Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Try all the people in this thread. I'm hoping Ryan, Calleigh, and H will all be strong supports for Eric. Even though this is an Eric episode, they should give the rest of the cast screentime too. (I'm guessing they will)
Hehe, ah. Welpers, my house gets in an uproar everytime Ryan comes on the screen. Between mom and my sister, I have ot go to my room and turn the TV on just to wtach cause they won't stop talking about how hot he is.

Would that be Felony Flight athlov ?

I just watched Dead Air. It's funny how I get so uncomfortable FOR Ryan when he is asking Eric about Natalia and then again when he is asking Natalia out and then AGAIN when he is asking Eric for some money! It really still bothers me that he left his money home... having OCD and everything!!! I just don't buy it. Although this time around I really listened and he said he left his CASH at home - he didn't say wallet. So maybe... I dunno!
But OMG sweatervest heaven!! LOL
jeez, I leave for school and come back to plenty of posts lol. That tells me I shouldn't go to school, i should just enjoy Jon! lol. I never got to my homework tonight either...
Yah I take this college night course while I'm off from school, apparently there are plenty of Americans b/c there are like a million posts when I get back! (unless you Brits are up at 4 am!) I should just stay home. I should lock myself in my room and post non-stop.
For the pic, I'm pretty sure it's Felony Flight (oh, sorry, someone already said that.)
Sorry for being off topic again.
Guys, guys, slow down! I've never seen so MANY new posts in a single day! Couldn't come online last night cos of homework & classes. I'm pretty far behind now... :confused:
Firstly can I apologise to Speed cochrane. I didn't realise I was posting that fast but I've looked back and you're right. Guess I got a bit carried away.

My mum never says anything about who's hot or not so I have no idea. All I know is that she never misses an episode so gives me more time to have my ryan fix.
Wow! Where did Page 6 go? It is easy to get carried away on this thread - so much hottness! :D

There is a pic of him in OOOO where his tattoo peeks out of the sleeve of his shirt, BTW. It's where he's crouching down, looking at Jessop's badge. I can't really imagine Ryan with a tattoo, although that would be really sexy. I once wrote a story where he had a number of tattoos but he had to undress to show them. :devil: :p

I've just realised something that I should have mentioned before while I've been looking at all these wonderful pics... Jon has beauuuutiful lips! I was looking back to see if there was someone's pic that I could quote as an example, but there are just too many! Maybe I've been distracted by his eyes for too long? *gazes longingly at JT's lips* :p :p :p
Your so right Ali soo much hottness=lots of posts

Theres a pic that Marns posted and i copyed and did a little photoshopping with it and on the pic in bold letters goin across the pic of Jon it says "WANTED" :lol: and at the bottom i said "Prefrably Alive...NOW!" :p i thought id have some fun with it and i ended up making a "wanted" poster :lol: I wish i could post it on here but im not sure how if i figure it out ill post it :D
Sounds good. All you have to do is get a photobucket or imageshack account - they're free - and load it onto there, then you can paste the URL into the URL or image things on the reply page. That's probably more confusing than helpful. I'm sure someone else could explain it better than that. I'm looking forward to seeing the pic though. :D
:eek: Page 7 already? *thud*

lol Riss that pic is hilarious. 'Preferably alive'. :p

I can't really see Ryan with a tattoo either. Maybe that's why we never get a shirtless scene.. They can't because then we'd see his tattoo and the writers don't think it suits him. *insert depressed smiley* I hope that's not why. :confused: We've seen tiny bits of it in Miami so I say just let us see it for gosh sakes. :rolleyes: Everyone knows it's there. But maybe he really is a bad boy, and we just don't know yet. Like in Cop Killer when he asked Calleigh about bad boys. :devil:
If the writers don't want us to see his tattoo, why not just cover it up with make-up! Oooh, yeah, the Cop Killer quotes! They are sooo funny, he just stood there and looked like he wanted to say: "I'm a bad boy" :lol:
*THUD* OMG!! :eek: soo many yummy super sexxay cute pics!! :p

If any newbies have joined since I was last here then I welcome you *gives hugs and cookies* :D

me also agrees bout the tatoo thing - if its one of the reasons they won't have a shirtless ryan scene then thats just stupid.
If the make up artists have the ability to make someone look dead then they have no exscuse not to be able to cover up a tatoo -thats if ryans not meant to have one that is. :rolleyes: :p

o_O me also noticed how kissable his lips are!!! :p
My god I go to sleep wake up and then all of you peoples on the ther side of the planet have posted like crazy! I guess it's the same for you when I and the other peoples on my side of the planet post like crazy when you're sleeping...anyways, lovely pics everyone, love the "wanted" pic bulletgirl91 and so glads everyone enjoyed the tatoo pic I posted. I'll be back with screencaps later today *promises* :D
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