Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I know that theres already a poll for the new name of the thread but i just came up with a name that might be ok for this thread its Wolfe Gang. I hope its ok that im posting this after the poll.I just thought id give it a shot and see what happnes ;)

B/w i think the short hair is sooo much HOTTER because u can see his eyes.I liked the long hair cuz it made him look younger but the short hair u can see hes a little more mature plus u get to see his eyes and personaly i love his eyes
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Hi again guys :)

Great names for the new thread but the poll won't let me vote, it says I already did, but it won't show me the results either :(

ETA: Oh I've just read that I can't see the results until it has finished :p so forget what I said :D :lol:. Thanks :)

Long hair, sweatervests and jackets for me please.

No showing-tummy-(?)t-shirts at least not in public :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

New thread! Yay! *throws confetti*

"No showing-tummy-t-shirt", Reine ? Why not? I'm waiting for the wardrobe people to wash that blue t-shirt again that he wore in Driven and wore again a little shorter in Curse of the Coffin. I'm sure it shrank a little in the wash. :p A little more and there would be a wonderful glimpse of tummy! :eek: *falls off chair at the thought*

I loved that wink in Silencer. Not quite a suave wink, but sexy because of that. I can't wait to see this wink! ;)

I can't get that CTV interview video to work. :( I clicked on it and the new window came up and just sat there not doing anything. How long should I wait for the thing to load? Is it me? :confused: *wants to see interview - has tantrum*

Oooh! Short hair... I want to run my fingers over it. Jackets, sweatervests... *dreams* Nice tight jeans... :devil:

*shakes self* I'm being remiss. A thread-warming pic! From Nailed. He was so good-looking in Nailed. And his eyes were just beautiful! (I'm ignoring the nail - that was horrible, poor baby).


Credit to JTO.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Yaaaay, a new thread! :D I'm a bit late.. :D How are you guys? I saw Mystic River FINALLY! :lol: I loved Jonathan in it.. :) By the way, reason I didn't post so long, is that my friggin laptop wouldn't work.. :mad:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I used to wish he had longer hair again but since there have been a few pics from S5 where it isn't quite as short and he is spiking it up a bit, I think that looks really good and am very happy with the muscly, short-haired Ryan. :p But it would be lovely to see the sweatervest back in action for old times' sake.
(Took a little while to figure out what a sweatervest actually was; in the UK we call it a tank-top but I like sweatervest better :))
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

God I go to sleep and work and look what I have to catch up on.

AliGtr I love the pic. Makes me just fall in love with him all over again. Not that I ever stopped can I add.

I definately prefer the short hair. Short is good. Stay like that Jon. Very sexy.

Just imagine if they wash the blue shirt and it shrinks and then he has to reach up high for something. OK think I'm going to pass out.

dna_girl glad you explained what a sweatervest was. Again I'm from the UK so was unsure. Love him in t-shirt and jacket though like the pic speed_cochrane posted.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

AHH about the whole blue shirt shrinking...I'd die..woo..just the fact that it'll be tighter on his body...OK so I wouldn't die, but I would definately pass out.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

His shirts / t-shirts are already tight around the arms I've noticed. *Hmmm mental note to self - must watch more than his arms*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

:lol: His arms are perfect. The rest is (probably) perfect too. He is just sooo cute. Yesterday they aired "Going Under" here in Holland. He was really cute in it.. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

AliGtr I love that pic, so serious of a look.
Hey I forgot to thank Athlov for helping me out with that video, your the best. Also R2T for her findings.

I love the short hair best I think. The long hair does make him look so young and sweet,but the short brings out his eyes and other great facial features. I think Jon prefers the short hair too, less time in the makeup dept getting his hair done for the show.

I agree that Blue T shirt needs to be washed a few more times then let him wear it....tummy peek.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

bulletgirl91 said:
I know that theres already a poll for the new name of the thread but i just came up with a name that might be ok for this thread its Wolfe Gang. I hope its ok that im posting this after the poll.I just thought id give it a shot and see what happnes ;)

B/w i think the short hair is sooo much HOTTER because u can see his eyes.I liked the long hair cuz it made him look younger but the short hair u can see hes a little more mature plus u get to see his eyes and personaly i love his eyes

Yeah, that's a great name. Or Wolfe Pack. :D Too bad.
As for the blue shirt- he shouldn't wear it- he should wear more ORANGE! And sweatervests. And the white jackets! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Nah, I'm with everyone else on this one - I like that blue shirt. And I'd faint if the shirt did shrink even more. :p

I would like to see him in a sweatervest again, for old time's sake. I didn't particularly care for it in S3, but the one he wore in Dead Air was okay. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I am LMAO at the blue shirt shrinking and people passing out over tummy peeks! You ladies are hilarious!

I really like the bright colors. I HATE the color orange but he looks really great in it. It brings out his dark features (hair, eyes, eyebrows and even skin). He makes orange look GOOD to me!

Ok enough... back to acting 30 years old again! LOL
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I like the bright colors, too. Even the orange, which I typically hate. He does make orange look good, lol. ;) I like green on him, and that light blue shirt he wore in Shock looked good.

....what am I saying? He always looks good. :D

I did forget to comment on the hair-length debate, though. I like the shorter hair better. I liked the longer hair better at first, but I've gotten so used to the shorter hair than the longer just kinda looks shaggy and so unlike Ryan. (Plus I like being able to see him eyes better!) I like the spikey, kinda-longer S5 look, too.
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