Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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greg_sara_love said:
Know what?? I think we should get started with the next thread's name. :D WOW!! we're moving fast you guys!!! :D

mine will be Sara/Greg#13- Ship Of Hope thanks to someone who invent the title..hehe
You're welcome. Heh. ;) I think it was previous page. I was giving some long speech about how I'll never give up on this ship and how we shouldn't lose hope (I've been pretty chipper ever since my ship in another fandom became canon. For the most part. *coughHenry/BettyFTWcough*

Actually, here's the quote:
As for sidlewannabee's question: I refuse to let this ship die. As long as I'm a CSI fan, I am a sandle fan. This ship thread shall continue, even if I'm the only one who posts. Sure I'm sad, but the Thanksgiving episode gave me hope. Just like Greg still carries a torch for Sara, however dim it may have become, so shall I carry a torch for this ship. Because in the end, hope is something we give ourselves. This ship was founded on it. This ship has crushed and revived it time and again, this ship is far from over.

Sandle is the ship of hope. That is all. (I think I need to change my sig.)

Safe to say my passion for sandle has been renewed. I may have new ships and new fandoms, but my original CSI ship (sort of) and this thread will always have a special place in my heart.
So I think we can all agree on Sara/Greg #13 - The Ship of Hope as the next thread title. Maybe I can even open it... but only if Lucky Skell is there! You know how the number 13 is.
(Oh, can we include "Sandle" so it reads: Sara/Greg #13 - Sandle: The Ship of Hope ?)

Edit: It's morning over there for ya' Kat? :eek: It's 1 am here! And Skell, when we get to 1000 posts it's time for a new thread.
Quick entry before I head off to work^^
Yes Hes, now it's 7.08am *g* time difference, I hate it. Makes it almost impossible to talk to my sister anytime but at the weekend :(
I agree with y'all, thread title is great. Do we really need a poll? And yes let's include the "Sandle"!
Ok see you sometime this day! And good night to all those who aren't asleep yet ;)
Oh, Naz, after a long day of practice, I am so tired and your dialogue was the one who did the trick of fading my tiredness away. :D It surprised me a bit but a good cake fight can always change someone's mind. :lol: *throws cake at Naz* :devil: :lol: :p

Sandle: The Ship of Hope it is! :) And I agree that it really shows how Sandle shippers don't give up on Sara and Greg and on Sandle! :) And yeah, we're on thread number 13. I am sure instead of an unlucky thread, it's going to be a pretty lucky one. ;) *feels Sara's return* ;)
I love the title. We can all still hope. We know it's there, we're just waiting for it to submerge. :3

1000 posts, huh? All righty, then. Eighty three more posts to go! :D
By then I can have an icon. :3 Happy me!
And... I love the number thirteen. I was born on the thirteenth.
Favorite numbers: 6 and 13. :3
I sense no danger there. :D
hehe....Skell, you can call me Naz..

the writers said that Sara would be bback in one of the episodes..maybe theres hope for Greg after all. :D

lets pray, so know...something that we want to see is gonna happen :D
I think we all agree on naming the next thread Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope. It's a great title, I think! Thanks for coming up with it, Hestia. ;)

And the moment we've all been waiting for... my SPOTM! Haha, it's been a while, I know, I know. I'm really sorry! So here we go.

Sandle Pic Of The Moment
(from Butterflied)


Their faces are so close! I'm in love with this pic. I hope I satisfied you with this one and that it'll increase your Sandlish feelings that led to the staying alive of this thread! We're the Shippers of Hope! We rock!
Haha, all right!
I did say I'm really bad with names, though, right? xD I will try to remember your name, Naz. :3 I need to write all of these down. xD

Did the writers say that Sara will come back later this season? I see her coming back at the end, if at all. Might be too soon, you know?

Great SPOTM! :D I love it! Such a cute, intimate picture. Greg really has piercing eyes, doesn't he?
Lovely choice, SaraStar! :D
Oh I love that picture, Eva! I knew you'd pull through. :) I don't even remember that little part. Wow... so cute.

