Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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o_O I love him in pink or purple shirts! but am allways gonna wish for a shirtless scene!
o_O I Know some of the LV characters have been shirtless but has there been anyone at all gone shirtless on CSIM? :p -sorry bout the going off topic.
Athlov! You obsessed icon,wp, Jon loving maniac[no offence]!! You are awesome!! It took me a while to get through looking at all the wps and other pics you have posted, just couldnt stop staring. I love all the wps but when you added the icons, it was truly terrific. The "Hot-N-Sexy" icon is great! Thanks so much.
Okay back to Jon...He definatly pulled off that pink. Not many guys can still look extremely sexy and manly in a pink shirt, but of course-if somebody is going to pull something off,Its going to be Jon.

Oh and to try to answer your question Ryan_lover: Eric as been shirtless before-obviously- he was shirtles sin the last episode, but I think he was shirtless in an episode before-or he was in a little tanktop :lol but I think it was only Eric.(goes through list of characters in head) Alexx-no, Calleigh-no, Natalia-no, Frank-no, H-no, and Ryan unfortunatly..:( No :(
Im not sure if you were asking about the main characters being shirtles or just anybody in the whole show being shirtless because if so, then there was many. :)
Are we already at page 18? Didn't we just make this new thread like a few weeks ago? Man, it's hot in here. :lol:
Well, remember, Speed has been. *sobs* In the morgue *sobs harder* But it'd be great if someone like H got shot, he'd have to be shirtless probably. Or Ryan.
But they should have Ryan shirtless, just for any old reason. :D Just to attract viewers, in my opinion, because he's so hot. :)
Later, ladies.
Page 18 already. Wow it seems that the pages are passing faster and faster.

I love Ryan in Pink, Purple or the infamous orange shirt. He seems to carry most colours off really well. Of course shirtless would be better but thats a long well off.
Is it bad that I want Ryan to get shot (but not fatally of course) where there would be a shirt ripping off scene to expose skin and find the bullet and stop the bleeding? (just like they did with Eric)

I doubt he will get shot, because he already was("Nailed"). I dont think they will have a character get shot twice, they could but its unlikey. I of course want Ryan shirtless but not if it means that he gets hurt :( And Yay for 18 pages! Get any ideas for a new thread title?
Ryan/Jonathan #14:"Sexy Man Biscuits" (is that how you spell biscuits?)
Anyways I still cant get over that :lol:
Silly, Ali indeed! :lol: *joins in volunteering to pull off Ryan's shirts* :devil:

I love your icon, ILuvJT! Is it okay to shorten your name like that? :D

As much as I want to see a shirtless Ryan, I don't really want to see him get hurt. Maybe the writers could just put in a locker room scene where he's called in for work and he's having to change shirts. The camera could capture his toned back first and then he can turn around to give us a gorgeous glimpse of his chest. Mmmmm... *drools at the thought* :devil:
Shadowfax said:
I love your icon, ILuvJT! Is it okay to shorten your name like that? :D
Thanks :) Fo_poozle make it for me :D
And sure, go ahead and shorten my name-everyone does anyways :lol:
Maybe the writers could just put in a locker room scene where he's called in for work and he's having to change shirts. The camera could capture his toned back first and then he can turn around to give us a gorgeous glimpse of his chest. Mmmmm... *drools at the thought* :devil:
Awesome idea, send that in :D
No problem :)
Okay to get back on topic...
How do you think Ryan is going to act in Monday's episode? He is probably going to be talking to Eric, I wonder what he will say. I cant wait to see more emotion from Ryan :)
I don't about u guys or (girls, lol) but I luv when he gets mad like at Cooper that one time when he threw him up against the wall, and in (Man Down) When he was fixing to punch that guy...i don't know why I just do. lol
*also volunteers to pull off Ryan's shirts...or clothes perion :devil: *

On the shirtless Ryan topic...what if he got wet, or pulled into a HAZMAT shower. Or even if he got into a fight and his shirt got ripped. All would be sexy, and he would not be shot. Wet Ryan.....*drools* ;)
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