Grissom, how is that going to look?

Just my two cents. ;D Hope I made some sense.
Yeah agree with you there.

It seems to make sense your way round makes more sense lol.

Okay I give up it would probably be Greg calling Sara.

Lol Loved debating the matter with you :)