Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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I wanna see him in a Superman outfit... :p :D

Twiz, forgot to say... It's so cute about how your son want a Togo haircut :D Spreading the Togo effect :lol: Way ToGo, Twiz...

Ooh I love men in dress shirts too. He looks sooooo good in them. Especially when the sleeves are rolled up. And I like him wearing a jacket. There's something about men and jackets/suits... I think it makes the shoulder broader or something :p But I'm in love with him in tight shirt right now, because I just saw Driven :D

I don't know why... I wanna see him in a full S.W.A.T outfit... Or at least black shirt and bulletproof vest, something like that... Plus a gun... And him kicking a door down... :D don't ask me why
:lol: I love your sweatervest comparison, Nikki! I have a sweatervest but it's part of my school uniform and it says STA on it.. :rolleyes: No one at my school looks as good as Togo in a sweatervest, though. *sighs* :rolleyes:

OMG. Twiz, he want's a haircut like Jons!? That's awesome..

I want to see him in a S.W.A.T outfit with a gun too. *drools* That'd be nice. :devil: Or you know, I'd settle for a sweatervest this season. We need one! It's like a tradition!!
speed_cochrane said:
He needs to wear something black for once too.

He was completely in black in 'Crime Wave'.
black trousers, black t-shirt and black jacket.
and during the scenes at the graveyard he only wore the black t-shirt without the jacket. :D
but I would love to see him in a black shirt. or a black t-shirt again.

and I agree with you Geni.
He should stop wearing those jackets.
T-shirt or shirts and jeans are ok for me. :D
This is my first post here, when Ryan first came on... I didn't really like him. (Although I have never had anything against the actor himself)I found him a little arrogant and I missed Speed. But now, I really like how his chracter has grown though. I've started liking him in the beginning of Season 5. :DI just realized (rather slowly) how hot he is, with his new haircut especially!

Now you can all slap me for being so slow. :lol:
Glad everyone like my story of my son wanting the togo haircut, he's too funny. Now after 3 years he's finally getting into watching csim with me without making fun of Ryan/Jon.

I agree with Geni and Inge..no more jackets, must tight t shirts and an accassional sweater vest and oh I like the dress shirts if they would leave the top 4 or 5 buttons undone....suit with a tie here and there is fine..he looks so mature in them.
I also have a sweater vest type shirt, it's connected but it's a vest and I didn't really think about it when I bought it until I read it here. I should get a pic someday.
I only got to see the preview for this coming mondays ep once this week but I thought I saw ryan....maybe

ok it wont let me use the spoiler code so possible spoiler
I thought I saw Ryan



shoot his gun...maybe.
athlov said:
It's at CBS.com already if you want to watch it Thumpy.

Thanks athlov...I don't have RealPlayer on my comp at the moment though, so I don't think I'ld be able to see it. ;) I did see a short commercial for it during LV on Thursday. It's not too much longer until Monday anyway.

A Belated Welcome to CHIAWOLFE, and welcome to kissmesweet. :D Glad to have you both join us.
kissmesweet! Hey girl...**WAVES**. Small world, eh? hehe ;)

WELL, I just wanted to drop by and say 'congrats' on the new thread you guys! I need so TogoLovin'. :devil: Of course, we could always use some of that!!!


He's thinking of us...awww. ;)

Anyways, this place used to be my second home...I should stop by here more often...

And hey! Thumpy...Forgive me if I'm a little slow but...You're and Admin now...how awesome for you! Congrats! It's been a while, girl! I hope you are doing *GREAT*! :D
Welcome newbies! *hugs and gives cookies*

I would like to see Ryan in tight jeans and no top. *drool* :p

Dutchie you look adorable in the sweatervest. you are really pretty. :)

I saw the promo on CBS.com but I shouldn't of done because now I am upset because I will have to wait about another year before I can see that episode!! :lol:
Hey I'm slow too...congrates Thumpy on being an orange admin. I didn't know what the color thing meant but YAY for you, now I know who I'm going to when I have a q's..OH wait i've always went to you duh..

Nikki I just looked at your sweatervest pic, I didn't realize it was a pic of you..I guess i'm as slow as my internet lately..but you are just too cute posing like Ryan...awwwww.
kissmesweet! :eek: YOU'RE HERE!!! :D :D Welcome!

About your spoiler, Twiz... :eek: Are you serious??? Omg... I'd faint...

Yeah it's me and my weird gun fetish maybe :rolleyes: :lol: Well it's not me, it's Ryan turning a gun into a sexy thing... :D

Proof: gun porn :p (credits: athlov)

Oh but I fear for him. I mean, if someone gets killed... Imagine how it would affect him.
O.M.G. Irma, those pictures.... :eek: :eek: Look at his arms!! And his jeans! And his gun! And it's also hand!porn *thud* I think I have the same fetish. *nods before falling over*

If Ryan does shoot his gun, there is the possibility that he will just act normal. The writers might just forget. :rolleyes: But that's so exciting if he actually shoots it. I'm scared for him too.
EXACTLY! I just had to praise athlov for capping it *praises athlov* It's 3in1 package. Gun-porn, arm-porn (I know :eek: *thud*), and... err, jeans-porn :p :devil:

You're right. Writers might mess up again :rolleyes: Well who knows, if he does shoot his gun to save someone... And he has to deal with the consequences... But it's been done before. Greg and the whole 'saving someone and getting someone else killed'... Don't think they'd go that way again. But you never know...
THUD....wakes up...THUD.
OMG those pics...the arms...guns...jeans...jeans...
what an eye opener....thanks I needed that.
Has anyone else seen the previews for monday? the other night I saw it during csi lv but I wasn't paying attention and basically missed it, plus it's so fast who can tell. My ISP is too slow to watch it on cbs.com wwaaaaaa.
aw, I feel sorry for you that you can't watch the promo Thumpy. Do you have Media Player? the website asks me every time, if I want the real player or the media player.
but you're right, monday isn't that far away. ;)

about the promo Twiz. can't really help you, it's always so fast. We have the return of Doyle, the TV guy and Ryan gets anry with him.

Why are you writing spoiler codes about Ryan shooting someone? :confused:
I think we're only discussing the 'what if' case, or not?
anyway, I think, it would affect him. He didn't shoot someone during Season 3 or 4, so I assume, he also never did it as patrol officer. IMO, he would be sad about it and then Horatio comes into the picture and talk to him and Ryan would understand that it's sometimes neccessary to protect other people. (I hope this doesn't sound bad, killing someone, even as a cop, is a bad, bad thing).
Thanks LMG and Twiz. :D

LMG...nice to see you back in here, I thought you'd forgotten all about us. ;)

inge...thanks for the heads up, I do have the Media Player. I may go try to check out the promo later. Then again...the last promo I missed was from the episode 'Driven', and I got a very nice surprise that Monday when Ryan popped up in that tshirt. :lol:
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