Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
The moustache pic is on 'his' myspace page. (I put his in those quotes because I have no idea if that is really him behind that myspace page - lots of people like to pose as celebs on myspace) It's clearly fake - it doesn't even match his hair color. it looks like he was goofing around and someone captured a candid pic of him with it on.

Hey I was wondering which Myspace page you were refering to. The one I go to he only has like 3 or 4 pictures and none of them I don't recall have a pic of him with a mustche(sp?) Does he have more than one Myspace page? :confused:
Fake mustache

Well there's the ugly mustache.

And Iluv_Ryan, I know you want an icon, but you're posting just about every other post and the time stamps are very close together. That's spamming IMO, and your posts are lacking substance. Sorry, but you'll get your icon soon enough.

You do know that you can post a pic in your signature right? As long as it's no larger than 220x75. ;)
That should do for now, don't you think?

I had a really bad day today, and then I come back to a board that has been seriously spammed the heck out of. :(

But thanks to those who liked the wallpapers and the icons. :)
Thanks for posting the mustache pic! Its...hilarious!! Oh Anyways as CSI_Slasher mentioned, we have been picture-less for a while. Those pics are great that CSI_Slasher posted, but Ill post some too:

Sexy Orange Shirt
Sexy Shiny Green Shirt :D
Sexy Coat and Tie :D
Credit: CSI CAPS
Oh, I acually got yelled about that earlier. but I didn't notice I double post **oops** I am sorry, gosh I feel like an idiot I must have got yelled at like 5 or 6 times today on here....I am not very educated with most of this stuff, (I don't even know what Spamming means :)) So sorry If I have been making anyone mad. I wouldn't not listen to the rules Just to get my stupid icon I can be more patient then that so it wasn't that athlov, it's just I didn't notice I was doing that .... SORRY EVERYONE I MINE AS WELL JUST LEAVE THIS FORUM, **Everyone keeps getting mad at me** :( But hey RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 has been nice to me so...i guess i'll stay..lol...:)
iluv_ryan, spamming can be defined as the following:

Board Rules - Spamming
Spamming can even just be posting too much - as a general rule, don't post more than two or three threads in a forum within a reasonable length of time.

This also goes for everyone else who has been a tad chatty in here tonight. ;) Please keep this in mind.

Also, I don't think it would be too much to ask that y'all please remember to add a little more substance to your posts. Pictures with a few lines are great and dandy, but there is certainly more to discuss than how pretty he is. ;) Thanks to those who have tried starting some discussion. :)

CSI_Slasher said
What made you like Jon/Ryan, and why?

A fine place to start, as there are quite a few new members in here. Also, something to add to that -- What drew you to his character? Do you think he's grown over the past couple of seasons and why? Where do you see his character go in the future? Do you think any storylines will be revisited for him? Does his character stand out from the rest, and why?
CSI_Slasher said:
Does anyone know the story behind this pic?

It looks so...different. Unlike Ryan. I was just wondering.
It's from Urban Hellraisers, and I think it's from near the start where Erica's trying to get some information out of him and he's telling her no comment. He tells her to get lost, basically. Fed up with being used by her. And he's kind of smiling because he's telling himself that he won't get sucked in again, IMO. But that shot has caught him with a strange expression. :rolleyes:

Can I answer just one of your questions, speed cochrane ? For me, he stands out from the rest because he's fallible. He's passionate and he cares about what he does, and the justice of it, and sometimes that leads him into making mistakes. The rest of the cast seem to be too good to be true often. He's learning and making mistakes, and gaining confidence while he does it. And being hot'n'sexy doesn't hurt. :devil:
haven't been online for 3 days now and i'm left behind of all the action here.

*monitor explodes from ryan's hotness!*

and i have a question.

when did Ryan started "dating" Erica ? issit in season 3?
I get the feeling that they already knew each other in S3, and had an on/off dating relationship. When she greeted him on the CSI lab steps in 10-7 they were kind of easy with each other. Like they knew each other well but weren't totally intimate.

At the start of S4, he'd learnt that she was using him for her career, and he was harsh with her, breaking her tap-recorder and so on. And in the beginning of Three-Way, Alexx asks him if he's still seeing Erica, and he says something about Erica being pretty, but he changes the subject quickly. That would suggest to me that he can't quite shake her off completely. Maybe he knows he should, but can't bring himself to sever ties.

Love your banner, BTW, RYANisHAWT.
Ryan was actually dating Erica? He seems to dislike her very much, and I dislike her very much too. She is so annoying o the team when they are trying to work. This might sound relly mean, but in that episode where they were in a hotel room that got shot at, I was hoping she would get hit and leave the show. She angers Ryan so she must go *points to banner* :D
Now to tel you guys something else, I think what makes Ryan different from the rest of the team is that he is emotionally invovled with some cases. Especially "No Mans Land" (m pretty sure thats the title) you could see the anger when he was investigating the boy that got shot on his lawn. And plus-His OCD, that sets him apart and makes him even cuter. :)
A fine place to start, as there are quite a few new members in here. Also, something to add to that -- What drew you to his character? Do you think he's grown over the past couple of seasons and why? Where do you see his character go in the future? Do you think any storylines will be revisited for him? Does his character stand out from the rest, and why?
*waves to newbies* Hi!

Well, I liked Ryan because he was a bit of a goof, he wasn't perfect. he was cute- and he was really just trying to fit in, and it made me feel very sympathetic to him even though I missed Speed so much. I really thought he was a great guy and it's been interesting seeing him evolve into a passionate, sweet, kind, caring person who's more or less a member of the team. he's really come to find his place. 'Man Down' was really the episode where I just thought- he's a CSI now. A real member of the team.

We are seriously spamming this place up. Page 20? Wow.

Geni, thanks for getting the conversation going. It has been interesting to see what people posted in reply to your questions. But here's the question- Geni, you're a Speed fan- is there anything you like about Ryan? :D
Well the credit for the discussion should go to everyone else who has tried to get the ball rollin' in here. ;)

^ That's an interesting question. Uh oh, I've been singled out as a Speed fan. :lol: (Although I'm sure there are a lot who like Ryan regardless of their other character loyalties. Just a matter of preference I guess) I like how different Ryan is from everyone else. He's not afraid to speak his mind, no matter how new he is, or who he's talking to. I find that very appealing that he has such a firey spirit. -- Even if he might get in trouble, he seems fearless about it. (He's also matured a lot since his first episode, and I always love the evolution of characters. It gives them so much substance)

I might not have liked Ryan in the beginning (And some people here can probably testify to that :p) but he's grown on me, and I appreciate him even moreso now. As a Speed fan, I don't really see Ryan as the replacement anymore. (Though I have thought that in the past) I think Ryan/Jon brings something new to the show every week, and it's a lot of fun to watch. :) I know there are still some who don't like Ryan at all because they're a Speed fan. - And this isn't toward anyone in particular on the board - I think if others stopped seeing Ryan as the replacement, but saw him for who his character is, then there wouldn't be this animosity between both groups. - And I know there still is sometimes.

Also, I want to apologize for way back when I was a newbie and kept a very closed mind about Ryan. It's amazing how hostile people can get over a fictional character. :eek: I just hope this thread keeps going strong, and that Jon/Ryan will have a very long and fruitful existance on CSI:Miami. :)
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