Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Yes! Absolutely right on every count! Blimey, you're good!

V - I'm sure you're right. R - just makes him sexier. There's nothing there that I wouldn't agree with. *goes to make note of whole list*
Eeheeheehee... :lol: I'm glad you agree, Ali.

And you guys can add or tell me if I missed anything on the list. I'm sure y'all could come up with more stuff to fit. :D
athlov wrote :
We also know that
- He got his masters in Genetics (Under the influence)
- He went to night-school while working patrol (legal)
- He failed organic chemistry (Silencer)
- He helped put himself through college by removing asbestos (Dead Air)
- His niece is old enough to want an I-Pod (Death Pool 100)

oh, yes! Thanks! *slaps herself on the head*
How could I forget some of the details.
Haven't seen Dead Air yet, so I haven't known about that.
Didn't Yelina also say something about his degree in Chemistry?

Can't remeber 'Silencer'. Maybe the dubbing wasn't correct.

I liked this part of the review too.
maybe he will get more scenes with kids.
inge the Silencer bit, I believe the quote was "Okay, I failed Organic, what the hell is this?" He was talking to Aaron Peters about the compound. (I just saw it Monday, so it's stuck in my memory right now.)

Shadowfax, you're 100% correct on all of those!!! Even the first V one, I'm sure. *cough* :devil:
athlov wrote :
We also know that
- He got his masters in Genetics (Under the influence)
- He went to night-school while working patrol (legal)
- He failed organic chemistry (Silencer)
- He helped put himself through college by removing asbestos (Dead Air)
- His niece is old enough to want an I-Pod (Death Pool 100)

I'm 15 and I've wanted an iPod since the beginning of May 2006- I told my dad to get it for me for Christmas. :lol: (I was 14 at the time and yes, he got it for me.)

If Ryan got his masters in Genetics, then why the heck ain't he in DNA? :lol: :p *sorry, I'm still laughing at something a friend said this morning in first*
If Ryan got his masters in Genetics, then why the heck ain't he in DNA?
Good question. And the only reason I could think of is because he's sooo much sexier as a CSI than as a lab tech! *cough* Gun!Porn *cough* :devil: At least I think so! :D

ebonymist, glad you agree with the first V too. :devil:
Ok I am going to admit that I went to dictionary.com to look up the word Virile - I mean I know what it means but with that little demon icon :devil: after it and the *coughing* I think I needed to be refreshed of it's full meaning!! I have to admit I actually BLUSHED and GIGGLED when I read the definitions!!!

And yes I must admit that him being confined to the lab in a labcoat and not out in the field would make for a very boring Ryan Wolfe. Plus we would see him as much as we see Valera now and I don't think that I would be satisfied with that!!
Thanks, Raging4Ryan! :D

:lol: LMAO, R2T!! Yeah, I figured there might be some in here who didn't know exactly what 'virile' meant... hence the coughing and the :devil: icon. I was actually giggling too when I decided to put that on the list. It was the first thing that came to mind, believe it or not! :D

I wouldn't be satisfied either if Ryan was stuck in the lab all day. :( As adorable as he looks wearing a white lab coat, I'd miss seeing him in those sexy shirts and getting glimpses of his gorgeous rear whenever he squats or bends. :devil:
3 most, then 5 and then 4. i dunno, I really like the shaggy 'do. It seemed to make him look younger and cuter, and since I'm too young for him, anythung younger is great!
But now he looks more mature, and it's nice. But realy he looks good in absolutely anything. :)
Good question...wanna get a poll going on his hairstyles and/or clothing?
Later, ladies
Oh my gosh! I haven't posted in this thread in SO long because i've been trying to keep up with everything you guys have written!! Everytime I come back to post, there are 3 or 4 new PAGES to read through :p :D . But that's really good because you guys posted some really REALLY good caps. So i really enjoyed reading ( Looking ;) ) through it!!
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