Ryan/Samantha #1: He Wasn't Talking About The Hardware


Lab Technician
Anyone else think they'd make a cute couple? Granted they haven't given us much of either character this season yet, but I thought they had potential.




Ryan's makin' his way around the lab techs. ;)
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I agree their scene was so cute. Made each other smile, had sparks, great couple :)
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I'm not a Ryan fan but I would ship them! I really liked the scene between these two. I like the second pic cause it kind looks like she's about to lean on him. hehe

To be honest I think I could like Ryan but depends on how his character is this season.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Oh, I've never been a big fan of Ryan either. I liked him better as nerdy-OCD Ryan and I complain about his whining every week (thankfully he has his job back now), but I like shipping Ryan with lab techs (Ryan/Valera makes me happy, too).

The problem I had with Sam at the beginning was that she was so BLAH. She was boring. We didn't know anything about her and she was just a pretty face to do the A/V left over from Cooper. But I thought that last night, her and Ryan's bantering was cute and brought out a little more personality from Samantha.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

They did have a cute scene last night :) I don't mind shipping for them and Ryan seems to be tongue tied around her :D Maybe she'll bring back the adorable nerdy Ryan.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I'm not really a Ryan fan either... but yeah the scene was nice, and Sam's a good character to see when Valera's not in the episode. I hope she's on next week's episode so we get to know more about her.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

"If you hate this girl so much, my friend, then why are you here? Buzz off before I make you."
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Isn't it curious that for now everyone that's written on this thread is a hiphugger...
just thought it was interesting :cool:

punky brewster :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I break the chain. Buwah.
But no, seriously, HipHuggers is growing on me. <3

But yeah, I'm not really a big fan of Ryan either, but it really was a cute scene between them, and I hope something happens. ^^

Punky Brewster = lmfao
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Damn that so true hiphugger17!!!! :lol:

Punky Brewster....midnight you're so funny!! :p

Hi Burnedtoast welcome to...........well they don't have a name but welcome any way. ;)
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Yea, someone come up with a name for this couple. I'm lousy at these things.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

Hip_hugga_lovah - Thanks, dude!
Why not Upgrade?
Alright, that was kind of Terminator shippy, but still...
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

I love the scene between them and What Ryan say was really cutie. I would ship for them they would make a really cutie couple.
Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware

It's funny, cause as soon as she was cast my first thought was, "love interest for Ryan," and there ya go. Look at what they're wearing: both green and beige.

I'm still all about Ryan/Valera, though :(.