Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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The Chinese New Year hols have begun here. Now I can go online everyday & still have time to study.

athlov, love your Man Down caps to death! His eyes looked watery in quite a few of them. Wish he DID cry though...it's an extremely rare sight.

Ok ok I admit it, I will fall under the cuteness spell of Greg Sanders very very soon, when I watch 'Fannysmakin'. That'll be in 3 or 4 weeks time lol. I view some of the caps once in a while (plus Silhouette's signature!), & it makes me all tingly inside. *feels 'electrical love currents' running through her body*

loyal2wolfe said:
The Chinese New Year hols have begun here.

I live in a very big chinese comunity here i love it!And because of the comunity there are a ton of firecrackers and sparklers and all that kinda stuff I'v already stocked up a bit cant wait tell new years!!!! :D

Any way Ryans hair tho iv only seen a few eppys frm season 5 I have to say I love his hair i think this season has been his best hair cut but thats just me :D
I think I have expressed the hair preferences quite a few times but...

Season 3 - he was cute in a boyish way with the raggedy hair. By the end of the season it was getting out of control and was very unkempt. I didn't like it at all.

Season 4 - MUCH BETTER! He looked, acted, and beefed up nicely. He started to look like a real man and not a little boy. Being an older woman that made me feel better about thinking a younger man is good looking without feeling like a pedophile! :lol: I don't like his anger issues and attitudes though. Sometimes it seems they get the best of him and he could be violent and that isn't attractive on any man.... hott or not!

Season 5 - I love the spikey thing. His attitude is much better also. He isn't an arrogant show off. He has really come into his own and feels comfortable and a part of the team.
I have to admit though this season Jon is looking a little tired. I can see it in his eyes. I think he is working ALOT and it's showing. Poor thing! Maybe he needs a vacation....
Season 3 hair - It did just make him look like a little boy and even though we are roughly the same age it made me feel like he was so young.

Season 4 hair - So much sexier and easier to cope with. It made him look more grown up and professional. Like he hadn't just joined the team.

Season 5 hair - Now I can only comment on what I've seen in caps as it's not showing here yet. I like it alot. It seems really short and yep a little spikey. Again makes him seem older.

I agree that his personality has changed a lot over the last few seasons. From quiet, trying to impress to grown and ready for anything. I must admit I'm not liking the anger thing though but thats just don't to the fact I deliver anger management. Hmm maybe I could give him some lessons.
I fell for JT's charms in S3 with the shaggy hair, then got totally in love with his shorter-haired look in S4. Now I'm getting used to the spiky-haired look, I'm liking that. My all-time favourite, however, is how he looked in Curse of the Coffin. Short hair, nicely layered, and just feathering over his forehead. Just like in your avatar, ryansnuttytart . Perfect. :p

He looks incredibly young in some of the S3 episodes. Particularly in Crime Wave. Really skinny and innocent and young. It made me feel like I'd be cradle-snatching, so I'm quite pleased that he looks a little older with the shorter hair and beefed up body.

Edits - I found a pic to show what I mean. Still drop-dead gorgeous, but it's hard to believe that this is the same JT. Is it just me?Crime Wave Ryan
My all-time favourite, however, is how he looked in Curse of the Coffin. Short hair, nicely layered, and just feathering over his forehead. Just like in your avatar, ryansnuttytart . Perfect.
Yep. The short hair is, again, growing on me. I just liked how young and thin he looked because I'm younger than him. A lot younger. (I'm half his age...)
He also looked good in your banner, Ali, but I really did like him in 'Crime Wave.'
Later, ladies. :)
[AliGtr[/b] That is hard to believe that was him(In that Crime Wave pic), I mean he has the same gorgeous looks but he is like a young boy, he looks like a college boy. But now he is big and manly and tough :)
I also really liked him in Curse of the Coffin-he was especially cute because he was so scared! When he got the poison on his hands and he thought he was the curse, oh my gosh was he cute!! He was like " Alexx! Its the curse!!" Poor baby :( :lol:
I made a hot wallpaper from Darkroom.

There, fixed it. Hot-N-Sexy :D

I'm also going to put it in the wallpaper thread so everyone else can see it too. I had to put it here so you all wouldn't miss it. :D He just looks too sexy in those jeans.

ETA: Almost for got this one. (1024x768)

Curse of the Coffin is one of my favorites. He was too cute. Especially that scene with Alexx. :lol:
I liked when she was holding his hands and rinsing them. It was kind of like a mother rinsing her baby boy's boo boo, but at the same time you can imagine holding his hands yourself. *insert dreamy-eyes here*
I was just looking from more pics to make bgs out of, and I had to stop and look at these.

web page

web page

Can you believe how thin he was back then? :eek: He was so skinny, he was practically concave. :lol:

Even then he had big guns, but if you look at his hips you can see how tiny they are. Our man sure is eating good these days. :D

(pics from JTO)

ETA: Yay! New promo pics at Modern Day Gallery! Spoiler1 Spoiler2 Spoiler3
Ok can someone that has seen all the episodes of Special Unit 2 that Jon was in help me out?
So.... I know that he came to the show in the second season. imdb.com says that he was in 4 episodes and lists them. Was he ONLY in 4 episodes? Or was he in ALL the second season episodes?

Oh and athlov I love that spoiler 3 pic... I almost got teary eyed when I saw Eric/Adam in the background with a shaved head!! SO SAD!!!

Oh and one more question..... when you are posting pictures on here, how do you get the link to say something - like athlov when you post caps you have funny sayings as links instead of htttp: ///www. photobucket.blah blah blah.... as the link - you know what I am saying? How do you get the link to SAY something?

TIA! (that is Thanks In Advance in case no one knows)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... it takes a confident man who's comfy in his sexuality and manliness to wear and pull of the pink dress shirts. And JT does it with finesse! :D *dreamy look* :eek:
it takes a confident man who's comfy in his sexuality and manliness to wear and pull off the pink dress shirts
Who's going to pull off his shirt? *waves hand in the air* Me! Me! I'll do it! :devil:

Sorry, I'm being silly. :eek:

I love your wps, athlov . And that new promo pic... *drools* He looks sooooo good in pink. :p
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