Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Aww I just saw "A La Cart" and found out that Greg knew about Grissom and Sara. He really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it when Nick asked him! Poor Greggo. He must be heartbroken. :( Anyway, the episode was really cute, especially the carting in the end. Sara was like bobbing her head backwards and you didn't see to who, so I'm just gonna pretend she did it to Greg. Positivity, right? :D

Lovely poem, Dani!
SaraStar said:
Aww I just saw "A La Cart" and found out that Greg knew about Grissom and Sara. He really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it when Nick asked him! Poor Greggo. He must be heartbroken. :(

Actually, that part seemed to me as if he was telling Nick he knew, just so Nick could feel left out of the circle, and Greg could better hide his feelings about the matter, you know? He sounded quite disappointed at it, and would have avoided the topic at all costs, but couldn't because Nick asked him so bluntly.
yah..i agree with Skell. I can see in his face that he was so disappointed. :( oh man....i cannot help it but to cry at that part... :p

but hey lets think positively :D We have SSCB :D
Skell said:
SaraStar said:
Aww I just saw "A La Cart" and found out that Greg knew about Grissom and Sara. He really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it when Nick asked him! Poor Greggo. He must be heartbroken. :(

Actually, that part seemed to me as if he was telling Nick he knew, just so Nick could feel left out of the circle, and Greg could better hide his feelings about the matter, you know? He sounded quite disappointed at it, and would have avoided the topic at all costs, but couldn't because Nick asked him so bluntly.

Hm that might be true too. Either way, it's clear that it's hurting him. But we indeed have the SSCBs to satisfy us! :D

I'm currently really busy with school, so that's why I don't come here as often. Next week we have our huge examination week and I gotta study like crazy to get it all done. But after that it's Christmas holiday and I'll be back to start our Christmas writing challenge as I mentioned on one of the earlier pages. And I'll have my own new Sandle fic up finally!

Keep the Sandle love alive. *hugs*
SaraStar said:
Lovely poem, Dani!
Thankies huunie ! I can't wait for your fic , probably is going to be awesome . I will finally update my creepy story , Human prey and I decided to use Sandle in it because it would fit so great . Poor Greggy , I bet he is sad after Sara was gone ... but who knows , maybe she called him and told him her feelings . Something like this :

Greg:Hello ?
Sara: Greg ? It's me , Sara .
Greg:Hey , Sara , how are you doing ?
Sara : Fine , how about you ?
Greg : I'm okay too ... just bored and tired . Back from work an hour ago .
Sara : Yeah , glad to hear you are okay .
Greg : So , how is San Francisco ?
Sara : Wonderful ... it gave me a lot of time to think . To think about my past , my life and everything .
Greg :Listen , Sara ...I ...
Sara : Greg , I want to tell you something . Please , listen to me for a second . This is all I'm asking .
The second part tomorrow ... now I've gotta go sleep .
It's funny how many of us are busy at the same time. Well, as for me, it's finals week! :eek: But I promise to come back and post more often after December 20th! Maybe even write a little Chrsitmasy fic for the sandle people. (Looking forward to yours, Eva!)

Aww, glad to see Jue back (your name is Sue? Cute. :D) But sad that we have to take off Loki. Hope she knows she's always welcome here. ;)

New List of Recent Sandle-Shippers (as of now)

SaraStar - Eva
Dutchie - Nikki
kissmesweet - Delia aka Del
sandersidle - Katie
GregsLabRat - Carrie
luvincsi - Paula aka Pau
SandleDL - Katja aka Kat
greg_sara_love - Naz
araSgerG - Emi aka EmLee
Sabser - Jessica aka Jessi
Nami - Lisa
jue - Sue
sandle_rocks - Amy
PintSizeGenius - Soph
CathStokes - Lynn
messermonroe - Liff
ericloca - Danielle aka Dani
Blue Starlight (formerly LoveCSI) - Bonnie
Skell :)

P.S: Sandle is love and hope. That is all. :cool:
I know, right? I think it's because school years/working hours are busier during this time of the year due to finals/holidays. My finals are in January, though... hmm...

Haha, I have a smiley next to my name. How cute.
You have a smilie 'cuz you're a new addition. ;) But next time you won't. :lol: Anyway, the holidays are fast approaching and hopefully we'll have more time to post when we get vacation.

I didn't know you had finals in January. Where are you from?

Oh and to keep this post sandle-y (and spoiler-y for those who haven't seen season 8 yet):

Sandle Pic of the Moment (x2)
(from Go to Hell)



"You missin' me yet?" "A little more everyday." (Cue the cute, almost lip-puckery reaction from Sara.)

