Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Katie (sandersidle), your name is in green! :eek: You're a moderator! (I did a quick check and you now mod General TV & Media)


I missed having you around here. (I missed all of the girls who haven't been around, lately, but now they seem to be coming back!
Your observation is astute and well presented. Of course I'd like to think his brush off was Sara-related but we haven't had any more information about it (and maybe it's for the best because the writers could just as easily make it some inane reason for his bad mood). In any case, I haven't seen some of the episodes (the ones in the beginning of this season. Boo, night class.) What I've heard is that the team all found out about Sara and Grissom but we didn't see their expressions much. Maybe Greg had a delayed reaction. Not only was Sara taken, she left them; left him. That's gotta put someone in a less than happy mood.

As of now I don't know if I want them to explore his feelings. (BTW: Does anyone know any good sandle fics taking place after Sara leaves? Preferrably one-chapter fics.)

So you're in the U.S, Skell? Alright, that's all I need to know. :)

Pau, you're using even more smilies than even me, and I love smilies! You were definitely calmer when you first came but maybe all the Blue Hawaiian has made you hyper; it's understandable, though. :D This is one of the only ships I'd go crazy for, too! Let's dance with Naz in the Blue Hawaiian fountain (of course I missed ya', Snazzy Naz :lol:)!

P.S: Got around 40 posts left until a new thread. ;)

Edit: And I made it to a new page. Cool!
Le gasp! A Sandle fan is a moderator! :D Congrats Katie! :D

I really hope the writers go into it more, or give us some more of Greg's reaction on the issue. :3

xD And... as for any good Sandle fics. I'm still working on mine, Hes, and it's definitely longer than a chapter... but people have liked it so far! Haha...

Yay! Fourty posts left. :D
Hey guys! I'm back! I'm officially on my winter break now and it feels awesomely. I've worked really hard the past days and now I'm free! :D I'm finishing both a Christmas Sandle fic and, to answer Hestia's question, my new Sandle fic about Sara leaving (it's a oneshot). I think I'll finish it today, so as soon as it's up, I'll post the URL here.

Congrats Katie on becoming a mod! :D

I just watched Fannysmackin' and even though I've seen it like a thousand times, I'm still so in love with that beautiful little moment they shared there. Greg's like "I know that Sidle scent" is probably the most beautiful, loving and original line in CSI history. :)

Oh and I'm joining in the dancing in the Blue Hawaiian fountain! Yayy. *dances*
Hey!! lovely to see you all...first of all, i would like to congratulate Katie for being a mod...i know you'll dao a great job.. :D

Eva glad to see you!! I miss you hun! :D i cant wait for your upcoming fanfic...i hope you'll finish up your story "Faded Away" i really love that story.. :D

I too love the part where Sara said "I camne here for you Greg" i cried seriously...I wish that Greg would tell someone about his feelings..maybe to Catherine...or nick :D
Maybe they would show Greg talking to Sara over the phone...Oh!Oh! I know!!! maybe they would show Greg rubbing his thumb lightly on Sara's pic and cry...ooooh i'm sure it'll bring tears in our eyes :D
Welcome back Eva! Can't wait to read your Christmas fic, and your oneshot on Sara leaving. :3 I'm excited!

That is such a touching scene. I don't know why the writers didn't go on with it. I don't think they elaborated on it either, with the episodes acting as sequels to Fannysmackin, huh? Oh well...

But I totally agree. A shot where Greg is rubbing a picture of Sara softly with his thumb would say a million words, even if it would be for a second. I'd be happy if that's all we get for the rest of the season, because it'll show Greg still cares, and the writer's acknowledge that.
I finished my Christmas fic! It was a present for a member of the Jorja All Around LiveJournal community, they had organized a Secret Santa. But I posted it on Fanfiction.Net so you guys can read it too! Here you go: . I hope you like it!

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Germany, we're going to stay with friends of us and spend Christmas time. Anyway that means I won't be online so much! So I wish you guys an awesome (Sandlish) Christmas! *hugs*

I thought your Christmas fic was awfully sweet. :3 The little Santa made me laugh, especially. Lovely job! :D
Do enjoy your stay in Germany.
Hey everyone! Sorry for not being here often recently... I just read through the last couple of posts, and oh I agree with you, a scene in which Greg's feelings for Sara become (even more) obvious would be just too great! It doesn't have to be much, just a simple conversation... like this

