Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

Sorry! I totally meant to pick a winner earlier, but I had to run off to dance class, =( (Irish is kicking my hiney, lol)

Anyway, runner up is GF:
Let me see you smile <--- the CUTEST geeky smile I've ever seen, :adore:

But winner is BDS:
eeeeek <--- Cracks me up! Poor baby does NOT like the grody... lol.
Me? Really? Wow :D
Thank you GG:)

So after putting down a list of all themes (had run outta ideas) I decided to pick out
Ryan scenes from seasons 5 and 6

See ya in 24-36 but I hope my connection won't broke again.
Have fun!
Congrats BDS. I'll be posting later today.I doubt if my supervisor would appreciate me being late looking for Ryan pics even though I think it would be worth it.
Yes we did hear.We are all excited for him.
This particular thread is for our picture posting game. There is a thread for posting comments,etc. for Ryan and or Jon.
Yes we did hear.We are all excited for him.
This particular thread is for our picture posting game. There is a thread for posting comments,etc. for Ryan and or Jon.

Yes I realized that after I posted about the award. So basically that was an accidental post on the wrong thread. My apologies.

I love all the pictures btw. :)
GF tnx:) I'll be waiting. I'll enjoy my time with Jon;)
Hmm yeah I remember myself glancing at Jon during work/school time:lol:

lal welcome :beer: nice to see you here. Glad you could join:D

I'll check out in the morn (when it's be in this country).
Ok that was hard to choose. GF you've got really good set there.
And lal these were so great to see before sleep, really boosted some good dreams *cough*

But the winner of this round is GG with Bu--! He was dead!

That was great episode and the scene at morgue always cracks me up. So I hand Jon to you. Have fun! ;)
Oh, thanks! I better post a theme right now because I'm gonna be gone ALL DAY at a feis.

So, next theme is Running. I'll come choose a winner later tomorrow once I've recovered from today. Hopefully that'll give more time for others to join in, =).