Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death by Hanging

Calihan said:
Does anyone know when he's actully going to get executed.
It's seems to be a bit unclear in regards to the exact time, but obviously there is an appeal and (from what I have just read on the BBC) if the death sentence is upheld then the execution must be carried out within 30 days. Now the execution is supposed to be by hanging, but Saddam Hussein has asked for firing squad. I would imagine maybe towards the end of the year beginning of next year, but it has not been set in stone and also it's a bit unclear whether he will be executed before the Anfal trial concludes (which is another trial he is standing).
It's a done deal.. he's DEAD..finally :devil:, after 3 years.. they video taped his hanging.. can't wait to see that :( NOT..hoepfully, their won't be any rioting or more deaths.. :mad:
I think it's terrible the response some people have given to his death. He was still a human being, and as terrible as he was I don't find it's civil and right to dance around a dead man's body and praise God that he's dead. God didn't kill him; we did. And there's nothing glorious or wonderful about his death. We're trying to step up this ladder to a pain-free world. There was nothing pain-free about this.

It just comes to show our world's craving for vengeance and violence; bloodshed and war. It makes us look like savages.
He deserved it. he tortured people in inhumane ways. By doing this, he lost my respect and any guilt for him with this torture. I am glad he is dead, and I would like to see that video. It may seem morbid, but it's how I feel.
quoth_the_raven said:
I think it's terrible the response some people have given to his death. He was still a human being, and as terrible as he was I don't find it's civil and right to dance around a dead man's body and praise God that he's dead. God didn't kill him; we did. And there's nothing glorious or wonderful about his death. We're trying to step up this ladder to a pain-free world. There was nothing pain-free about this.

It just comes to show our world's craving for vengeance and violence; bloodshed and war. It makes us look like savages.

As I'm against the death penalty in any circumstances... but even more I hate how a dead body is desecrated. No matter who he/she is. To cheer that someone is dead - that's so disrespective. Why no one of you post these kind of messages when Pinochet died? Was there threads and happiness about his death? No - even he was exactly the similar dictator than Hussein was. You just go with the media.

I wonder if US now has realised to who it's safe to give weapons and to who...not. (because Hussein's Iraq got most of their weapons from US that he then later used against his own people and against other nations)

and as for my last letters. It's just my opinion. JMO.
Personally, I think it's pretty vulgar for anyone to be dancing around someone’s dead body and cheering. It's one thing for someone to get the death penalty (whether you are for or against), I think it quite another to revel in it to that extent. I can't stand the guy, I never have. I think he is an evil person and if anyone one should be given the death penalty, he is a worthy candidate for it. I can't say I will lose any sleep over his death, but that's just my opinion.
I´m with DaWacko. I´m against the Death penalty in any way. And i don´t see that his death will bring peace to Iraq. Shortly after his death 30 people died in a carbomb. Again.
Im in two minds over this whole thing. Personally, yes I feel he should die for what he did to people, but then we are just as bad as he is by resorting to death as an answer. But then again, he was evil and caused not only the Iraqies pain and suffering, but also the troops that had to go out there and fight for peace and justice, and as I have family in the armed forces I don't think thats right. But, I wouldn't have cheered and danced around his body, even though I did want him dead, because its still disrespectful, and makes us just as bad.

Personally, I would have preffered if he was locked up and never realeased, and made to suffer, not through torture, but have to rot in jail for what he did.

People dancing around his body is disrespectful indeed. He was a murderer and stuff indeed, but why would one dance around his body? I still think the death penalty for him was an easy way out and well, I still think he should have been locked in prison for life.
Death is not the proper retribution. Obviously, what he did is unforgivable, but I can't be happy for his execution, because I can't be happy for a person's death.
I can't bare to watch Sky News anymore if they keep showin his dead body!!!

I am agaisnt the Death Penalty also, its an easy 'get out' for the defendant.
Solatiry confinement in a 6by6 cell woulda bin more apropriate in my eyes