And don't worry, Skell, I was bad with names at first too but eventually a few names stick in mind and you associate their usernames with their regular names. I definitely recognize Eva, cuz I like to call her EvaStar in my mind.
Then there's Pau and Snazzy Naz who are the two best friends that like to giggle and have fun. Pau is more calm but Naz brings out the crazy side in her, I think.
Delia han't posted as much but she's got an awesome forum and I always think of that 'Hey there Delilah' song when I see the name kissesmesweet.
SandleDL or Kat is the poetic one who should someday have a cat as an avatar for better recognition!
I think the only one I don't call by their given name off the bat, is Sabster. Her real name is Jessica but I call her Sab because I love the name Sabrina. (Miss ya Sab!
Also, I've only recently memorized sandersidle as Katie (still haven't called her that, as far as I recall), and ericloca as Dani (hope that's really her name. That's the one that always gets me!) Oh, and I've referred to araSgerG as Em in my last 2 or so posts (but in my defense she only recently gave me the alternate name to add to the list! :p)

Oh yeah! The list! Guess I should've just pulled that out instead of going on and on about some of my fave sandle posters. :lol:

A Semi-Complete List of recent sandle shippers

SaraStar - Eva
Dutchie - Nikki
kissmesweet - Delia aka Del
sandersidle - Katie
GregsLabRat - Carrie
luvincsi - Paula aka Pau
SandleDL - Katja aka Kat
greg_sara_love - Naz
araSgerG - Emi aka EmLee
Sabser - Jessica aka Jessi
Nami - Lisa
sandle_rocks - Amy
PintSizeGenius - Soph
CathStokes - Lynn
gregslabmouse - Loki
messermonroe - Liff
ericloca - Danielle aka Dani
Blue Starlight (formerly LoveCSI) - Bonnie

If there are any names missing here or a wrong name, please tell me. These were the regular posters from the last 3 or so months. After a while, if they still don't post, I might prune the list a bit. :cool:

I'll probably post a SPOTM tommorrow.

P.S: You were born on the 13th? Awesome! No wonder you're lucky, Skell!
Whoa! I'm going to have to bookmark this page! xD Thanks, Hes!
Haha, I love the number thirteen...

So what do you think Cockroaches will have in store for us? Think the writers will touch upon Greg's past sentence to Grissom?
Whoa , we've gotta lot of Sandle fans here . Yup , Hes , Dani is my real name . Whoa , Eva even though it's pretty old , that pic is getting better day after day ... cuz until Greg will go and get Sara back , we will have only the memories of the wonderful relationship we call Sandle .
By the way , I remember something I made one day :
Yeah . Anyway , guys what do you think Greg would give Sara on her birthday ? And what will Sara give Greg on his birthday ? Let's make some suggestions about it , what do you think ?
Mine :
Greg's gift for Sara :ring
Sara's gift for Greg : bracelet
THanks for the list again, I still have difficulties with some neames, too! ;) Maybe I should print it and stick it to my PC.^^
Anyway, it's great that we've already got a new thread title - we're the best shippers on board! No fights, no discussions, just pure Sandle love! :)
Loved the SPOTD, by the way... just a little bit closer... *sighs*
I've got a new SQOTD for you, but unfortunately I don't know who said it. But however, here it is...

Sandle Quote of the Day

In every second when there is hope and despair, in every such moment, there is an opportunity waiting for you. Just have the courage to uncover it.

I think this means that we should really think positive, and that Greg should make the best out of the current situation. Sara's gone, that's bad, but on the other hand she isn't with Grissom anymore either. So maybe that's a chance for Greggo the Brave!
Aww... Greg giving Sara a ring on her birthday... that wouldn't be the same day he proposes, now would it? Haha.
I can see Sara giving Greg a bracelet, but in trying to give new items, here are mine:

Greg to Sara: flowers and a night out
Sara to Greg: watch

I don't have a material item really pictured in mny head for Greg to give to Sara; if I think of one, though, I'll tell you. :3

And that's a real cute quote, Kat :3 If you don't know who it's quoted by, is it anonymous? Where do you find such lovely quotes, anyway? :D
I hope when Sara comes back, she and Greg will have a chance together.
@Skell: I get the quotes from Wikiquote - I so love that site!

Presents? Yay! :)
Hm, what would Greg give Sara? Something that shows how much he cares, something that'll keep her warm when he's not there, something she can still take with her wherever she goes, not too expensive but still unique... so here it is! ! :lol:
And Sara? Oh, she knows exactly what Greg wants. Some physical exhaution, sweaty bodies, 2 hours of rhythm and passion... ! that's where she takes him to :p
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