Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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sandersidle said:
I noticed their chemistry too. It was such a cute scene!! It had me giggling the whole time. :p And for the record, the actual lines are:

Ryan: Alexx, do me a favour, make the image more perpendicular please.
Alexx: *puts camera to face* You wanna come down here and try from my end, honey?
Ryan: No Alexx, you-your doing a wonderful job.

:lol: That was a great scene, I very much enjoyed it myself.

Welcome to all our new members. :D It's great to see so many Jonathan/Ryan fans posting here.

Twiz...I am so sorry about your cat. :( *hugs*
thanks for the bday wish sandersidle:) and omg imagine a bday wish from him?? wow...lol i can't believe i haven't left here yet!! im addicted!!
Sorry Im late for the wishes but Happy B-day anyways!
Not much to say at the moment- just waiting news about Ryan for the upcoming epi- anything?
Twiz, I've known what it's like to lose a pet. (Trust me, my favorite big dog Bear-Bear died one day because we had him on a running chain. Now we have our other big dog Shasta on the same running chain that he was on and she gets tangled up all the time. But that's also because she's blind.) And I'm extremely sorry for the loss of your pet. (I'll send you something later.)

Happy birthday, beLIEve. (I've had to stay offline for a long time. My cousin's been playing SOCOM and then we had to make a food run. And then we've been watching shows.)

Actually, I think... *messages Sil for a big surprise for the Ryan/Jon thread*
Sorry about your cat Twiz. :(

I've been a bad Togo fan and haven't been in this thread in a long time, so thought I'd just pop in and say Howdy! :D

Silhouette,your assemblages are so funny!!!he seems really James bond,but he says "My name is Togo,Jon Togo!"...

he could be the new james bond!!!we could propose him to the production!!!
Federica said:
Silhouette,your assemblages are so funny!!!he seems really James bond,but he says "My name is Togo,Jon Togo!"...

he could be the new james bond!!!we could propose him to the production!!!

"My name is Togo, Jon Togo"? Lol, that's cute!! He'll be such a cute Bond!!

I now imagine him in Cyclop suit....hmm X-Togo...yummy! :p
yes monkey!!!!jon could interpret many characters...

...but "Jon Bond" is better!!!Calleigh could be his Bond-girl,and his chief is Horatio....
yes monkey!!!!jon could interpret many characters...

...but "Jon Bond" is better!!!Calleigh could be his Bond-girl,and his chief is Horatio.... :cool:

but the other characters of CSI which rol would have?
If they decided not to go with a British Bond Jon would get my vote anyday, I wounder how good his English accent is?

but the other characters of CSI which roll would they have?

Calleigh - Bond-girl
Horatio - M (or we could just keep H?)
Alexx- Q! She would make a great Q I can picture her giveing out gadgets.
Eric - I think he could be his American info broker, Bond's had at lest two of those. (Or if your a slash fan he could be his Bond Boy :devil:)

PS Sorry I've not been around much I've only just discoverd my e-mail updates have been going to my trash bin :(
hey y'all I have not been here for ages.

Im really sorry to hear about your cat Twiz losing a pet is the worst ever but his/her spirit will stay with you.
hope you feel better soon *hugs*

OMG!! The gorgeous one in a bond outfit!! how sexy is that!
*drools* :p
Sil your da best ever *hug* how come you are soo good with photoshop? I is jealeous. :lol:
Federica said:
Silhouette,your assemblages are so funny!!!he seems really James bond,but he says "My name is Togo,Jon Togo!"...
:lol: I was thinking that too!! But more the 'Jon Bond' one :lol: Thanks btw

Thanks to everyone else too. Glad you guys like it :D Nice comments feed my manip bunny ;) AliGtr, my manips used to be SO horrible too... *shudders to think* BEYOND horrible even, a mutant is not even close :lol: I think it gets better the more you do it. Can't say I'm that good, it still gets so mutant-looking sometimes, but practise is fun when it's Togo :p :D *hugs ryan_lover back*

Calleigh could be his Bond girl? :lol: Yes she could!

(click for bigger view)

"My name is Bond... Jonathan Bond."

I haven't got the chance to post this one cuz I was sick :( Not that satisfied with this one though... But hope you like. *cough* Calleigh as Bond-girl, as you wish :D
Thanks for the good luck btw, sandersidle. Almost missed my exam yesterday :eek: Stuck in horrible horrible traffic for almost 2 hours! Grrr... But thank God I made it, juuust THIS close from failing! Hmm maybe my manips got blessings from the Temple Of Togo :lol:

Sorry to hear about your cat, Twiz! :(
I like Jonathan Bond... But I prefer Ryan Bond better! (That's what I've decided to call him everytime I see him with a gun. I'm gonna say, "Ohhhh, there's Ryan Bond!!!")
OMG. I love your new manip Silhouette!! His bow thing is untied. :eek: *faints* A mutant?? :lol: I haven't seen any that even look close to mutants ;) They look SO HOT. :)

ohhh Bond. Jon Bond. *giggles* :D Oh and I LOVE the idea of Calleigh being her 'Bond Girl' ;) (Of course I do). I think that Boa could be the villian that Jon Bond stops. :D

Aww Silhouette, that sucks about the traffic! You almosted failed? (Oh and i'm glad your feeling better. :))
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