Thoughts? Feelings? Alternate "captions". :D Just post them here and let's get a bit of discussion going, girls.

P.S: Less than 50 posts until a new thread. :cool:
Awh. I just have to comment in here because that scene was so adorable! Greg really does miss her more and more everyday. I think he said that jokingly but deep down his feelings for her are really strong. If only Sara knew how much he ment that. Oh Greggo, always covering your feelings up with a joke. :lol:

Aww I just saw "A La Cart" and found out that Greg knew about Grissom and Sara. He really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it when Nick asked him! Poor Greggo. He must be heartbroken. :(
I got the feeling Greg didn't want to talk about it, either. What I find peculiar is that he said he already knew. What are you guys' thoughts on that? Do you think Sara told him privately? Or he figured it out for himself (bless him :()? Or he just said that to Nick to end the conversation about it?

I'd also like to know what was up with Greg's "yeah, whatever" comment to Grissom. I really feel like it was about Sara but of course there was no continuity with that. :mad: Alas, I can dream can't I? :p
Hestia, I live in the US. :3 That's about as much as you can get out of me without any ambiguity. Haha. :3

Such a cute scene... I really love the exchange and the setting of it. Poor Greg...

About the scene with Nick, sandersidle, I honestly think he didn't know about it, but in wanting Nick to feel like Greg and Sara are as close as he'd like, he said he knew about it. I think he's lying to cover up his true feelings. :3

And the "yeah, whatever" comment, I'm hoping we'll get some continuity later in the series. No new episode this week, but hopefully something will show later...
Hey, hey, hey my friends!!! :D Missin' me yet?? :lol: quoting Sara from the episode... :D I juz came back from Malaysia. And Im so damn tired... :D

but i manage to drop by and say HELLO!!! to my friends here :D

ya know what is my fav sandle moments??? All of them!!
when i first watch the episode where they both were showering together, i jump around my family thought i was crazy that time....YES!!! yes I am crazy!!(Sandely crazy) hehe... :D
Haha, that's great energy to be having. :3 Think we need some more of that energy back here on the thread. ;D I can tell everyone is busy, though. Holiday season.

When do you guys think Greg will have his next spotlight? I feel we should talk about that before we go into when we think Sara will come back, that seems further away to me. :3
Well...I hope Sara gonna pay the crime lab a visit the same day when Greg get a promotion....I just wanna see the hugging again...or maybe more :devil:

I miss the hugging, the everything they did together....
I love the part where Sara was running and the Greg grabbed her arm and they were twirling and hugging...i love that!!! and i miss that too...

oh well..i wanna dance around the blue hawaiian fountain...*Dance around the fountain* care to join me? :D
Merry Christmas everyone!
Or shall I say, Merry Sandlemas.

Sorry I've been a bad shipper and not visited the thread for (how long was it already?).
Oh, I can't even remember for how long. :(

Everything had been so.. hectic. I have exams, relatives coming over, outreach programs and other stuff. I am tired. I am in desperate need of a good sleep.

But you know what made me feel better?
Visiting the thread and seeing all those posts, old shippers are coming back (welcome back!) and great pics.
(this smiley is not pcking its nose
) At least you guys had been active! Sara and Greg would be proud. *tear*

We have this project -- we have to make a miniature.
To be inspired but not in a really criminal way
, I rewatched S7 and studied the details of those miniatures. Those good S7 Sandle scenes made me feel, really good.
I made a good choice picking this ship. Sara and Greg clearly belongs together.
Sandle is hope and love!
Then there's Pau and Snazzy Naz who are the two best friends that like to giggle and have fun. Pau is more calm but Naz brings out the crazy side in her, I think.
I'm calm? I'm going to let my mom read this!
Everyone in this thread is my besties! And I just realized that I do giggle here a lot. It's probably the Sandlelitis.
One disease I don't want to be cured from.
*Hugs Pau, Naz, Hestia, Kat, EvaStar, Skelly Lucky (welcome! ) Danni, and everyone else that I love dearly!
Oh, Jessie. I missed you so much! *hugs her tight* Hooray, you're back.

Just for the spirit of Christmas or Sandlemas, does anyone mind if I put up a Christmas tree?
Oh dear... I forgot names again. D:
greg_sara_love, I love it when they hug. :3 They're just adorable together... and the scene where they're running the marathon, yeah, that was a great one. I wonder why Greg didn't run...

You haven't been the only busy one, luvincsi. :3 A lot of us here are in similar shoes. Funny how it all happens at the same time... haha.
But making a miniature? That sounds like a lot of work, but fun at the same time. :3 Good luck with that!

And I wouldn't mind if you put up a Christmas tree. :3
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