Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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luvincsi said:
Oh, Hes, I miss those cute little Sandle scenes from the previous episodes too. :) I miss them so much that I want to have them back. :) Well, we still have the SSCBs, those never fails to show us really good Sandle scenes. :devil: I love your siggy by the way! :D
SandleDL said:
Hestia, love your banner! They're both so cute on it!
Glad you noticed! I used the screencaps from the cute little "You missing me yet?" "A little more every day." scene a few episodes back. (I think episode 3, Go to Hell) I'm sure the clip is up on Youtube.
And now I think I know what screencaps I'll post next after Eva gives us her own SPOTM later on this week.

Skell, you only need to check the earlier pages to see how fast we posted, and compare it to the recent pages... it was quite a slump to us but we seem to have recovered nicely (around the time you arrived) Hmmm...
I decree that Skell is our sandley lucky charm!

Birthday cake spoils fast around here! :lol: Careful newbies; Naz is armed with cake!
Welcome back and thank you Naz for the compliment on my fic! I think it's quickly progressing... I've been updating daily. :3 Gosh I love Sandle.

Hahaha... I feel special! :D I think it's because I'm super into this thread. I get impatient with slow-moving ones, I always have to try and revive it somehow. Haha.

And I really like that scene with Greg and Sara in it... where are the screens for it you said?
Hey sweetheart Skell , I just finished reading ur fic and what can I say ? It's so amazing that makes my heart happy ! I just love it and I can't wait for the next chappie !!! I bet it's gonna be as good as the others were .
Yay! Skell is our lucky charm. Skelly lucky?. :lol: Yeah, everythng went kind of slow here. :( We were going extrmely fast during April and May, i think. We finished about 2 or 3 threads like that. *snap fingers* :) Oh, I just love those fun "___ of the Day" stuff we used to have. :) Everything from Fluffy thought and Dirty thought. :devil: And those royatly titles. :D Sandle would be proud! :) And Naz, who would forget "The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave". :)

So the cake fight is starting again? Okay. *throws a pile of spoiled cake at Naz* :devil: Bwahaha! Tehee! Gosh, I missed you Naz. :) *hugs*

And you too, Kat. :) Great choice on the quote and it's right, Let us not give up on Sandle!

Hes, how can we miss that pretty banner of yours, huh? :8
Thanks Dani for the awesome words! :D I'm really enjoying writing this fic. I just hope that a block won't come my way anytime soon. D:

And Pau, hehe Skelly Lucky is great. :3 Whatever you guys want, I'm cool with it.
But a question: can someone fill me in on this "The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave" thing? :D

I'm bringing in more posts with my newbie-ness! xD
Haha Skell I love your "location"! :D I think the others are right in saying that you're our lucky charm, so many people have come back - including me! I was away for so long, but I think it's part of the Sandle charm that we always come back!

You want one, you get one...

Sandle Dialogue of the Day

Shortly before Sara's departure
Sara (appears in the doorway, a packed bag in her hand): Greg, are you there?
Greg (looks up): Yeah... where else should I be?
Sara (comes closer): Greg, I know you're pissed because I leave, but...
Greg: Pissed? (shakes head) You just don't get it, do you?
Sara: Get what?
Greg (turns his head): Doesn't matter...
Sara (stands next to him, grabs his shoulder gently and makes him look at her): It does matter, Greg.
Greg (blurts out): So? Does it really? Then you're the only one who sees that, great, at least there's one single person! Oh wait I forgot, there won't be no more! I mean, everybody's sorry for Grissom, like how he's losing you, but...
Sara (quietly): I'm sorry Greg.
Greg: Oh, don't you feel sorry, it's your decision, right? You do what you have to do, and it'll make you happy, and that should be enough for Grissom, to know that you're happy. I mean, I'll miss you like hell, but if... (takes deep breath) if it's best for you, then I'm fine with it, because that's all I want.
Sara (chokes): I wanted to say that I'm sorry for how things turned out. For all those moments we... I ... let just slip through my fingers.
Greg (confused): What do you mean by that?
Sara (kinda sadly): Things could have been so different between us. If we'd only taken our chances instead of letting them pass, if all these twists and turns of fate had arranged our lives in a different way...
Greg (takes her hand): Don't think that way. Please. Of course it could have been different - but that could also mean that we would never have met at all, or that I would have made some stupid things that made you think I'm stupid - (smirks) not that I haven't, though.
Sara (smiles): I never thought that. Never.
Greg (wipes a tear away from her face): And that's enough for me. (smiles) You know I've loved you from the very first day - and don't you dare think that you being away will change that so soon. I don't care where you are, as long as there's the tiniest chance you'll come back, and whether for Grissom, or me, or whoever, it won't change my feelings for you. I love you - and that's why I want you to be happy, wherever you will go. (stand up and kisses her on the cheek) I'll miss you. (leaves the room without looking back)
Sara (stares at Greg's empty chair): I'll miss you, too, Greg.

