Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

The UK don't get S5 til summer, I think, so have yet to see the new, improved, less-tense Ryan. Having watched all of S4 now, he definitely went through it, with his eye injury and the mole-hunt, and he let his anger get the best of him. His displays of anger were great to watch (slamming Cooper, smashing Erica's recorder) but it gave him a bit of an edge which was a bit negative at times.
I love his haircut a bit spiky, it looks really cool.

(I would say roll on summer but we have got new seasons of NY and LV to watch so I am just going to content myself with watching them til Ryan & co comes on screen. :))
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I like his haircut! Its so cute on him, and yea, he probably has cute little toes too. his anger has been getting the best of him, or it did in Season 4, but I like him in season 5, more calm, mellow, but still oh so sweet. LOL :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

:eek: *woohoo*

A new thread? A new thread? *jumps around*

That's awesome! :D
*reads the suggestions carefully*

@athlov: The link you posted in the old thread concerning the interview I asked for doesn't work for me. :confused:
Perhaps it's been removed or something. *hopes not*

Now I remember my question: On which arm does Jon has his tattoo? I'm just asking cause I've seen a few pics where it's on the right arm and on the pics from the Joe Schmelzer photoshoot it's on his left arm. I could imagine the CSI pics I've seen were just mirrored but it kinda confused me.

And now some congratz pics for the new thread! :D

I like "evil" shining in his eyes
Some hand porn :D

Credits to athlov and jontogo.online (Do I always have to post the links to the sites I'm giving credit to? *just curious*) :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

It's on his left arm, Yurek.

Woohoo!! New thread!! *throws confetti* Now we just need a name... ;)

Okay, okay, I'll go with everyone else and say that it's okay he winked at Boa and it didn't mean anything, and it's nice that he's not the cause of tension anymore. Actually, I do agree that it's nice that's he's finally found his place. :D And I love his haircut, too speed_cochrane.

And I think it's adorable that he can't wink properly. Makes him cuter, and it's nice to see that, no, in fact he's not "perfect". (Well, he's perfect just the way he is, bad winking and all, but that's beside the point) :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

(I already posted this, but it seems that I didn't confirm it so it wouldn't show my post :lol: :lol:. Maybe it was that I'm nervous with all this hotness :p)

Oh, congratulations for the new thread *throws confetti*

I haven't been here in ages but maybe I'll come back 'cause 13 is a very lucky number :lol: :lol:

I have a question: 2 or 3 threads ago, someone, I think it was athlov who posted a link to a web page where they talked about the clothes the actors wear in the show. For example Ryan's jackets and t-shirts, specially when those ones were kinda expensive like the ones he wore in "Three Way" and "Free Fall" *drools* and in that page you could look for other actors like Emily P. etc.

So please, if someome knows what I'm talking about tell me the page please!!! *makes watery eyes*

Thanks a lot!!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Yay on the new thread!
I know this sounds weird because eveyrone likes his new haircut but does anyone think he looked better with longer hair? ME! ME! ME!
Sorry to disrupt the love of his short spikey hair. He looks adorable anyway :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

^ I do!!! :D I prefer him with long hair, like he was in "One Night Stand", "Money Plane" or "Nothing to Lose" *drools*

I also like him with his sweatervest (come back please!!! :() like in "Shootout" and with jacket and shirt, like he was in "Free Fall" or in "From the grave" *sighs*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

YAY!! A new thread!!!

Ok a couple of things.... First of all your welcome for the link to that interview that created the pic for the new thread!! *smooches* I'm kidding with ya!

Second of all, I wonder if that wink was something that he threw in at the last minute because he kind of did it as he was walking away - like he forgot to do it or it wasn't scripted or maybe he thought it would be a nice 'touch' for the scene on his own... you know what I am saying? I absolutely never thought that wink meant anything more than 'good job' to Boa... it was just awkward.

Third of all, do you think he reads this forum? I can only imagine what he would be saying to himself after reading all of us saying "He can't wink properly" LMAO!!!!!!

Fourth of all.... SHORT HAIR ALL THE WAY!! Jon, if you do read this, DO NOT GROW YOUR HAIR OUT!!! And keep doing the spikey thing! So cute!! HAHA!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Awsome new theared!!!! :D Great job Kat amazing pic!!!:eek:

I love him in a sweatervest(he looks Great in anything)but the sweatervest and black t-shirt is my fave! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

YES! Keep the short hair, it rocks. It fits him and its just..woo. lol. Short hair..stays, long hair was cute, but the short hair..cuter...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I still prefer him with short hair... brings out his eyes more, imo. :D But I like his hair now too. Not nearly as short as S4, but growing out a bit and a little spiky/mussed on the top sometimes. I thinks it's adorable in a sexy sort of way. :eek: :D

His tattoo's on the left arm, Yurek.

I agree with you there, Twiz. That sunset scene, they looked awefully close (just the fact that all we can see are their silhouettes), and he did call her "my friend." I'm letting all that roll off my back b/c it's nice to see him not be so angry all the time and actually getting along with everybody.

ETA: Awesome pic, speed_cochrane! :D I love Ryan's hair this season! Just look at those eyes and tell me how you can't fall in love with him? :eek: *oggles* :eek: I would die if he ever looked at me with that same intensity.

I'd be willing to confess to almost anything! :lol: "Yes, Office Wolfe, I'm SOO Guilty... for having a SUPERNOVA CRUSH on YOU!" :devil: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Alrighty y'all...poll time! The thread name looks a little sad without a title to go behind the number.

We'll let it run for two days, and either speed_cochrane or myself will edit in the winning title.

I apologize in advance if I leave out any suggestions.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Jon, if you are reading this, we all love you! (But please do grow your hair out! You're gorgeous anyway, but it was just...like, knockout long. AND MORE SWEATERVESTS!)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

LOL... I see we have a hair debate going on. Okay, well Steph is here to voice her opinion (like anybody cares :lol: )

I think his long hair made him look SOOOO adorable, and was great for season three. He was new, and the hair made it look like he was.

The short hair makes him look SOOOO sexy, and older. It's better for him now.
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