Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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I know this is random but did anyone notice that in *Man Down* When Ryan was getting ready to punch that guy he was going to use his RIGHT arm...he's left handed? (Then again mabye the directer thought the right would be better) sorry I just notice these things. lol!
Jon is left handed, I don't known if Ryan is as well (although, stupid me, of course he is...) Maybe he punches better with his right? I'm right-handed but I use my left for some things, maybe Jon (and Ryan) is that way as well.
Sorry I couldn't be any more of a help. :D
Oh, I was really just wondering if anyone noticed it. lol. I am that way to. I am right handed but can do some stuff better with my left...
Hm, Ryan writes with his left hand and he holds his flash light and gun also in his left hand.

I also noticed in 'Fade Out' that the punched the locker with his right hand.

Hm, maybe he has a better punch with his right hand. ;)
or he doesn't want to hurt his left hand. :p

In one Season 3 episode (could be Addiction) he uses a scissor
I found an interesting thing. When they show Jonathan's name in the credits, did anyone notice that his name evolves from a math equation, so i finally figured out what the equation is: (7b)=6m+(3h)

I watch too much CSI:Miami
^ You wanna solve that? NVM it's simplified as much as possible.
You should post that in the [You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: Miami When...] thread. :D That's a good one.
Maybe Jon's ambidextorous, secretly. (I mispell a lot...) I don't know. It's an interesting topic, I guess. I don't know how you guys notice this stuff...
On the shirtless topic, it would be INCREDIBLE to see his shirt ripped off, then water splashed onto him, with his pants low. :devil: I volunteer to rip the shirt off! *raises hand along with everyone else, pushes people out of the way*
The angle he was at, and the way he had to twist, he would have landed a harder hit with this right hand. He cold out his weight into it. Plus, I think he wanted to hit the dude in the face, not the side of his head.
I am too. I make icons, but I can't use them yet.

BTW, anyone besides me love the outfit he wore in Man Down? He looks durn good in purple.
Any other colors ya'll can think of?
Ok, so I'm a little late on this, but:

in Season 3, Ryan's hair was shaggy and cute, like a college boy, but too boyish, and he was way to skinny. In season 4, his hair was nice and cleanly kept, and he had bulked up some, the muscles and stuff...woo *blushes*, and now in season 5, I love the whole spiky hair thing, its so cool. lol. Ok, now..

I can't believe we're already on page 18 already, especially since this morning we were only on 17 and I left for half a day and BAM on page 18 lol.

And we all know...Jon Togo is just too sexy...
I guess it's just because I'm young but s3 all the way for me! I liked the skinny, geeky, shaggy look! He was sooo hot!
S4 annoyed me a bit. i still thought he was hot but...
Wow! Now, especially 'Curse of the Coffin' (his hair was f***ing brilliant, as was he) his hair is better. :D Wish he could find a balance- shaggy but not too shaggy.
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