Hope you liked it! :)
Haha, I think I just came at the right time. ;D I'm surprised how many people at my school DON'T watch CSI; they all like other shows like Lost... never really watched that one.
BUT ANYWAY - it's glad that you're back SandleDL; and I LOVE your dialogue! It's very well written, and it's so sweet.
And that's definitely how the two would act. Lovely job. :D
Skell... I just wanted to compliment you on your "Better Man" story. I ship GSR, but I love Greggo to pieces. You had me laughing with the flowers. Sooooooooo disturbing! Ofcourse Nick will have to fight Hodges for him. :D

I know this is a Sandles thread, but I really hope that Greggo is the wake up call for Grissom to go after Sara. Maybe he can share some wisdom with the old man. Like, "Hello! You have what I would kill for, and you are letting it slip through your fingers! Do something already! Go after her!" Followed by a kick in the ass. i don't know why i want Greg to kick Grissom in the ass, but I do. *kick* :lol:

Anywho, congrats on your story. It's really good!
This is being posted in all shipper threads:

Ok guys, here are some quotes from the Shipper Central rules which are located here . Everyone needs to read them and become familiar with them.

Please pay special attention to these:

Shipper Central is designed to be a FUN place for people to discuss their favorite FICTIONAL pairings. Shipping is NOT life or death - it's fun AND it's fiction. So, let's please not take things so seriously. If someone doesn't like your chosen pairing, SO WHAT? You do and that's all that should matter.

We expect EVERYONE to have RESPECT for the other posters in this forum and their ships. Treat other ships the way you want everyone to treat your ships.

To quote TBonz - "Insulting couples (characters) and/or real life actors. DON'T. If you don't like a ship and feel compelled to say why, do it dispassionately and with respect for those who might."

If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being
shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread.


Discussion in each thread should be limited to the ship it pertains to. Brief, on topic mention of other ships is allowed (for example, if you are discussing a double date between two pairings),
Otherwise, discussion of other ships is OFF TOPIC and should be avoided.

This means that there is too much discussion of other ships in this thread. It's time to knock it off.
^ I hope this isn't because of some of the GSR things we've said lately. :eek: We're positive shippers. We keep things toned down when discussing the unavoidable ship. :)

Skell said:
Hahaha... I feel special! :D I think it's because I'm super into this thread. I get impatient with slow-moving ones, I always have to try and revive it somehow. Haha.

And I really like that scene with Greg and Sara in it... where are the screens for it you said?
I love your new "location" :lol: You need a little banner with a lucky four leaf clover on it. Your a lovely breath of fresh air. Hear that lurkers? We adore newbies so come join and stop by the sandle thread; we have cookies and Greg's very own Blue Hawaiian! :cool:

You're talking about the screencaps I used in my current sandle banner? Oh I'm saving them to post after Eva posts her own SPOTM. I'm wondering what it'll be... (No pressure, hun. ;))

Meanwhile, we got our first Sandle Dialogue from the poetic Kat! Thanks for that rewrite, it was sorely needed. So sweet! *sigh*
Okay, now, I adore that SDD. :D Very sweet, didn't fail to put a smile on my face. ;)

I'm surprised how many people at my school DON'T watch CSI;
I feel the same way. My friends totally don't watch CSI. Those poor people. :( Don't know what they are missing. ;)

The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave"
Well, Skell, (wow, that rhymed. :lol:), if you want to know all about that Sandly tale here's a link: The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave. I think, it's way down there. About the third to the last post. I piled it up for a newbie before. :D

I can't wait for Eva's SPOTM. I wonder what terrific Sandle scene she'll be putting up next. :)

*thinks of SSCBs scenes over and over in my head*
(for the record, I am a nut, so I do love them...the cake was delicious...looking)
Know what?
I'm out of Sandley comments. I can only say that when (not if, when :D ) she'll have saw the error of her ways and jettison into Greg's arms and they will be happy and in love and...that's about it.
Know what?? I think we should get started with the next thread's name. :D WOW!! we're moving fast you guys!!! :D

mine will be Sara/Greg#13- Ship Of Hope thanks to someone who invent the title..hehe

My brain is empty..i cant think of a sandle dialog.... :( Maybe i need to think harder.. :D

well, this ship must be full with happiness and*trow spoiled cake at everybody... :devil: Squash the cake at Skelly lucky's evil :devil: lol

Ahah!!! I have a dialog...finally

Greg: you really have to go??
Sara: Yes Greg, I really have to go..*sniff*
[/b]Greg[/b]: What can I do to make you change your mind?...please stay with
Sara: No..nothing can make me change my mind..goodbye Greg. :(
Greg: *thinking...and run away..*
Sara: *walk towards the door*
Greg: *Blocks her* Not even this??


Sara: Greg!! What the?!!!
Greg: Haha!! :lol:
Sara: *take a piece of cake on the floor and squashed it at Greg's face* Take that GREG!!
*Greg Chase after Sara around the lab*
Grissom: What The?? :confused:

i know its lame..but its to bring smiles in this post...i think... :D
Oh that definitely made me smile! I love those Sara and Greg cake fights! I also love the thread title suggestion, I think it's a wonderful title for the next thread (that will hopefully come soon)! It says it all - us Sandle shippers just don't give up!
Ok gotta go, it's 6.40am over here, I need to have breakfast!^^
Uh oh. D: I hope we didn't get the warning because of former GSR splurges earlier, too, Hes... but we've been containing ourselves to our own thread, right? Hmm...

But I can see what dirtylabrat is saying. It's easy to imagine.
But go Sandle! :D

Thanks Pau for the link! I'll check it out tomorrow when I get the chance. I have to read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales tonight for English tomorrow. x]

But first I want to say this: great dialogue greg_sara_love! :D It's cute. Haha.
And I agree with the new thread title. When do we start it?
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