Indirect Sandle Scene

Nick: Greg, how's the case going on?
Greg (shrugs): Okay.
Nick (ironically): Wow, that's what I call enthusiasm...
Greg (rolls his eyes): Just cause it's Christmas time I don't have to walk around with a toothpaste advertisement smile on my face, right? (turns away)
Nick: What's wrong with you Greg? (sits down on a chair)
Greg: So what's that supposed to mean? Don't you have work to do?
Nick: I'm not gonna leave till you tell me what's wrong with you. You've been like that ever since... oh. (expression of understanding on his face) So you still...?
Greg (still not looking at him): Yeah. Even more every day. So what? That's none of your business.
Nick: You're my friend Greg. So it pretty well is. (sighs) And anyway - I miss her, too.
Greg (looks at Nick): I just wish she... (hesitates) I wish she'd called. Just once. Just for me to know that she's okay.
Nick (nods): Yeah. It's so strange knowing that she's gone, and...
(Grissom enters the room)
Grissom: Nick, Greg, got something for me?
Greg (avoiding Grissom's look): Not yet.
Nick: Me neither.
Grissom: I don't see the connection between these two murders. There's something missing.
Greg (coldly): There definitely is.
Nick: Look, Grissom, why don't we get through the reports again? I've got them in the lab. (pulls Grissom out of the room)
Greg stares after Grissom and bites his lip, then goes back to work. End of scene.

It's so simple to include something like this!

Eva, where exactly in Germany will you be? It's so damned cold here right now, so make sure to pack warm clothes! :D Have fun in my home country!^^
Wow thanks guys. :D

I hope you have fun in Germany, Eva!

I just remembered I had a dream last night that Greg sat down with Grissom and was talking to him about Sara and how Greg still loved her. I sort of forget the rest but he was explaining to Grissom about his 'whatever' comment. I woke up and was so pissed off it didn't actually happen in the show. :lol:

And aww I like that scene, SandleDL. Poor Greggo. :(
That's a really nice scene! We could probably put together a collection of those. :D Nicely done, SandleDL!!

I hope to get my fic on the continuation of Greg's "whatever" comment by Christmas. :D So excited!
aww...thats so sweet Kat i love that...and i have an idea for a dialog..

(In the locker room)
Greg: *Rubbing his thumb lightly on Sara's pic, sobbing*
Catherine: *Dashed in* Greg! I've....
Greg: *Jumped and hides picture behind his back*
Catherine: What are you doing? And..are you crying?
Greg: Naah..*wipes away tears* Just dirt in my eyes
Catherine: *Sit down infront of Greg* No, you're lying..whats behind your back?
Greg: Nothing...really
Catherine: How dare you lie to your friend. Show me..
Greg: *Hand over the picture to Catherine*
Catherine: I know how you feel Greg..
Greg: No! You dont understand...Nobody understands what's in my heart right now..
Catherine: What do you mean? Greg..What do you mean?
Greg: I love Sara alright! I love her for 8 years. For 8 years Catherine...
Catherine: I..uhm..*Rubs Greg's shoulder*
Greg: *Sobbing* 8 years and no one knew, even Sara....When I found out that Sara's with Grissom, my heart broke into million pieces..I cant bear to see her with Grissom...I'm sorry Cath, but you'll need to leave right now...
Catherine: *Walk towards the door and pause for a moment* Even though Sara's with Grissom, I know that she will be yours forever Greg...Yours forever. *Walk away*
Greg: *Covers his face and cry*

Oh man...I cant help it... :D
thank you.. :D i cant help myself...well i think i may have another dialogue :D

(After shift)

Nick: Hey Greg! Me and Warrick are goin to a bar, wanna come?
Greg: Naah..thanks alot
Catherine: Greg, why are you still in the lab? the shift is over and everybody is going home..even Grissom.
Greg: Wow! First time! :p
Catherine: C'mon...its christmas eve...
Greg: I'll stay a little longer...paper work..
Catherine: Yeah..I understand. g'night Greg
Greg: Yeah, g'night

Greg: *Walk all over the lab making sure that there's no one in the lab*
Greg: *Walk back into the break room and open the cupboard*
Sara: Are we alone Greg?
Greg: Yeah...So...wanna solve some crime scene??
Sara: glad that i lie to grissom saying that im leaving las vegas...
Greg: yeah...enough about him...lets search for the evidence! :devil: :devil:
Sara: Sickening :devil:

As for the rest...i'll just censored it :D :D
Oh dear , Nazzie i missed ya sweetheart ... you and your dialogs . Loved all of them , great idea . You should make another one about what happens after the censored scene because I want more dirty thoughts from you. :devil:
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