Ryan/Samantha #1: He Wasn't Talking About The Hardware

Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

It was so cute - that scene with Cal. I am hoping that Sam can bring out this side of Ryan every week! I may find myself liking this ship.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Does anybody know if Sam appearing on next week's episode? Hopefully she does and we get another cute scene between these two. Like Ryan being embarrased because she knows he has a crush on her...
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Doesn't look like Samantha's in Monday's episode but hey, she wasn't in the last one and we still got a scene! ;)
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Hell, we know it's a good ship when we can have moments without the characters even being there. :) Tehehe, cute.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Ok, so overdue but I loved that little scene when Calleigh knew that Ryan was trying to flirt with Sam! And that Sam saw right through him was oozing with cuteness! I so hope we get some more flirty scenes. It's refreshing just to have light banter like Eric, Cal and Tim used to have in the early eps. I really want to see how this ship develops.

Any idea on when Sam's gonna be on again?
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I was sad :( a little when Sam wasn't in this one hopefully she will be back on next week and we can have more scenes with them. I loved last week when Calligh was teasing Ryan about his crush on Sam that was the cutiest thing i have seen all season ( Besides Ryan being oh so HOT)
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I don't think Sam's in the next few episodes, which sucks. I don't know what the point of hiring a lab tech is if they're not going to use her. Every time I see the surface computer, I wanna see Sam, damn it.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I know, I thought the point of having a lab tech is so the almighty busy CSIs can have someone do the tedious job of technology. But then again, Cooper was only in few episodes in the seasons he was in. Hopefully Sam would be more present if not in the next coming episodes then at least on Feb sweeps (if the writers' strike is over by then).